Grains Road (part), Shaw closed for 2 days – 6am – 2pm from Thursday 6 June

Grains Road (part), Shaw closed for 2 days – 6am – 2pm from Thursday 6 June.

Grains Road is closed between Hannerton Road & Buckstones Road.

The restrictions are required to allow carriageway repairs in preparation for the Women’s Tour of Britain Race on Sunday 9th June 2024.

The works will take place over 2 days between 6am and 2pm starting on Thursday 6th June.

The alternative route for those affected by the restriction shall be Buckstones Road and Hillside Avenue.

“Perhaps the Women’s Tour of Britain can ride some other streets in Shaw and Crompton if it gets them repaired,” stated Liberal Democrat councillor Howard Sykes. 🙂

Volunteers are invited to help halt the progress of Himalayan balsam, an invasive plant on Crompton Moor

Volunteers are invited to help halt the progress of Himalayan balsam, an invasive plant on Crompton Moor.

The pink-flowered non-native species smothers riverside/stream habitats; harms native plants, and leaves banks bare and subject to erosion when it dies down.

It has to be pulled up or ‘bashed’ before seed pods explode and spread.

Himalayan balsam was introduced to the UK for ornamental gardens but spread into the wild.

If you can spare a couple of hours to help, we will be meeting in….

Brushes Clough Car Park

On the following dates:





For further information please contact:

Marian Herod, Secretary, Friends of Crompton Moor     Tel: 07792 156295  OR Margaret Bluer on 07725 335840

Top cyclists from around the world will be racing through Shaw and Crompton

Get ready as Oldham hosts the Tour of Britain Women 2024 on Sunday 9 June 2024.

Residents are invited to line the streets and watch the top female riders compete through Failsworth, Oldham town centre, Saddleworth, and Shaw. You can see the full route here

Greater Manchester, named the first ever European Capital of Cycling for 2024, will welcome stage four of the race. Some of the biggest names in women’s cycling will compete over 99km and 1,615m of elevation. The winner of the first ever Tour of Britain Women will be determined at the end of this stage.

The final stage of the race will start at Greater Manchester: National Cycling Centre and finish in Leigh.

This event will be watched by millions across the country, highlighting Oldham’s beautiful landscape and hopefully inspiring more people to get active in our borough.

This event follows the success of the Tour of Britain 2023, which featured the men’s competition in our borough.

The Woodlands Café at Dunwood Park

The Woodlands Café at Dunwood Park.

Your local Liberal Democrat councillors are shocked at the news that GP Care Services who operate The Woodlands Café at Dunwood Park have announced that due to staffing shortages they will be ending their contract and vacating the premises.

Both elected members and the Friends of Dunwood Park have had a really good working relationship with the staff and managers who have helped with a number of events along with ensuring that the park had plenty activities on all year round. From brass band and music events, open days at the growing hub, Halloween and a pumpkin trail, A dinosaur dash at Easter event, outdoor markets, and Dunwood Wagg around Dog Show.

The hope is to get the building back open as soon as possible especially as the toilets are open to the public, so the building really does provide a vital service to the community, and I know my colleagues and the council will do their best to get a new operator in place before summer kicks in.

6 June 1944 D-Day: The Allies Invade Europe

Landing craft and ships unload troops and supplies at Omaha Beach a few days after D-Day. (Photo: Conseil Régional de Basse-Normandie / US National Archives).

6 June 1944 D-Day: The Allies Invade Europe

In May 1944, the Western Allies were finally prepared to deliver their greatest blow of the war, the long-delayed, cross-channel invasion of northern France, code-named Overlord.

After much deliberation, it was decided that the landings would take place on the long, sloping beaches of Normandy.  There, the Allies would have the element of surprise.

Planners had divided the landing zone into five separate beaches. The Americans landed at Utah and Omaha beaches. The British and Canadians landed at Gold, Juno, and Sword beaches.  

For further information:

I have visited these beaches on two occasions, and it is very moving, and you do not get a grasp of the size and scale of this invasion until you have.

We must never forget those who lost their lives (or were injured) and their families. RIP.

Nazi uniform councillor sparks outrage after calling “sieg heil” in Town Council meeting

Nazi uniform councillor sparks outrage after calling “sieg heil” in Town Council meeting

The conduct of Councillor Marc Hince has sparked intense scrutiny and controversy in Shaw and Crompton due to recent revelations.  Images portraying Councillor Hince in a Nazi uniform have surfaced, compounding the situation.  Despite attempting to excuse the uniform as a past fancy dress choice, his recent use of the phrase “sieg heil” during a Town Council meeting has elicited significant shock and outrage.

Councillor Tom Penketh, who sits on Shaw and Crompton Town Council, condemned Councillor Hince’s actions, stating, “What I witnessed in the meeting that night was disgusting and an insult to the people of our town and country as a whole. An elected councillor has used a Nazi phrase, which praises Hitler, and tried to laugh it off.”

Cllr Penketh added, “We have a strong community of veterans in Shaw and Crompton, both through our British Legion branch and the veterans located at The Cartshaft.  I wonder how they feel after Cllr Hince’s abhorrent behaviour?  There is no place for fascist beliefs in our country let alone our town. It is clear to me people are starting to see the real Marc Hince, and as the saying goes, a leopard never changes its spots!  Cllr Hince should publicly apologise and resign immediately”.

As well as being a sitting Town Councillor, Mark Hince has recently been made Chair of Planning on Oldham Borough Council, following a power-sharing deal with the Labour Party.

Fly-tipping Grains Road, Shaw

Fly-tipping Grains Road, Shaw.

Please to report the above fly-tipping has now been removed.

If anybody has any information on who keeps doing this here and elsewhere in Shaw please let me know and we will see if we can get them prosecuted.

Email me any details.

Lets try and stamp our this behaviour that bights our area.