“Excellent and long overdue”: Sykes welcomes trial of cycles on trams

“Excellent and long overdue”: Sykes welcomes trial of cycles on trams

Leader of Oldham Council’s Opposition and Greater Manchester Liberal Democrat spokesperson for Transport councillor Howard Sykes MBE has welcomed news that Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) will trial a scheme for push bikes to be allowed onto trams.  

Councillor Sykes said, “This is excellent and long overdue news for public transport users in Oldham and Greater Manchester.”

“The Liberal Democrats believe we should be making public transport as accessible as we can to encourage more people to make journeys on the tram.  Cycling is an increasingly popular and cost-effective way to get about.  Our public transport services should adapt to encourage that.” 

Metrolink currently allows foldable bikes on trams.  Certain sizes of mobility scooters are also allowed, subject to a permit scheme.  TfGM is this week (25/01/24) are considering permitting non-folding bikes on Metrolink services on a trial basis.  Consideration is also being given to adapted bikes used as mobility aids, scooters and a broader range of mobility scooters than are currently permitted.

Councillor Sykes said, “Clearly considerations need to be made to make sure that bikes can be stored safely and in a way that doesn’t add delay or disruption to other passengers.  But this is very good news indeed and something I have been calling for TfGM to look at for a long time.”

The trial is expected to be undertaken later this year with a report on its success to be brought before Greater Manchester’s ‘Bee Network’ committee in the Summer.  The committee will then decide whether the move becomes permanent.   

Committee member Sykes said, “Similar trials have been a success in the past.  I previously called for a trial allowing dogs on trams, a move that was made permanent after a successful trial period.  This bikes trial is an excellent opportunity to improve our public transport offer.”

Sykes calls for bikes on trams trial (Feb 2023)

Councillor Sykes calls on transport bosses to allow bicycles on trams   – Howard Sykes (mycouncillor.org.uk)

Sykes writes to council Chief Executive after members of the council failed to make council tax payments   

Sykes writes to council Chief Executive after members of the council failed to make council tax payments    

The Leader of Oldham Council’s Liberal Democrat Opposition councillor Howard Sykes MBE has written to the Council’s Chief Executive following the recent news that several serving Oldham councillors have received legal summons after failing to make council tax payments. 

Three Oldham councillors are reported to be in breach of council tax rules.  One from Labour, one from the Failsworth Independent Party, as well as another Independent councillor. 

In his letter to the Civic Centre boss Harry Catherall, councillor Sykes said, “Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 makes it an offence for a councillor who is in council tax arrears to vote at a meeting of the council where financial matters relating to council tax are being considered.”

The Liberal Democrat Leader has sought assurances from Mr Catherall that members of the council who were in council tax arrears took steps to exclude themselves from decisions on financial matters.  He also asks if any extra costs have been incurred as a result of late payments.

Councillor Sykes said, “The public deserve to have every confidence that their elected representatives are upholding the law.  At a time of immense financial pressure for our residents, these reports only serve to further heighten public anger and mistrust in the council.”


More on Oldham councillors missing council tax payments

Three Oldham councillors missed a council tax bill recently | The Oldham Times

Sykes writes to Oldham’s Chief Executive


Harry Catherall
Chief Executive of Oldham Council

Dear Mr Catherall, 

RE: Councillors in receipt of council tax summons   

I am writing to express concern at the recent news that several serving Oldham councillors have received legal summons because of failing to make council tax payments. 

As you will know, section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 makes it an offence for a councillor who is in council tax arrears (with at least two months unpaid bills) to vote at a meeting of the council, a committee, or cabinet meeting where financial matters relating to council tax are being considered.  It is also an offence if any such councillor present, who is aware of the arrears, fails to disclose that they are in arrears of council tax.

I ask that you therefore clarify the position relating to each individual members of Oldham Council who is affected. 

  1. In the case of each, were members present at meetings relating to council tax? 
  2. Did members disclose their position in relation to council tax arrears? 
  3. Where votes were held, did members excuse themselves from those votes? 

The public deserve to have every confidence that their elected representatives are upholding the law.  It does great reputational damage to Oldham Council when elected members are brought into disrepute over council tax and contravenes several of the Nolan principles for standards in public life. 

At a time of immense financial pressure for our residents, these reports only serve to further heighten public anger and mistrust. 

Therefore, I am also writing to ask whether Oldham Council has incurred any further costs in relation to outstanding council tax among elected members or in relation to collecting backdated council tax from councillors.  

I look forward to your response.  

Best wishes.

