Pingot Stream Widening / Bridleway Repair Project in Pingot Quarry


The widening of the stream in Pingot Quarry will start week commencing the 11th of July 2016.

During this time please be aware of work in progress, and keep dogs under close control when in the quarry area.

Volunteers needed to restore and plant the banks of the stream, once the widening is complete.  Please see contact details below for anyone interested in helping.

For further information, please contact: Marian Herod, Secretary – Friends of Crompton Moor.  Mobile: 07792 156295

8 thoughts on “Pingot Stream Widening / Bridleway Repair Project in Pingot Quarry

  1. SIMON FITTON says:

    Why is this widening needed?

  2. Mic Norbury says:

    Hi Simon, Howard,

    FCM have secured some funding to enable us to do this work, as over the winter months, the exceptionally heavy rain has caused severe flooding of the quarry basin.

    The flooding happens because the stream is so constricted in parts, that it cannot cope with an increased flow over the waterfall, and water floods over the banks and runs down the bridleway.

    This has caused the bridleway surface to be washed away, leaving it in a poor state.

    We have contracted the stream widening and re-surfacing work to Oldham Countryside Service. FCM did some preliminary work to prepare the site, and will be following up over the coming month or so to make good the effects of having a digger on site, and do any necessary replanting.

    This will improve access, and hopefully protect the quarry basin from similar damage in the future.

    There are pictures of the water damage on our Facebook page in a post dated 28th March.

    I hope this helps.

    Mic Norbury – Chairman: Friends of Crompton Moor.

    P.S. – I also hope that we don’t get rain on that scale again, but I reckon I’m on a loser with that wish.

  3. Ray Taylor says:

    There are some remaining tramway rails from the mine which was situated near the waterfall. They are exposed under the quarry rubble near to the bridge. Are these to be removed? If they are friends of jubilee could save these, they are the last remaining rails on the moor. A little history.

    • Mic Norbury says:

      Hi Ray,

      The widening work is happening up near the waterfall end, not near the bridge.

      Can you get in touch with Marian to let her know exactly where these rails are? Maybe you could arrange with her to meet on site to discuss it.

      You should still have both our personal email addresses, but if not please use or ring on the number that Howard has in his post.

      Good to hear from you.


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