Demolition of Shaw Baths


Investigatory work on the demolition of Shaw Baths is now taking place.

The demolition of the building is expected to start in January 2016.

I am sure many of you will agree with me when I say that it will be a sad day to see this building, which has been part of our heritage since it was built in 1899, no longer present in Shaw and Crompton.

Demolition – Provisional Timetable:

Asbestos Survey 08/10/15 – 09/10/15
Asbestos Removal 12/10/15 – 11/11/15
Planning Application submitted 12/10/15 or 13/10/15
Demolition of Building (approx. 10 weeks) 04/01/16 – 14/03/16

The site compound is shown edged blue below.

The red hatching shows the part of the road that will have a temporary closure on it for the duration of the demolition (this part of the road does not have any impact on any of the current car parking spaces).

The closure and site compound will enable safe working and give the contractors and their equipment space to manoeuvre.

Access to the site will be from High Street and the site compound.

Baths site

Oldham Lib Dems join Fair Deal Devo campaign

img94joktmu72322The Leader of the Opposition and Liberal Democrat Group on Oldham Council, Councillor Howard Sykes MBE, has pledged the support of Oldham Liberal Democrats for the Fair Deal Devo campaign launched by the Manchester Evening News, Bolton News, Wigan Evening Post and Oldham Evening Chronicle.

Cllr Sykes: “Although the Chancellor has talked a lot about devolution and about the fabled Northern Powerhouse, the Government has yet to prove that it is sincere in its intention by offering a fair funding deal for Greater Manchester.”

“Liberal Democrat Councillors in Greater Manchester are ready and willing to accept the challenge and responsibility of devolution to make our region still Greater, but we need to have the cash to make it happen.  This is why we welcome and are backing the Deal Devo campaign.”

The Oldham Liberal Democrat Group has been calling for fair transport funding for the region to close the gap between London and Greater Manchester, and is opposed to further Police and local authority funding cuts and the government proposals to close both of the borough’s courthouses.

Cllr Sykes added: “Devolution represents an exciting opportunity for local authorities across Greater Manchester to work together to transform the lives of the region’s residents and to make service improvements that reflect local needs and that create local jobs.  But it will not work if Government money does not follow the transfer of power, and we will not accept any attempt by Government to merely pass on responsibility for carrying out difficult cuts.”

The Oldham Liberal Democrats are firmly committed to seeing transparency in the work of the new Combined Authority – where all the Greater Manchester councils work together using the devolved powers and budget.

“It isn’t enough just to tell people what’s going on.  The new Combined Authority will be assuming responsibility for a massive devolved budget amounting to many billions of pounds and will be taking on board new areas of work affecting the lives of millions of people.”

“The Liberal Democrats do not believe in telling people what we will do and then doing it for them.  We want to actively involve Greater Manchester residents in making the decisions that affect their lives and in shaping the services that their taxes pay for.  And we want to work with people and communities to deliver those services more effectively and in a more responsive and accountable way.”

“So we want information to be in plain English, and available on-line and on demand, and we want all meetings to be open to the public and to be webcast so taxpayers can call their representatives to account.  That’s real democracy and that’s what as Oldham Liberal Democrats we aspire for in the new structure for the Combined Authority.”

Lib Dems welcome Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) Metrolink overnight parking trial


Greater Manchester Liberal Democrats have welcomed a TfGM trial to allow overnight parking at some Metrolink stations.

Lib Dem Councillor and member of TfGM Howard Sykes MBE said: “There are good reasons to allow parking overnight.  People take a tram and then a train to stay away on business.  Others take a tram into Manchester city centre on a Friday night and then get a taxi home to avoid drunk-driving. I have been asking and pressing for this for some considerable time and I am glad TfGM have now agreed to at least run a trial.”

The three month trial will start in December and will allow overnight parking at 13 Metrolink Park & Ride locations across Greater Manchester.  It will run at weekends only, from Friday to Sunday.  Anyone leaving their car overnight will have to collect it by noon the next day.

“My hope is that the trial will be a success and overnight parking can be rolled out across the whole of Metrolink seven days a week.  This will allow many more people to use public transport,” Councillor Sykes added.

Lib Dems welcome improvements to 409 bus service


“First Manchester’s 409 service will be improved from 26th October with extra early morning journeys introduced following customer feedback,”  Lib Dem Councillor Howard Sykes MBE and Member of Transport for Greater Manchester is pleased to report.

Details of the extra 409’s are as follows:

  • 0439 & 0555 (Mon – Fri) Oldham to Ashton
  • 0500 & 0630 (Mon – Fri) Ashton to Rochdale
  • 0529 & 0554 (Sat Only) Oldham to Ashton
  • 0519 (Sat Only) Oldham to Rochdale

“The service will also be revised to finish later, by approximately 20-30 minutes from the same date,” he added, see below:

Ashton towards Oldham: Monday to Saturday extra journey at 23:55 (terminates in Oldham at 00:10).  Current last departure is at 23:35 (terminates in Oldham at 23:54).

Rochdale towards Oldham: Monday to Saturday extra journey 23:45 (terminates in Oldham at 00:08).  Current last departure is at 23:25 (terminates in Ashton at 00:08, via Oldham at 23:52).

Sunday/Bank Holiday extra journey 23:25 (terminates in Oldham at 23:48).  Current last departure is at 22:55 (terminates in Oldham at 23:20).

The changes will be formally reported to TfGM Bus Network on Friday 9 October 2015.

Help if you are without gas central heating


Oldham Council has won some new funding to help residents without gas central heating

Please see attached briefing note on the scheme & how to access it.

Warm Homes Partner Briefing Note

Any queries contact: Angela Broadhurst, Principal Housing Energy Officer, Oldham Council, Room 310, Level 3, Civic Centre, West Street, Oldham OL1 1UH.  0161 770 4798.