The funeral of Jamie Heaton to be held at Noon on Thursday 19 July at East Crompton St. James Church

It is also expected traffic in other areas in the locality will be disrupted, which is understandable due to the numbers of people expected at the service.

Temporary road closures for Vicarage Street and St. James Street, Shaw will be in place on the day.

I am sure all our thoughts and prayers go out to the family at this difficult time – Cllr Howard Sykes.

Questions asked at Oldham Council meeting 11th July by Shaw Lib Dem Councillor Howard Sykes

Metrolink 3A

Would the Leader of the Council like to provide details to the public of this Borough on when the Metrolink 3A line to Shaw and Rochdale will be complete?

Could he outline what he and the Council are doing to get a firm date and will he try and ensure people get more than a couple of weeks’ notice.

Following the series of delays prior to the completion of the tram line to Mumps earlier this year, which was some 12 months behind schedule, could he also help scotch the rumours that further delays are in the pipeline and by doing so could he therefore confirm that the line to Shaw and Rochdale will be complete and opened on schedule?

If he cannot give us a firm date now can he suggest when he might be in a position to offer such a firm date?

Short answer was no he could not – I will continue to pursue this at every opportunity – Cllr Howard Sykes

Gulley cleaning

Could the Leader confirm that the level of programmed gulley cleaning has been significantly reduced in this Borough since his administration took over the Council in May 2011?

Could he also confirm the cleaning service is now almost exclusively a reactionary service and that funding allocated by the last Lib Dem administration for regular inspection, cleaning and prevention routines has been cut?

In the last few days the Borough has experienced considerable flooding problems throughout the Borough; evidence suggests that flooding events can only be exacerbated and, in some cases actually caused by cuts in the gulley maintenance regimes.

Would the Leader therefore agree that increasing severe weather events being experienced in this country, due to climate change, make it more essential than ever to ensure our gulley systems are cleaned regularly and are operating at peak capacity?

And will he re visit the current provision of gully empting as it is a false economy in the long term, is causes even more damage to the highway network and increases the potential for accidents.

Vague and evasive answer not worth printing – Cllr Howard Sykes

Dirty streets

Could the Leader of the Council confirm that his administration have overseen Oldham Borough losing its hard fought status as the having the cleanest streets in Greater Manchester?

Would the Leader of the Council agree with me that despite the sterling efforts of our frontline staff, the Borough’s streets are becoming dirtier?

Would he also not agree that the withdrawal of street cleaning services; promotion of self help and, community participation under the banner of the ‘Co-operative Council’ is failing to keep our streets and open spaces to a standard the public expect?

Vague and evasive answer not worth printing – Cllr Howard Sykes

Thank you for the petition regarding Shaw and Crompton Pool

10th July 2012.

Thank you for the petition regarding Shaw and Crompton Pools.

This petition has been forwarded to the Executive Director – Economy Place and Skills and the Executive Director, People, Communities and Society.

You will receive a response from officers in due course, however, if you have any queries in the meantime please do not hesitate to contact me.

I have forwarded copies of the petition to the relevant Cabinet Members and to your follow Shaw and Crompton Ward Councillors. I have also attached a copy of the petition electronically for your records.

Lori Hughes
Constitutional Services Officer
P O Box 160
Civic Centre, West Street
Oldham, OL1 1UG
Tel: 0161 770 4716

Shaw Public continue fight for Shaw Baths

Shaw Lib-Dem Councillor Howard Sykes, Joanne Lewis-Ryan, from Shaw and District Disabled Association and swimmers John Irlam, Rhona Lewis and Crompton Lib-Dem Councillor Diane Williamson.

Local Shaw and Crompton Liberal Democrat Councillors Howard Sykes and Diane Williamson, supported by local baths campaigners, have presented a petition to the Council signed by more than 2,000 people demanding that Oldham Council think again and do not close Shaw Baths.

Councillor Sykes said: “This petition shows the depth of anger felt by huge swathes of Shaw and Crompton people about the Labour run council’s blatant political decision to uproot their swimming and leisure facilities and move them to Royton.”

“We showed beyond all doubt in our fully costed Lib Dem Alternative Budget presented to the Council meeting on 22nd February 2012 that it was possible for the Council to provide new swimming/leisure facilities in both in Shaw and Royton”.

Councillor Williamson commented: “By showing that providing facilities in Shaw and Royton was affordable, we exposed the decision to leave the people of Shaw and Crompton out in the cold as cynical Labour politics and nothing else.”

“The public of Shaw and Crompton soundly rejected closure of Shaw Baths at the ballot box in May and for the second time in just over a month, have made it very clear they are going to battle against the closure plan.”

Councillor Williamson concluded: “Let the current administration be in no doubt, the people of Shaw are ready to fight tooth and nail on this and they have no intention of going away until the Council thinks again.”

NOTE: It was planned to have present the petition in June however in light of the tragic gas blast in Shaw councillors and campaigners decided to defer the ‘handing in’ by a couple of weeks. Hopefully the council will not be a jobs worth about this and will still formally note the petition prior to it considering it at next week’s full council meeting on 11th July.

Police hand over cordon around blast houses

Greater Manchester Police is handing over control of the cordon around houses damaged in an explosion in Shaw to Oldham Council.

Crime Scene Investigators have concluded their investigations and police formally handed control of the scene to Oldham Council at 11am this morning, Thursday 5 July 2011.

