Liberal Democrat Leader says Budget is not smoke and mirrors just big gaping holes

“After most Budgets, people warn you to look out for ‘smoke and mirrors’ trickery,” stated Councillor Howard Sykes MBC Liberal Democrat and Opposition Group Leader on Oldham Council.  “But this budget was more about massive gaping holes.”

“Take the high profile issue of housing – with figures showing a massive downturn in affordable rented accommodation being built, this was a golden opportunity to act,” he added.  “There will be some movement on the housing borrowing cap – but only in “high demand” areas.  There is no council in the country that does not have people on housing waiting lists and homelessness.  All areas should be regarded as ‘high demand’!”

“Adult social care faces a deficit of £2.8 billion by the end of the decade, with children’s services facing a £2 billion gap over the next two years.  The Chancellor did not address this at all and has betrayed adults and children who depend on care services,” said Councillor Sykes.  “The Liberal Democrat plan to raise £6bn a year for our health and social care services through a penny on the pound in income tax is an idea whose time has come.”

“The budget had some interesting points such as the charge on single use plastic items, and the ability to increase council tax on empty homes – but it was such a wasted opportunity as key services will continue to be starved of cash and resources and citizens will suffer,” he claimed.

Traffic grid lock on Beal Lane

Many of you have contacted me and other councillors about the current nightly situation with HGV grid locking up Beal Lane.

Please be assured we are doing all we can to work with the council, police and other agencies.

Below is an extract from an email about this matter we sent earlier this week by Cllr Chris Gloster who is leading on this matter on behalf of us all.

“The situation in Shaw town centre has now become untenable.  Yet again tonight I have been contacted by numerous residents who have been stuck in gridlocked traffic due to HGVs queuing to get into the Yodel site. 

Tonight traffic was all the way through Shaw up to Rochdale Road.

We have emailed Yodel, written to them, phoned them and been into the site personally but I have yet to have a positive response, in fact any response. 

When I visited, I was told that they can’t let the LGVs into the yard to clear the backlog for Health and Safety reasons.  Their Logistics are appalling.  I have also written to JD Williams who have sent me a letter in reply telling me it is down to Yodel, which it is, and they have even offered their yard for overflow to prevent gridlock.

Yodel have had enough chances and we need some sort of legal remedy to cure this, although I’m unsure what can be done.

This needs to be something done by the Council aimed at Yodel rather than the drivers who are victims of circumstance.

There are also issues of community safety ‎as regards goods vehicles with engines running are stationary  outside residential homes on Beal Lane.  The road has been identified as one of the worst for air pollution in the Borough.

 Any ideas?   I’m thinking the threat of an injunction not to obstruct Beal Lane for starters.”

Above is a video we have captured.  We will continue to pursue this matter on behalf of local residents, business and their visitors.

Bogus Callers – advice and leaflet

How to beat the bogus caller leaflet

Dear Resident,

We have been conducting House to House enquiries in the area, after reports of Burglars purporting to be Workmen have been committing offences in your area.  The offenders are very convincing. If you have not requested someone to visit your address regarding work that needs carrying out, please do not engage with them or be tricked into paying them for work you don’t need.

If you have any CCTV or information that could assist with the prompt arrest of the person(s) responsible for these crimes please contact Greater Manchester Police on 101 and ask to speak to the Shaw/Crompton neighbourhood team.

Please be vigilant. Keep a look out for suspicious vehicles.  If you notice a Red van with roof ladders on bearing the sign, “Rossendale Roofing Services” phone 101.

If you would like to talk to your Neighbourhood Officers, or have any questions please ring 0161 856 8825 or e-mail with your details and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Oldham Borough Policing Team.

Contact Details




Surface water Buckstones Road

A number of people have been in contact regarding the surface water on Buckstones Road, Shaw (above and below 300 Buckstones Road).

I have pursued the matter with the Highways Department and I have the following to report.

Highways have been on site a few days ago and opened up the channel behind the kerb line and cleared all gullies.

There is an issue lower down with water coming off private land that Main Drainage Department is dealing with but does not appear to be the main reason for the current surface water in this area.

The opened channel is now capturing any water coming from the embankment before it reaches the highway.

The Drainage Section are due to start their investigation on the 16 November.