Selective Licensing scheme is welcome, but should include similar/identical properties in Shaw

Shaw Liberal Democrat Councillor Howard Sykes MBE has welcomed Oldham Council proposals to introduce selective licensing for private-rented properties in Shaw but would like more properties included in the scheme.

Lower housing demand, lower rents and higher tenant turnover can lead to private-rented properties being left empty for long periods or being poorly maintained or managed.  In these circumstances, councils can introduce selective licensing which requires landlords to properly maintain and manage their properties.  These schemes are self-financing as landlords pay a fee to license each property they own in each area, and properties are inspected before they can be licensed.

Oldham Council is currently consulting landlords, tenants and residents about its plans to introduce schemes in six new areas, including Shaw, and Councillor Sykes has responded to the consultation.

In his response, Councillor Sykes said: “Selective licensing for Shaw would provide safeguards to good tenants from poor landlords, and vice versa, but would also provide assurances to the owner-occupiers of adjacent properties that the private-rented properties in their street would be well-managed and maintained, and not be a contributor to blight or a cause of anti-social behaviour.”

“Some time ago I ask for such a scheme to be introduced in Shaw and now I am pleased, despite a pause due to Covid-19, consultation is now under way,” he added.  However, Councillor Sykes would like the scheme for Shaw expanded to cover a wider area. 

“Current proposals include some streets of terraced properties typically associated with the private-rental market, but other identical streets, where local councillors have received complaints of neglect and ASB in the past, are currently excluded,” he explained. 

“At the same time other areas of Shaw are included that do not experience these issues.  This makes no sense so I hope that Council Officers will redraw the boundaries of the Shaw scheme to reflect my concerns and reassure my constituents.”

I would urge all with an interest in this matter to respond to the consultation at: OR 0161 770 2244. Or on the web site:

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