Councillor Howard Sykes MBE

Bus services in Oldham and Greater Manchester have reduced by as much as 56% in the last decade

Bus services in Oldham and Greater Manchester have reduced by as much as 56% in the last decade

Bus services in Greater Manchester have been reduced dramatically in the last decade according to recent figures uncovered by the University of Leeds and Friends of the Earth.  The research shows that bus frequency is down 33% across the Greater Manchester region which is serviced by Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM). 

For Oldham, the figure is 36% and in some parts of the borough, like Shaw, the figure is a shocking 56%. 

Shaw representative and Greater Manchester Transport Spokesperson for the Liberal Democrats councillor Howard Sykes MBE said, “These figures show just how hollowed out our public transport services have become.”

“We have the tram, which provides a vital service to people in Shaw and across Oldham.  But people also rely on local bus services.  Especially the elderly, those who are disabled and young people.”

“Over recent years it has been a constant battle to try to maintain the local services we have.  People have sadly gotten used to seeing reduced services and chaotic changes to timetables.”

“It remains to be seen how Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham’s recent move to take bus services back into public ownership will impact these issues.  Will he and TfGM seize the opportunity to reverse this decline?  Or can residents in Oldham and Greater Manchester expect more of the same? 

University of Leeds & Friends of the Earth report in full:
Bus services outside London plummet – new research   | Friends of the Earth

Message from Oldham Council re today’s bin collections Friday 19 Jan 24

Update: Waste and recycling collections during Yellow Weather Warning for Snow & Ice

Friday 19th the teams have been and are currently out emptying waste and recycling bins as best they can.

However, the snow and icy conditions mean our bin lorries haven’t and may not be able to access some streets and roads, even if other vehicles can.

Any full or part streets that were un-safe or inaccessible and therefore not collected, the teams will record it electronically, on the in-cab device. 

For any 3-weekly collected bins (Grey, Blue, Brown).  Our teams will get to them as soon as we can next week –present bins again on Monday and leave them out

We will not be returning to green bins (organic waste) as they are collected weekly. They will be collected on the next scheduled collection day.

Business waste customers.

The few remaining outstanding collections not done by 5pm today, will be collected on Monday by 5pm.

Sub-zero temperatures can cause waste to stick in any bin, but especially the Green Bins (Organic Recycling).

The staff will do their best to ‘shake’ the bin to loosen the waste, but some might remain.

“Greater Manchester Police must be investigated” say Oldham Liberal Democrats

“Greater Manchester Police must be investigated” say Oldham Liberal Democrats

Senior Liberal Democrats in Oldham have again called for investigations into Greater Manchester Police following the publication of a new report into historic child sexual exploitation in Rochdale.  The Leader of Oldham Council’s Liberal Democrat opposition councillor Howard Sykes MBE and his Deputy, councillor Sam Al-Hamdani, have called for action to be taken against those in positions of authority who failed children in Oldham and Rochdale. 

Councillor Sykes said, “The report that has been published earlier this week details the most horrific and disgusting abuse of children.  It once again highlights the need for Greater Manchester Police to be formally investigated.  Those failings cannot continue to go unaddressed.”

Commenting on the publication of the Rochdale report, Councillor Al-Hamdani said, “My heart goes out to the people identified in this report who were failed time and again.  There should be a formal, independent investigation of GMP which has the power to take action against the organisation and guilty individuals.”

The Rochdale report was written by Malcolm Newsam CBE and Gary Ridgway – a former detective superintendent.  Both men also co-authored a report into child sexual exploitation in Oldham, which was published in June 2022. 

At a recent meeting of Oldham Council, councillor Sykes questioned the borough’s leadership over the lack of consequences for those who were found to have failed children. 

Councillor Sykes said, “How many officers from Greater Manchester Police have faced disciplinary action and how many officers are still in post?”

“There must be a full independent inquiry into GMP’s failing.  Anything less is not acceptable.”

“We must do everything possible to encourage victims of sexual violence past and present to come forward and support them when they do.”

Oldham Liberal Democrats have called on the Home Office to commission a full public inquiry into child sexual exploitation in Oldham. 

Rochdale report shows the need for GMP investigation say Oldham Liberal Democrats

Rochdale report shows need for GMP investigation – Howard Sykes (mycouncillor.org.uk)

Councillor Sykes Question to Oldham Council Leader on CSE failings in full:

My two allowed questions to the Leader of Oldham Council 13 Dec 23 – CSE failing and Oldham Coliseum – Howard Sykes (mycouncillor.org.uk)

Oldham Liberal Democrats write to the Home Secretary calling for full public inquiry

Liberal Democrats write to Home Secretary demanding public inquiry into CSE failings – Howard Sykes (mycouncillor.org.uk)

Hospital parking charges a “tax on caring” say Oldham Liberal Democrats

Hospital parking charges a “tax on caring” say Oldham Liberal Democrats

Patients and visitors shelled out a staggering £146 million in hospital car parking fees last year nationally.  Up 50% compared to the previous year, figures uncovered by the Liberal Democrats have revealed.

