Why vote Liberal Democrat in the Local Elections on May 5?

duotone_libdem_logo-03_black-textBy Councillor Howard Sykes, Liberal Democrat and Opposition Leader, Oldham Council

The Conservative Government continues to punish Boroughs like Oldham as they continue to move cash and support to their friends in the South and shire counties.  The size and scale of budget reductions are massive and some services are in real danger of collapse which in turn will impact on citizens we represent and serve.

Not once this year, or last year, have Oldham’s two Conservative Councillors spoken out about this and stood up for our Borough.  This is in complete contrast to the Liberal Democrats, with 10 councillors, who have.

We also provide the only effective opposition to Labour with their 44 councillors, challenging decisions we feel are detrimental to the Borough and its residents.  Compare this to the Conservatives and UKIP who talk a good story, but their lack of action speaks volumes and they often vote with Labour, therefore fail to offer any credible alternative.

This year, you have the opportunity to elect councillors who, instead of posturing, will face the challenges in local government head on – delivering services you expect whilst squeezing much better value from your Council Tax.

As the opposition party, the Liberal Democrats challenge Labour where we believe necessary, but work with them as a constructive opposition when we can.  Liberal Democrats have made many innovative proposals to support the unemployed, the disabled and the poor: to grow our local economy and to help our environment.

In contrast, UKIP and the Conservatives have done nothing.

We also believe that the Oldham Council must get the basics right.

People want clean streets; potholes filled; bins collected; and our green spaces and parks looked after for all to enjoy.

In the Council Tax setting meeting earlier this year, we found the cash for some of these basics.  Our proposals included:

 Investing £5M extra to fix our roads and pavements.

  • Employing two more teams and another vehicle on gully cleaning to prevent flooding.
  • Restoring the free Bulky Bob bulky waste collection service.
  • Devolving cash to districts like Shaw and Crompton, Saddleworth and Lees, Royton, Chadderton and Failsworth and Hollinwood so they would have £1M to spend solving local problems for local people.
  • Provide extra enforcement officers to tackle dog-fouling and fly-tipping.

Labour and the Conservatives were opposed to these ideas and voted against them.

Liberal Democrat councillors have always championed independent district partnerships because we really believe in local people making local decisions.   This also makes local councillors accountable to the people and communities who elected them.

Liberal Democrats want Council investment in renewable energy projects.  This is good for our environment and the Council’s finances too – bringing in sustainable income for at least the next quarter century.

Voting Liberal Democrat means supporting sound finance and reliable public services, and a party putting people and communities first.

It is a positive vote against Labour’s land grab, and a vote for better youth provision and for improved health and leisure facilities.

It also means you will elect a local councillor who will be your champion and be on your side!

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