2 thoughts on “Have you ever thought about learning how to save someone’s life?

  1. Can I ask if you have spoken to Diane Williamson with regard to her efforts promoting courses in Shaw.With Richard Outram attempts have been made to we promoted CPR courses for Heartstrat Oldham sadly with little uptake.
    We spent an afternoon handing leaflets out in Asda with little response.
    Perhaps you would like to talk to Diane and inform whoever you are promoting for they are not making the first try at this .
    Red Cross have tried as well through volunteer action Oldham .Communication between these different groups perhaps is lacking.
    The sad thing is the community do not seem to want give any of their time to
    educate themselves in this area.

    • howardsykes says:

      Well aware of your good works in this area and the poor take up, which is a shame.

      This is another go on the back of the arrival of the Defib in Shaw to get people to take an interest, let us hope they do.

      Always willing to help promote your good works if you let me know.

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