Liberal Democrat Leader calls for urgent government action on moorland fires

The Leader of the Real Opposition and Liberal Democrat Group on Oldham Council, councillor Howard Sykes MBE, has written to the Conservative Government calling for a national ban on the sale of disposable barbecues, which are often the cause of moorland fires, and for greater court punishments for those found guilty of negligently or wilfully set fire to our moors.

Councillor Sykes has written to the Secretary of State for the Environment, George Eustice MP, calling for action.

Councillor Sykes said: “Action is long overdue.  For several years now, people in Oldham, myself included, have been shocked and saddened by the repeated fires that we have witnessed on Crompton, Marsden and Saddleworth Moors.  We love our moors, more so after a year when many of us have had to spend much of our time in lockdown and we yearn for a chance to experience again the beauty of these unique open spaces.

“It is simply unacceptable that idiots and arsonists continue to destroy these tranquil and fragile landscapes and the wildlife that inhabits them. Enough is enough – I want the government to ban the sale of disposable bbqs and increase the fines, community punishments and custodial sentences handed out to offenders. I hope that the Minister will listen and that he will take action.”

Salud! Shaw nightlife to get some Post-Covid Spanish Sparkle

Shaw Liberal Democrat Councillors are wishing tapas bar Bar Vida Viva every success as it prepares to open after Lockdown.

Councillor Howard Sykes MBE said:  “It is great that we will soon finally see the opening of a new tapas and cocktail bar in the old Barclays Bank on Market Street, Shaw.  With Gin Gin on Milnrow Road, Bar Vida Viva represents a new type of night-time offering for Shaw’s residents and visitors to our town, complementing the existing pubs on our high street.”

Vida Viva is hosting a ticket-only gala launch night on Saturday 22 May and then will be opening to the public two weeks later.

In recent years, Shaw town centre has suffered the loss of pubs and restaurants, and local councillors hope this opening represents the start of a post-Covid renaissance for Shaw, which as always, they are keen to support.

 “We would like to see more restaurants and upmarket bars, as well as traditional pubs, in our town centre to cater for all tastes and to make Shaw an attractive destination in the evening for people of all ages to have a good night out.  This has happened elsewhere, and it would be great if it happened here,” added councillor Sykes.

“When we see the reopening of Shaw’s much-loved Playhouse 2 later this year, culture vultures will have the added bonus of being able to see a live band, film, or play before, or after, enjoying tapas and a Sundowner.”

Liberal Democrat Leader announces Real Opposition Team

Liberal Democrat Group Leader, Councillor Howard Sykes MBE, has today announced his Real Opposition team for 2021/22.  The Liberal Democrat Group has also elected its officers.

Councillor Howard Sykes said: “I am looking forward to once more leading the Liberal Democrat Group on Oldham Council.  I am especially pleased that the Group is being joined by Mark Kenyon who joins Councillor Sam Al-Hamdani representing Saddleworth West and Lees. I  know that Mark will really help make a difference.”

“The Liberal Democrats remain the only group holding Labour to account on Oldham Council, and we shall continue to take that responsibility seriously,” added councillor Sykes.  “Voters can rest assured that the Oldham Liberal Democrats will continue to oppose Labour’s waste at the Civic Centre and their indulgent spending on vanity projects, such as £68 million on ‘Spendles’, to direct more of our residents’ hard-earned Council Tax money into the front-line services that most matter to people, such as street cleaning, parks maintenance, road repairs, social care and alike.”

“The Liberal Democrats will also be fighting for better facilities and an improved retail and leisure offer in our district centres, and new health centres for Shaw and Crompton, Saddleworth and Chadderton.  We shall continue to be opposed to Green Belt development, Labour’s ‘Places for Everyone’ plan and the Royton incinerator.”

“These are our priorities because they are the people’s priorities,” he added.

Details of the appointments follow:

Group Officers:

Councillor Howard Sykes MBE – Group Leader

Councillor Chris Gloster – Deputy Group Leader

Councillor Dave Murphy – Group Chair

Councillor Diane Williamson – Group Secretary

Councillor Hazel Gloster – Group Treasurer

Councillor Louie Hamblett – Group Political Secretary

Shadow Cabinet Members:

Economic and Social Reform – HOWARD SYKES MBE

Corporate Services – HOWARD SYKES MBE

Finance and Low Carbon – CHRIS GLOSTER


Health and Social Care – LOUIE HAMBLETT

Education and Skills – HAZEL GLOSTER

Children and Young People – DIANE WILLIAMSON

Employment and Enterprise – MARK KENYON

Neighbourhoods – DAVE MURPHY

Official Spokespersons / Lead Members on Boards and Committees:

Chris Gloster – Audit Committee, Licensing Committee, Traffic Regulation Order Panel.

Hazel Gloster – Planning Committee.

Louie Hamblett – Health Scrutiny.

Mark Kenyon – Performance Overview and Scrutiny.

Diane Williamson – Policy Overview and Scrutiny, Standards Board.

District Leads:

Diane Williamson – Chair, Shaw and Crompton.

Sam Al-Hamdani – Official Spokesperson, Saddleworth and Lees.

Eastway bus shelter, in Shaw just the ticket

Shaw Liberal Democrat Councillors were delighted to hear that their campaign for a bus shelter on Eastway has finally paid off after many years.

Transport for Greater Manchester has announced that they will be installing the new shelter outside 2/2A Eastway on Wednesday 21 May, just in time for this Thursday’s Market Day.

Councillor Howard Sykes MBE said:  “Ever since buses have been diverted along Eastway, local Liberal Democrat Councillors have been asking for a covered bus shelter on both sides of the road.  Now we will have one and we shall be renewing our calls for the creation of a second one on the ASDA side of Eastway.  This has been delayed because ASDA has yet to agree to release some land as the pavement is too narrow to accommodate it.”

“It is very off-putting waiting with your shopping for a bus in the rain, but at least with a shelter you do not have to get wet,” added Councillor Sykes. “I hope ASDA agree soon because their own customers will benefit from it as well as others using the town centre.”

May makeover promised for former Crompton Baths site in Shaw Town Centre

In response to repeated representations by Shaw Liberal Democrat Councillors, a makeover of the Crompton Baths site has been promised by Council officers before the end of this month.

Councillor Howard Sykes MBE, newly re-elected to represent Shaw Ward, said:  “The baths site is just a disgrace and there has also been fly-tipping on adjoining land behind the new Pound Bargains shop.”

“Having an eyesore in the heart of our town centre does nothing to attract shoppers or businesses to our high street, and it is clearly an irritant as my Liberal Democrat colleagues and I have relayed plenty of complaints from our constituents to council officers, and repeated called for some urgent action.”

Councillor Sykes has now received the promise that the area will be strimmed, and litter picked and that a fresh overseed of wildflower mix will be sown by the end of May.  Potential enforcement action has also been scheduled to tackle fly-tipping on the adjoining private land.

“I am glad that some action will now finally be taken as it just needs sorting,” added Councillor Sykes, “But the long-term solution would be to use this land as part of the location of a new modern health centre for the people of Shaw and Crompton, something which local Liberal Democrat Councillors have been campaigning for over many years and a campaign that we shall continue until we succeed.”