Jubilee and Milnrow Road Bridge coping stones

Update on the coping stones removed from Jubilee and Milnrow Road Bridge.

An equivalent of 30m in length has been taken and are being utilised at Dunwood Park.

The remainder, the District Environment Manager who covers Shaw and Crompton, will take delivery of and store them for use at a later date on a scheme(s) within Shaw or Crompton.


Please be aware that the Waste Management Department will be making changes to Oldham’s waste collection services starting Monday 11th June 2012.

Residents will be glad to know that the majority of the Shaw & Crompton area remains relatively unaffected by this change.

This means resident’s collection system between their old and new calendars will continue as normal i.e. General Rubbish one week Glass, Cans and Plastic Bottles the next.

There is a small area in Crompton (see map above) which will experience a change of collection week. Bins in this area should have been stickered to explain the changes and new collections until their new collection calendar starts.

If you have any query regarding your waste collections please contact:

• website: www.oldham.gov.uk/waste where we have published all relevant information
• telephone Contact Oldham on 0161 770 6644 where operatives are ready to assist residents with the changes
• email: waste@oldham.gov.uk where operatives will respond to residents with any queries directly

If you think local – vote local

If you think local – vote local

This Thursday 3rd May, local people will vote in the local elections. Their vote will not change the Government but will elect a local Councillor.

The choice you have for a Councillor for this area are: one who has lived here all his life and who has a track record of standing up for Shaw or the Labour candidate from Royton who claims to live in the area!

It has been my honour and privilege to be your Councillor for more than 25 years. I am now asking for your support on Thursday.

This local election is important for local residents. It has only been one year since Labour has been in charge of Oldham Council. Here in Shaw we have already seen the closure of our tip; a massive increase in fly-tipping; dirtier streets and open spaces; and now Labour are trying to close our swimming baths.

Yet Labour (supported by the Conservatives) are looking to build a new pool in Royton, like the one they built in another Labour favoured area – Chadderton.

Many local residents have been telling us how much they appreciate the all year round work and action by the Liberal Democrat team here in Shaw Ward.

I and my colleagues all live locally and we always keep in touch with the ‘FOCUS’ leaflets – 30 years of action in total! As many residents keep saying, “You never hear from the other parties outside of election time”.

This election is going to be very close, between myself and Labour’s candidate from Royton. Just 98 votes separated the Lib Dems and Labour last year.

We need to send a clear message to Labour bosses at Oldham Council that Shaw deserves a fair deal.

We can win, but only with your support. By voting for me – Howard Sykes – you can ensure that I will continue to fight for the best deal for local people.

Best wishes – Howard Sykes

PS – This year’s local elections are not about the Government or national politics. They are about local issues and local people. They are about doing what’s best for Shaw and its residents.

Postive ACTION for Shaw – Vote Howard Sykes on 3rd May

Record of Action in Shaw

Click on the file above to view some of the things which have been achieved at the request of local residents.

When it comes to getting things done in Shaw, the record of Howard and your Shaw Focus Team is unparallelled. And they recognise there is more to do. That’s why your vote for Howard Sykes on 3rd May is a vote for positive action for Shaw.