Department for Transport must update criteria for speed camera use says Oldham Liberal Democrat Leader

Department for Transport must update criteria for speed camera use says Oldham Liberal Democrat Leader

Oldham Council’s Liberal Democrat Leader councillor Howard Sykes MBE has called again on the Department for Transport (DfT) to change its criteria for new speed cameras.

Councillor Sykes said, “All of the evidence shows us that speed cameras reduce fatalities and injuries.  One death on our roads is one too many.  Yet in 2022, 64 people were killed on Greater Manchester’s roads.  But outdated rules and regulations are getting in the way of the consideration of using cameras to combat speeding.”

Local councils, Greater Manchester Police and the Highways Agency can only deploy resources like speed cameras when they follow strict and now out of date guidance set out by the Department for Transport.

Currently, the DfT requires “at least two collisions resulting in people killed or seriously injured” within a three-year period before a new speed camera can be even considered.

Councillor Sykes said, “It’s completely unacceptable that the current system requires such a grave human cost before action can be taken.  This is not prevention.  We need a complete change in the way we calculate and respond to risk on our roads.”   

Councillor Sykes raised the issue recently at Greater Manchester’s ‘Bee Network’ transport committee, who agreed with his concerns.  It has now written to the Secretary of State for Transport Mark Harper MP calling for the ‘two deaths rule’ to be changed. 

Sykes, who represents the Liberal Democrats on the committee, said, “In Oldham and across Greater Manchester, we want zero deaths and serious injuries on our roads.  But these morbid and outdated rules need to change for us to achieve that.  I hope the Secretary of State will act without delay.” 


Current DfT requirements for speed cameras in more detail
How dangerous does a road have to be to get a speed camera? – Ageas

Bee Network Letter to Secretary of State Mark Harper MP attached

Councillor Sykes some of his past comments/action on this matter

Action needed on speed cameras to save lives say Liberal Democrats – Howard Sykes (

Secrecy over speed camera criteria “is something North Korea would be very proud of,” says Liberal Democrat Leader – Howard Sykes (

Metrolink litter clean up

Pleased to report Metrolink did some litter picking around the Tram stop following our request.

We have also asked for more work to be done and also at the stop on the lines themselves but this takes time to organise with health and safety considerations.

At the end of the day the litter is generated by users of the tram stop rather that use the bins provided or take their litter home.

Liberal Democrats “ready to deliver for all of Oldham” with council budget amendment

Liberal Democrats “ready to deliver for all of Oldham” with council budget amendment

Oldham Council’s Liberal Democrat Opposition will set out their amendment to Labour’s budget later this week at the Governance, Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Board (8/2/24) before taking it to full council on 28 February 24. 

Liberal Democrat Deputy Leader and Shadow Cabinet Member for Finance, councillor Sam Al-Hamdani said, “We are ambitious for Oldham.  People are fed up with a council which fails to deliver the basics under Labour.” 

“Liberal Democrat councillors have listened to the residents we represent and its clear that for too long, the Labour dominated council has spent too long obsessing over Oldham town centre and neglecting our districts and villages.” 

“Our budget plans are relentlessly focused on delivering safer streets, rejuvenating our parks and green spaces; improving our district centres; investing in crime prevention; and funding more youth.”

This February, councils up and down the country will set their budgets for the next financial year with the cost-of-living crisis still raging.  Oldham councillors will vote on final plans at a Civic Centre meeting on Wednesday 28th February. 

Oldham Liberal Democrat Leader councillor Howard Sykes MBE said, “This is a challenging time.  But it’s our residents who face the biggest challenges, with runaway energy bills, mortgages, and prices in shops.  People expect the council to put resources into frontline services.  But we’ve identified more than £300,000 worth of wasteful spending across council departments and that money would be better spent on vital youth services, on our green spaces and on our pavements and roads.”

“Our plans reflect the priorities of residents, and they demonstrate that the Liberal Democrats are ready to deliver for all of Oldham.”   

Budget amendment papers attached.

“Let our residents decide”

“Let our residents decide”. 

Liberal Democrat Parish Councillor Tom Penketh who is Deputy Leader of the opposition on Shaw and Crompton Parish Council has said “The so called ‘Shaw and Crompton Independents’ are treating the good residents of our area as fools.

Since the May elections, the so called Independents have chosen to appoint only themselves on all committees of the council with no opposition members to have any input on any decision-making process, and completely avoiding scrutiny. This is undemocratic and they are preventing residents of Shaw and Crompton from being represented by the people they voted for.”

Cllr Penketh added “They have also chosen to go for Town Council status, something which I have checked with other Town and Parish Councils and the only difference between a parish and town council is that a town council may wish to call their chairman ‘Mayor’ and their Vice Chairman ‘Deputy Mayor’. Functionality wise there is no difference, there are no extra powers and no extra funding. It’s simple, the so called Independents are after a power grab!” 

He continued by saying, “The so called Independents used the excuse that they want to educate people and re brand, why can’t they educate people about the parish council now rather than spend money for no reason at all? They claimed that in their campaigning in May, people wanted this change, I’ve not spoken to anyone who has said anything of the sort, in fact quite the opposite. I’ve had people asking me why they are doing it, stating we are a village not a town and that they don’t want to be a town.”

A founding member and former Chairman of the Parish Council said “In 1987 when the Parish Council was formed, the suggested name was Crompton Parish Council. The elected Parish Councillors consulted the people of the Parish Council area as to their preference for the name of the Council.  There were six options, Shaw and Crompton Parish Council was the most popular and Crompton Town Council the least popular, with Shaw and Crompton Town Council next least popular.”

