Christmas lights face uncertain future in Shaw and Crompton but safe for this year
Liberal Democrat Councillors have again agreed to fund the Christmas Lights in Shaw town centre this year in totality after the ‘so-called Independent’ councillors refused to share the costs of the Christmas Lights in Shaw town centre.
Councillor Howard Sykes said, “For years Shaw and Crompton Liberal Democrat Councillors have funded the Christmas lights, which includes purchasing motifs, repairs, storage, electrical testing, installation, and removal costs. In addition, we provide a grant to the Events Committee so that we do something extra for our residents rather than just switching the lights on. We have concerns that as our budgets are no doubt reduced further by Oldham Council that the future of the Christmas lights and the event are in jeopardy and could be cancelled completely in future years which would be a massive backward step.”
Councillor Diane Williamson who is the Opposition Spokesperson for the districts teams added, “This is quite a lot of money from our local budgets, but it is what people have told us they want. Perhaps the ghosts of Christmas past, present and future can visit councillors Marc ‘Ebenezer’ Hince and Lisa ‘Scrooge’ Navesey to convince them sharing the costs, putting politic on one side, is the right thing to do for our residents. It now means that even less money is now spent throughout the year on other projects and issues in Shaw and Crompton.”
Please see below email from council officers confirming that Independents refuse to share costs.
Hi All
Just to confirm that we have asked the Shaw Independent Cllrs whether they would like to part fund the Christmas lights this year and they have declined. So that means that you will all be part funding the lights together as discussed at our last briefing.
North District Team, Oldham Council