Christmas lights face uncertain future in Shaw and Crompton but safe for this year

Christmas lights face uncertain future in Shaw and Crompton but safe for this year

Liberal Democrat Councillors have again agreed to fund the Christmas Lights in Shaw town centre this year in totality after the ‘so-called Independent’ councillors refused to share the costs of the Christmas Lights in Shaw town centre.

Councillor Howard Sykes said, “For years Shaw and Crompton Liberal Democrat Councillors have funded the Christmas lights, which includes purchasing motifs, repairs, storage, electrical testing, installation, and removal costs.  In addition, we provide a grant to the Events Committee so that we do something extra for our residents rather than just switching the lights on.  We have concerns that as our budgets are no doubt reduced further by Oldham Council that the future of the Christmas lights and the event are in jeopardy and could be cancelled completely in future years which would be a massive backward step.”

Councillor Diane Williamson who is the Opposition Spokesperson for the districts teams added, “This is quite a lot of money from our local budgets, but it is what people have told us they want.  Perhaps the ghosts of Christmas past, present and future can visit councillors Marc ‘Ebenezer’ Hince and Lisa ‘Scrooge’ Navesey to convince them sharing the costs, putting politic on one side, is the right thing to do for our residents.  It now means that even less money is now spent throughout the year on other projects and issues in Shaw and Crompton.”


Please see below email from council officers confirming that Independents refuse to share costs.

Hi All

Just to confirm that we have asked the Shaw Independent Cllrs whether they would like to part fund the Christmas lights this year and they have declined. So that means that you will all be part funding the lights together as discussed at our last briefing.

North District Team, Oldham Council



Oldham Council intend to make a Temporary Order under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, the effect of which will be to prohibit vehicles from proceeding along that part of Unnamed access road at Market Place Car Park at rear of Tesco Express Shaw from Farrow Street East for 15 metres in a northerly direction.

The alternative route will be via Farrow Street East/Market Street/High Street/Westway.

The Order is to be made because of contractors carrying out roof repairs on the Tesco Express building and will be in force for 4 weeks from 4th November 2024, or until the works have been completed, whichever is the earlier.

FOR HELP AND ADVICE – Shaw and Crompton Liberal Democrat Councillor Surgeries (no appointment necessary) in November 2024

FOR HELP AND ADVICE – Shaw and Crompton Liberal Democrat Councillor Surgeries (no appointment necessary) in November 2024.

Pop along for advice, help or to discuss any issue or matter with your local Liberal Democrat councillors.

Shaw and Crompton Advice Surgeries (no appointment necessary) held on the following Thursdays at Shaw Lifelong Learning Centre – 7:30pm to 8:30pm.

November: 7, 14, 21 and 28.

Salmon Fields Royton Traffic island and traffic safety improvement works 9pm to 5am over 2 nights 4+5 November

Salmon Fields Royton Traffic island and traffic safety improvement works 9pm to 5am over 2 nights 4+5 November.

The road will be closed on both of these dates at these times.

The restrictions are required to facilitate traffic island and traffic safety improvements and will be in force on both 4th and 5th November 2024 between 9pm and 5am each night or until the works are completed whichever is the lesser period .

Bonfire Night and Firework Extravaganza Shaw Cricket Club Saturday 2 November 24

Bonfire Night and Firework Extravaganza Shaw Cricket Club Saturday 2 November 24.

Shaw Cricket Club promises a ‘night to remember’ at their annual bonfire event.

With a bar, food and fairground rides open from 4pm, the fire lighting at 6pm and fireworks from 7.30pm.

The organisers have asked attendees to consider using public transport to attend as there will be no parking at the club. 

Saturday, November 2 – Shaw Cricket Club, Mark Lane, OL2 8QG.

Tickets are £5 for adults, £3 for kids or £15 for family (two adults, two kids).

Those with accessibility needs should email:

Parish councillors push for health in planning

Parish councillors push for health in planning.

The desperate need for healthcare to be taken into account when considering planning applications has been raised by Saddleworth Parish Councillors Michael Powell and Sam Al-Hamdani.

The Councillors ensured Saddleworth Parish Council will write to the Deputy Prime Minister and the Department of Housing to challenge the legal restrictions on planning decision makers to consider lack of healthcare when making planning decisions.

