The closure originally planned for Thursday and Friday last week has had to be postponed due to inclement weather.

The road will now be closed on Monday 3 July instead when the bulk of the surfacing work and associated work should be completed.  The road will be open to traffic on Tuesday 4 July but stop/go boards may be in operation at various locations along the road if required.

Micro-plastics Pollution not a Micro Problem

The Leader of the Opposition and of the Liberal Democrat Group on Oldham Council, Councillor Howard Sykes MBE, has expressed his disappointment that Council officers have yet to formally respond to his call to reduce the pollution caused by the micro-plastics in road paint.

Last month, Councillor Sykes wrote to Helen Lockwood, the Council’s Executive Director Economy, Skills & Neighbourhoods drawing her attention to research late last year by the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology.

The Centre reported that Britain’s rivers and lakes are being polluted with micro-plastics from the paint used to lay out road markings.  Researchers looked at four sites in the Thames Valley.  In the most polluted site they found a significant proportion of pollution believed to have derived from plastic paint washed from road surfaces.

Commenting Councillor Sykes said: “I am aware that Councils are required to use British Standard road marking paint to adhere to strict road safety specifications, but I would like to be assured that we are doing what we can to reduce this pollution as it appears to have real potential to impact on aquatic life and habitats in this Borough.

“I know that the Local Government Association is considering this matter and we should be supporting their efforts to persuade Government and manufacturers to reduce the use of micro-plastics in such paint and develop safe alternatives so that our environment is not damaged in the interests of road safety.”


Diversion plan: church road shaw – 29 june plan

See attached details for the closure of Church Road, Shaw for 2 days commencing Thursday 29 June to carry out carriageway resurfacing work in the form of micro asphalt.  this process is weather dependent but it is hoped that the majority of the work can be completed on the Thursday.  The road will be closed between 9am – 4pm daily.

Friday is refuse collection day for the Shaw area and I have been assured that Waste Management have been informed and are fully aware.  Refuse collection vehicles will be accommodated on the day.

Poo Watch Letter sent to the Oldham Chronicle

Dear Sir,

Graham Wilcock (Letters June 13 – Lay Off Dog Walkers) is ‘barking up the wrong tree’ in thinking I have something personal against the responsible dog walkers who use High Crompton Park.

My issue is not with responsible dog walkers, and not specially with any dog walkers in High Crompton Park, rather it is with the IR-responsible dog walkers who fail to clear up after their dogs wherever this may be in the Borough.

I made no specific reference to High Crompton Park, in fact the reference was made by a Council senior officer.  So why he berates me for it I have no idea.

I should have thought that Mr. Wilcock with his stated concern for maintaining the reputation of responsible dog walkers would welcome my suggestion that the Council employ modern technology so that responsible dog walkers and other citizens can help it police dog fouling by reporting instances promptly and accurately.

It works in Worcester so why not here?

In that way, we can all enjoy cleaner parks without the threat posed to public health and the blight to public spaces caused by dog fouling.

If Mr. Wilcock wants to read exactly what I said it is on my website: https://howardsykes.mycouncillor.org.uk/ and it is crystal clear I do not mention High Crompton Park.

Yours sincerely

Councillor Howard Sykes MBE

Liberal Democrat Councillor

30 years of Shaw & Crompton Parish Council

Howard Sykes, MBE, Shaw & Crompton Parish Councillor, Oldham Councillor, Leader of Liberal Democrats, was presented with a certificate to mark the 30th years of Shaw & Crompton Parish Council.

Howard is the only one of the founder members of the Parish Council, formed in 1987, to still be on the Council today, and the certificate was presented to him at Crompton Library (21/06/17) by Parish Councillor Angie Farrell, who was Chairman from 2016-2017.

This was to coincide with the launch of the display at the Library, to mark the 30th Anniversary of the Parish Council.  It has lots of photographs and items covering the last 30 years.  It will be there for the next two weeks, until 5th July.