Council continues to give out parking tickets like confetti rather than correctly mark bays on Shaw Market Car Park as it promised more than 6 months ago.
Please see my recent corresspondence on this matter.
From: Howard Sykes
Sent: 02 June 2015 15:44
To: Christine Emanuel; Angela Lees; Elaine McLean; Liz Wade
Cc: Jen Downing (Members); Parking Shop; Howard Sykes; Elizabeth Fryman
Subject: Shaw Market Car Parking REF 2629
Dear Ms Wade and Mrs McLean,
It is some six months since I met with your officers about this matter.
See email below – the three items highlighted in bold have still to be actioned some six months later and we continue to give tickets for those parked in the space on the Market like confetti.
Also in the absence of these works, and again at odds with what we discussed and agreed, we are still issuing tickets for the ‘fourth un-marked space’ see photos attached which I witnessed myself last week and also have evidence of others from social media.
When will these matters be progressed as we agreed?
When will we stop issuing tickets to people who park responsibly on the Shaw Market Car park but due to the Council’s failure it is not in a bay so we ‘do them’.
I await your response with interest as do many residents in Shaw.
Best wishes
Councillor Howard Sykes MBE
From: Elizabeth Fryman
Sent: 12 January 2015 13:43
To: Cllr H Sykes; Christine Emanuel; Angela Lees
Subject: shaw market car parking
Just a few action points from our meeting:
- CE/AL will get the two areas that cause issues measured up with a view to marking out as spaces.
- CE will write to HS setting out what the constituent can do if unhappy with outcome of their appeal.
- CE will get handyman to go over the most faded markings including the hatched areas.
- CE will liaise with Dean G regarding double yellows on stretch of Milne St not currently marked up.
Please let me know any mis- representations and additions!
Liz Fryman, District Coordinator, Royton and Shaw & Crompton District Partnerships Neighbourhoods, Royton Town Hall, Rochdale Rd, Oldham OL2 6QG. T: 0161 770 5161.