Michael said: “We hear the same thing again and again: when planning decisions come up, people say ‘Where are the GPs, and where are the dentists?’. The problem is not that people are against houses, it is simply that they are against houses without the infrastructure that is needed with them. And they are right.

“Right now, the Government are planning to increase targets for housebuilding in our area by around 40%. How can they do that without increasing GP provision and without providing more NHS dentists?”

The Parish Council heard the motion at its October 28 meeting. While the Parish Council has no authority to change the rules on this, it is in a position to advocate for change.

Sam added: “This is one of the things a good Parish Council can do. People feel unheard. There’s only so many times you can make the same complaint with nothing happening before you decide people aren’t on your side.

“Well we are on people’s side, and we are listening. I’ll always be honest about what we can achieve, and what powers we have, but if you’re one of the people who has said ‘but what about access to doctors?’ then we’re on your side, we’re listening, and we want the same thing.”

NO METROLINK SERVICE ANYWHERE – Sunday 3 and 17 November until 9.00am, normal service back by 10:30am

NO METROLINK SERVICE ANYWHERE – Sunday 3 and 17 November until 9.00am, normal service back by 10:30am.

Due to Tram System Hardware Testing no trams will operate on any line until 9:00am, with services back to normal on most lines by approximately 10:30am.

A Metrolink replacement bus service will not be in operation as the scope of the work incorporates the entire network.

More than £5,000 Town Council rebrand blasted for botched use of Latin

More than £5,000 Town Council rebrand blasted for botched use of Latin.

Shaw and Crompton Town Council has been blasted after a name change and design rebrand costing taxpayers more than £5,000.  The switch from a ‘Parish Council’ to a ’Town Council’ has been pushed through by so-called Shaw and Crompton Independent councillors. 

The move comes with no new powers for the authority, but Freedom of Information data has revealed that the rebrand cost the council £5,112, including money spent on badges, pins and flags sporting the new council logo. 

Liberal Democrat councillor for Crompton, Dave Murphy, has blasted the new logo for its “botched use of Latin.”

The new council motto reads “Nostrum oppidum, nostra communitas, nostra ambitus” which translates as “Our town, our community, our circumference.”

Councillor Murphy said, “It’s embarrassing to think that the Shaw and Crompton Independents have spent all this money and not bothered to ask an expert.  It’s very clear they just put a few words into Google Translate.”

According to a teacher from a leading Manchester school where Latin is taught, the new logo is riddled with basic mistakes and poor grammar.  For example, ‘ambitus’ is a masculine word in Latin, meaning ‘nostra’ should really be ‘noster’.  Capital letters should not be used in this case as they are reserved for proper nouns. 

Councillor Diane Williamson, who represents Crompton North on the Town Council, said, “If we’re going to use a language like Latin we should at least be getting it right.  This is just embarrassing.  If the so-called Independents had carried out a consultation in the first place, rather than internet translation, the council could have got the community involved and got proper advice on the translation.”


Please see below from Manchester School.

Dear Dave,

Apologies for the delay in getting back to you – it’s been a mad week!

The first two parts of the translation look fine to me: ‘nostrum oppidum, nostra communitas’ translates to ‘our town, our community,’ although none of the letters should be capitalised, as Latin only capitalises proper nouns. However, the third part is problematic: ‘ambitus’ means something more like ‘circumference’ in English and is also a masculine word, so would need ‘noster’ rather than ‘nostra.’

I’m not sure that Latin has an exact equivalent for what we would term ‘environment’ in a modern sense; the closest thing I can think of off the top of my head would be something like ‘noster ager’ – literally ‘our field, our countryside,’ but its extended meaning is ‘the whole of the soil belonging to a community,’ which might fit quite nicely. ‘nostrum rus’ would be similar, emphasising countryside/green spaces as opposed to a city space.

Other options would be ‘nostra circumiacentia’ – more like ‘our surroundings’ or ‘the areas around us’ and ‘nostra habitatio’ would equate to more like ‘the place where we live/our habitat.’

I’m very happy to put you in touch with one of my contacts at Manchester University, who might be able to think of something more accurate, if that would help? Just let me know.

Kind regards,