They added, “Names of where you live are important, it should be remembered that the Shaw and Crompton Parish Council area covers the communities of High Crompton, Rushcroft, Buckstones, Pingot, Shawside, Shore Edge, Cowlishaw, Netherhouse, Shaw, Buttonhole and Holebottom. Also included are the communities of Heyside and High Barn, both in Royton. Therefore at least 10% of the people in the Shaw and Crompton Parish Council area live in Royton.”

They concluded with, “The residents of the Shaw and Crompton Parish Council area should be consulted in a referendum by a public vote to coincide with the local elections in 2024, on any change of name.”

Cllr Penketh finished by saying, “This year will be the 37th Anniversary of the Parish Council and the so called Independents have so far done everything they can to undermine and demolish the hard work and memory of very committed and respected former councillors.

Of course, they will talk bad about the history of the council and its councillors, but what do you expect with party politics! It’s simple, Oldham is our town and Shaw & Crompton is our parish, where the parish council is about our residents, and it should be their choice!”

Council bosses slammed as only 13 of 60 Oldham Councillors found to have a valid DBS check

Council bosses slammed as only 13 of 60 Oldham Councillors found to have a valid DBS check

The Leader of Oldham Council’s Liberal Democrat Opposition councillor Howard Sykes MBE has slammed council bosses after it emerged that just 13 of Oldham’s 60 elected councillors hold a valid DBS check. 

DBS stands for Disclosure and Barring Service.  A DBS check is a way for employers to check your criminal record, to help decide whether you are a suitable person to work for them. This includes deciding whether it is suitable for you to work with children or vulnerable adults.

Councillor Sykes said, “It is completely outrageous that the council has allowed a situation where so many elected members have not had these checks.  It has long been standard practice for all councillors to have a valid DBS check.  This is a disgrace; and it makes a mockery of any claims that Oldham Council is getting the basics right.”

Councillor Sykes has written to Oldham’s Chief Executive Harry Catherall and the Leader of the Council Arooj Shah demanding that the outstanding DBS checks are actioned immediately.

“The Council is trying to re-assure the public about CSE but allows something like this to lapse, it does not fill me or public with confidence,” he added.  “No wonder, when I first asked for this information back in 2023, it was refused.”

In his letter to Mr Catherall and councillor Shah, councillor Sykes said, “As you will be aware, just 13 of Oldham’s 60 councillors have current DBS checks.  What actions will you take to ensure due diligence is carried out and by what date can we expect completed DBS checks on all elected members?

Dunwood Park tennis courts

More than £200K has been made available by the Lawn Tennis Association to improve tennis courts across the Borough.

Dunwood Park Courts will receive £19,290.

The improvements include resurfacing, new fencing, gating, and line marking.

Work will start soon to be ready for summer, but this will mean temporary court closures.

“No Pride in Labour”

“No Pride in Labour”

Crompton Liberal Democrat Councillor Louie Hamblett was recently surprised to learn that the Oldham Labour administration had taken the former St Mary’s independent Councillor Aftab Hussain back onto its benches in the council chamber.

This despite the fact during last year’s election campaign Councillor Hussain’s team delivered anti LGBT+ leaflets which both then previous leader of Oldham council condemned and said they would refer to Greater Manchester Police as a hate crime.

Councillor Hamblett who also chairs Oldham pride said “With Oldham Pride looking to celebrate its 20th Anniversary this year both myself and the committee are really looking forward to working with all to making this event a huge success”

Councillor Hamblett also added ”this year’s pride is being celebrated a stone’s throw from Cllr Hussain’s ward, so I hope his admittance to Labour means that he now totally rejects the leaflet delivered in his name and he will now join other Labour members in celebrating Oldham Pride this year”. 

Cllr Hamblett concludes: “I worry that, without this clarification and promise from Cllr Hussain, Labour’s claim to want to make Oldham a diverse and welcoming place is another empty promise.”

 Notes: Article regarding the leaflet:

Consultation on the Draft Oldham Local Plan – Deadline Extended to 25 February 2024

The Draft Oldham Local Plan consultation deadline has been extended to 11:59pm Sunday 25 February 2024. See poster at bottom.

Public drop-in sessions have also been arranged on the following dates where you can find out more about the Draft Oldham Local Plan:

Monday 29 January

3pm until 7pm – Shaw Lifelong Learning Centre, High Street, Shaw, OL2 8TB

Monday 29 January

3pm until 7pm – Chadderton Library and Wellbeing Centre, Burnley Street, Chadderton, OL9 0JW

Wednesday 31 January

10am until 7pm – Performance Space, Gallery Oldham, Greaves Street, Oldham, OL1 1AL

Thursday 1 February

3pm until 7pm – Whitekirk Hall, Failsworth Town Hall, Oldham Road, Failsworth, M35 0FJ,

Thursday 1 February

3pm until 7pm – Council chamber, Uppermill Civic Hall, Lee Street, Uppermill, OL3 6AE

Holocaust Memorial Day – remembered in Shaw on Saturday 27 January at Crompton War Memorial

Was great to attend the above local event again. Important we never forget the Holocaust and other genocides that have happened since.

The weather was cold but dry this year. Many thanks to my friend and colleague councillor Diane Williamson (pictured) for helping lead the act of memorial along with Rev Katy from Holy Trinity.