10 thoughts on “Rochdale Road/Chamber Road/Fraser Street – 4 way signals Sunday 14 Feb

  1. K Finnerty says:

    It needs permanent lights on that junction. It would save a lot of accidents

    • howardsykes says:

      That is one of the options we are trying to get highways officers to look at. The first step is to get it into the funding programme, something we managed to do earlier this year. If you want to be kept informed about this please email me howard.sykes@oldham.gov.uk with your address and a contact number just in case. Many thanks.

      • Alan B says:

        No need for traffic lights, its a residential street, if you don’t live on Chamber Road or Fraser Street you should not be using them, use the main roads not speeding through residential roads moaning about junctions you should not be using, have some common sense and respect.

        • howardsykes says:

          Hard to disagree with the logic of this. My PERSONAL view is traffic lights would increase traffic as they have on Salt Street now there are lights at its junction with Milnrow Road.

    • JG says:

      As a resident of Rochdale Road I certainly hope permanent lights aren’t implemented. The relatively recent temporary traffic lights over a lengthy period- as the corner shop was repaired- brought home the discomfort local residents would have to endure with the ‘waiting’, standing traffic and their ‘booming’ sound systems along with telephone conversations broadcast for all and sundry to hear.
      It’s simply not the answer, it would impact other minor roads as motorists re-route to avoid the lights.
      Speed is the problem that causes many of these incidents. Traffic calming measures seem apt for the problem. A speed camera that can be adjusted regularly for traffic heading into or out of Shaw would slow a good deal of the traffic.
      Using a sledge hammer to knock in a nail is not a reasonable answer and would bring more discomfort to innocent residents than the occasional incident caused by a lack of due care.

      • howardsykes says:

        I think speed is a factor. Traffic calming is a very mixed bag in my experience, it can cause a significant disturbance (noise and vibrations) to those who properties are near such measures. Also a speed camera (which we have asked for and it does not qualify) does not, again in my experience, stop or deter irresponsible drivers who speed in such areas. In fact based on my experience of the camera on Milnrow Road (before Jubilee) is just makes traffic slow then speed up.

        • JG says:

          Strange how Rochdale Road qualifies for the already installed advisory speed cameras and not one that can photograph speeding vehicles. The speed camera would work effectively if placed closer to the areas of concern. I don’t think we’re going to reduce speeding in general, just accidents at black spots.

          As regards traffic calming, I agree speed humps would be inappropriate for a main road such as this or any other method that can result in an increase in the noise and vibration already created by traffic but the queueing traffic resulting from permanent lights would also cause unwanted noise and vibrations to the properties closeby.

          Approaching the junction at a appropriate speed with the relevant due care and attention are what’s needed to reduce the amount of incidents and accidents.

          • howardsykes says:

            The advisory speed cameras where installed following a long fight by local councillors who extracted the money from Oldham and we decided the locations. Hence one near this junction and the others on Milnrow Road and Buckstones Road (from memory). All these do not qualify for a camera but we all know there is a problem with speeding traffic hence this attempt to tackle it.

            Agree 100% if people drove with due care and attention and followed the highway code there would not be a problem here or in other places.

            Also whatever measures, if any any, are put in place on such stretches of road or junctions there will always be some …. who will drive like a plonker and put themselves, their passengers and other road users at risk.

  2. Ian Heath says:

    I lived on chamber road and years ago it was made one way temporarily which improved traffic no end I now live off duchess street and use the junco every day. The amount of accidents at that junction definitely warrant some action. A mini roundabout or a one way system would be better than lights

    • howardsykes says:

      As I recall the one way system caused a massive increase in traffic on Farrow St/Victoria St and down Edward Rd.

      I avoid this junction if at all possible and use Crompton Way – I do not know why others do not do the same.

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