Several properties have suffered significant damage, including numbers 7, 9 and 11 Buckley Street, which are all but demolished.

Divisional Commander of Oldham, Chief Superintendent Tim Forber, said: “The police investigation at the scene is now complete and we are handing over control of the cordon, which surrounds the most severely damaged properties, to the council.

“I want to reassure residents that this does not signify the end of our involvement in this incident. We have made a commitment to do all we can to help displaced residents and those most affected and that very much still stands.

“While we will no longer have officers on the cordon we will continue to have a presence in the area and will be working closely with the council to keep residents and property safe.

“It is important to stress that a number of houses remain structurally unsafe and dangerous and anyone found trying to gain access to those houses within the cordon will be dealt with by the police.”


Oldham Council is working around the clock to provide financial assistance and advice to residents affected by last week’s explosion in Shaw.

To date around £33,000 has either been dispensed in cash advances or agreed in principle as payments to be made from the official Oldham Distress Fund.

In the immediate aftermath of the blast the Local Authority paid out almost £7,000 to 35 residents in the form of interest-free emergency cash advances.

Trustees of the Oldham Distress Fund are also meeting regularly to act on new applications as they are received.

They have already agreed payments in principle of about £16,000 to 30 indiviual applicants. These will be made direct to residents this week subject to final receipt of any outstanding information required, such as bank account details.

A further 23 applications worth a total of about £10,500 have also been approved in principle by the Distress Fund Trustees.

Many of these have completed formal application forms and will be considered at today’s Trustees meeting whilst some others await further clarification from applicants.

The Council would like to stress that both the cash advances and applications to the Distress Fund remain open to people affected by this incident.

You can apply for either by visiting the Advice Centre at Shaw Library on Farrow Street East in Shaw. This facility is open between Noon and 4pm, and 6 to 8pm each day.

Also Residents can get confidential one-to-one assistance here about the financial support available, plus advice on housing, welfare benefits, insurance and finance matters.

“A range of local organisations, community groups and partners have been extremely busy organising new fundraising events for the Distress Fund and I would like to thank them all for their inspirational work,” said local Lib Dem councillor Howard Sykes.

“To date we have had around £7,000 in public donations to the Distress Fund and we know that plenty remains to come through from future fundraising events and cheques that need to clear.”

You can donate directly to the Oldham Distress Fund in a range of ways.

To find out more – and to donate online – visit Oldham Council’s website at

You can also call 0161 770 6611 during the opening hours of 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday) and 9am to 1pm (Saturday only).

Anyone wishing to make a donation via Internet Banking will need the following details of the Distress Fund account:

Bank: Cooperative Bank
Account Name: OMBC Oldham Distress Fund 225145
Sort Code: 08-92-33
Account No: 61715512

Cash or cheque donations can also be made in person in Oldham town centre by visiting the Co-operative Bank or Debenhams in the Spindles Shopping centre, and at Shaw and Crompton Parish Council.

Cheques – payable to the ‘Oldham Distress Fund’ – can also be posted to: Andy Cooper, Finance Services Team, Oldham Council, Level 14, Civic Centre, West Street, Oldham, OL1 1UG.

“I am also asking that more local donation points be created, in response to request from local residents,” added Councillor Sykes.


Oldham Council have been overwhelmed by public donations to support the people affected by this week’s explosion in Shaw.

From today (Saturday, June 30) we are accepting applications from affected residents for support from the Oldham distress fund.

Staff are on hand at the Advice Centre on Farrow Street and will help affected residents to complete the application forms for monetary support.

They hope to arrange payments of monetary support granted by early next week. Staff will also arrange for immediate financial support where required.

We will be also be coordinating items – for example, beds, sofas, cookers and white goods – that residents might need and arranging for donated items to be delivered or collected.

Affected residents will need to have registered at the Rest Centre at the Lifelong Learning Centre prior to applications being received.


On Saturday, June 30 and Sunday, July the Advice Centre at the Library on Farrow Street will be open between 10am and 4pm.

From Monday, July 2 it will open from Noon to 4pm and 6-8pm daily.

The Rest Centre at Shaw Lifelong Learning Centre on the High Street is open every day 9am to 7pm.

The Donation Centre on Farrow Street will be open between 10am and 3pm daily.


Oldham Council’s animal wardens will be at the Advice Centre on Farrow Street tomorrow – Sunday, July 1- between 10am and 2pm to discuss any concerns about pets in the houses still affected.

People allowed to return to more homes

As a result of the explosion on Buckley Street Shaw on Tuesday Greater Manchester Police together with Fire Service and Oldham Council placed a cordon on the affected locality.

The original cordon on Tuesday meant that around 270 properties were displaced
On Tuesday night the number reduced to 143.

Currently there are 65 properties that cannot access their home.

They hope to reduce this to 50 today.

This will mean that by the end of the 4th day residents will have returned to 220 properties.

Unfortunately those houses at the centre of the explosion are contained within the crime scene and all still require careful assessment prior to any decision being made regarding the structural safety.

For any information regarding the current status of your affected property please contact Oldham Council on 0161 770 7770.

Greater Manchester Police would urge anyone with information regarding the incident on Buckley Street to come forward and speak to the police on 0161 856 8959 or Crimestoppers anonymously, on 0800 555 111.