It’s the equivalent of £400,000 being paid in hospital car parking fees every single day. 

Oldham Liberal Democrat Leader councillor Howard Sykes MBE said, “When a loved one is in hospital things are stressful enough without having to shell out extortionate amounts in parking costs.  Especially with the cost-of-living crisis raging.  The Conservatives promised to cut charges, but under their government all that’s happened is costs have soared.” 

The annual figures from the NHS show that hospital trusts made £145.9 million in income from patients and visitors’ car parking fees in 2022/23.  This is up by more than 50% from £96.7m the previous year and triple the £47.9m made from parking fees two years ago.

Recently, even NHS staff have been impacted by parking chaos at hospitals. Here in Oldham, a nationwide petition has been launched after staff at Royal Oldham Hospital said they started receiving fines for parking at the hospital.

Councillor Sykes said, “Hospital parking charges are becoming a tax on caring for our loved ones and for hardworking NHS staff, they are becoming a tax on going to work.”

The Liberal Democrats are calling on the Government to work with NHS trusts to reduce fees for visitors and staff and to introduce a ‘Visiting and Caring Fund’ to ensure that no one is shelling out unfair sums to visit their loved ones.  The cost-of-living is bad enough as it is.”


Source 2022/23 (ERIC 2022/23 report, tab 4b): https://digital.nhs.uk/data-and-information/publications/statistical/estates-returns-information-collection/england-2022-23 

Source 2021/22 (ERIC 2021/22 report, tab 4btab 4b): https://digital.nhs.uk/data-and-information/publications/statistical/estates-returns-information-collection/england-2021-22 

The Conservative Party manifesto promise on hospital car parking fees can be found here (p.11).

Government “allowing Oldham’s health service to crumble” say Liberal Democrats

Government “allowing Oldham’s health service to crumble” say Liberal Democrats

Liberal Democrats in Oldham have accused the Government of “allowing local health services to crumble” after the Autumn Statement failed to provide additional funding for local health services.

Oldham Liberal Democrat Leader councillor Howard Sykes said, This government is bad for our health.  They are either so out of touch that they cannot see how many people are struggling to access healthcare services, or they simply do not care.”

“There was nothing in the Chancellors’ Autumn Statement on NHS waiting lists, to fix our crumbling hospitals and fund the paramedics and nurses we need.”

“The Liberal Democrats have been calling for the Chancellor to invest in a robust NHS rescue plan.  These measures would have included reversing Conservative cuts to vital public health services in Oldham and delivering 8,000 more GPs across the country to create millions more appointments every year.”

A poll commissioned by the Liberal Democrats showed that one in seven people had taken a significant length of time off work whilst waiting for treatment on the NHS.

Councillor Sykes said, “The backlogs and never-ending waiting lists have a huge impact on people’s quality of life.  It affects people’s ability to go to work and that can be extremely worrying for families with the cost-of-living crisis still raging.”

“We are in the middle of another extremely difficult winter for our NHS, the Government has wasted this opportunity to turn things around.” 


Polling methodology: Savanta interviewed 2,235 UK adults aged 18+ online between 10th and 13th November 2023. Data were weighted to be representative of the UK by age, sex, region and social grade. Full details here.

Which of the following have you experienced in the last year? Base: All respondents who are currently working (n=1,305)
Unable to go to work as waiting for GP appointment – 19%

Unable to go to work as waiting for emergency dental appointment – 12%

Took a lengthy period off work whilst waiting for NHS treatment or surgery – 15%

Don’t know – 4%

None of these – 60%

NET: Any – 36%
Liberal Democrats are calling for an emergency funding boost for the NHS and social care including:

Delivering 8,000 more GPs to create 65 million more appointments every year.

Urgently reforming NHS dentistry to end dental deserts and DIY dentistry.

Giving the NHS 200 new radiotherapy machines and training 3,400 extra cancer nurses.

Preparing for urgent pressures this winter to avoid a new crisis, with an immediate boost to NHS staffed hospital bed capacity and ambulance services.

Tackling the black hole in adult and children’s social care services and giving care workers a proper pay rise.

Reversing Conservative cuts to vital public health services in local communities, such as children’s health services and drug and alcohol services.

Proper mental health support, by rolling out community walk-in centres for children and young people and providing every school with a qualified mental health practitioner.