Letter re Implications of the EU referendum for Oldham Borough

_88328563_euThe Rt Hon Teresa May PM, 10 Downing Street, London, SW1A 2AA

Dear Prime Minister

Re:  Implications of the EU referendum

Oldham Council considered reports on the implications of the EU referendum on this borough and Greater Manchester at its July 2016 meeting.  This was in the context of the referendum result and consideration of the potential impacts of a “leave” vote by the GM Combined Authority in March of this year.

Regarding the referendum, we respect the right of the British people to decide on the country’s future relationship with the EU via this mechanism, but naturally we are concerned about the impact on business and consumer confidence, the various sources of funding the UK benefits from due to its relationship with Europe, and on community cohesion and community relations issues.

Business confidence is currently fragile as a consequence of the referendum, and requires urgent and co-ordinated local and national action to return it to its pre-referendum levels.   We are working in concert with GM colleagues and local/regional chambers of commerce to this effect, but would welcome a dialogue with you about sustaining business and investor confidence in Oldham in a new and uncertain climate.

The recent Northern Powerhouse Independent Economic review sets out the scale of this challenge and opportunity, and we fully support the Greater Manchester case for continuing investment in the Northern Powerhouse project to make this a tangible gesture of confidence in the business community in the North of England.

Greater Manchester and Oldham benefit from significant structural fund schemes impacting directly on skills, employment and business support mechanisms which are essential to supporting our local economy.

We would encourage you to give urgent certainty to the Government’s position on non-contracted ESIF funds as part of the renegotiation strategy, and to the contingency plans the Government intends to put in place to secure equivalent levels of investment should these funds reduce or disappear as a consequence of EU withdrawal.

Local businesses and training providers are looking for such certainty.  We fully support the Local Government Association’s call for local authorities to be involved in the renegotiation planning with such schemes in mind.

We note and welcome subsequent announcements from the new Government – your own in respect of continuing commitment to the “Northern Powerhouse” concept, and those of the Treasury in respect of European Structural Funds.  Dialogue on both is ongoing between Greater Manchester and Government as you will know.

Finally we remain concerned about the negative focus on immigration matters and the consequences for community relations and cohesion in highly diverse urban areas of the North of England.  We are vigilant on these matters, and wish to unequivocally support and nurture the benefits a diverse, tolerant and multi-cultural society brings to our economic growth and development.  We would encourage you to give this matter the highest priority and to not give in to political pressures that risk disrupting many years of stable community relations in Oldham and similar areas of the north by giving any message to the contrary.

Yours sincerely,

Cllr Jean Stretton – Leader of the Council

Cllr Howard Sykes – Leader of the Opposition

Shaw and Crompton Parish Council Grant – response to Oldham Council’s proposals to cut the £20K grant

Shaw and Crompton logo red and blk

Further to your letter of 1st August 2016 regarding the possible reduction or withdrawal of the Council Tax Support Grant to the Parish Council with effect from 1st April 2017, please note the following response from Shaw & Crompton Parish Council in terms of potential impact –

Shaw & Crompton Parish Council relies on the Grant to support local community priorities within its annual plan, namely environmental maintenance and improvements, community events,  grant funding and the Citizens Advice Bureau advisory service. Although the Parish Council strives to make improvements and efficiencies, a reduction or withdrawal of the Grant would seriously compromise the Parish Council’s ability to continue to deliver sustainable activities for the benefit of local residents. The key priorities are outlined as follows:-

Environmental maintenance and improvements

The Parish Council has an annual contractual agreement with Groundwork Oldham and Rochdale covering a range of operations (litter removal, footpath maintenance, landscaping ) which keeps the visual appearance of areas within the Parish at a high standard and meets with local public satisfaction. In addition, The Parish Council also undertakes the treatment of public footpaths over and above the footpath maintenance programme carried out by the Borough Council. As such, any reduction in the Grant would put more pressure on Oldham Council’s resources in order to absorb this extra work. It should also be noted that the arrangement with Groundwork also adds value through involvement of local people in the Princes Trust work experience programme.

Community events

For the past 25 years, the Parish Council has organised a Family Fun Weekend and Vehicle Rally, which attracts upwards of 3,000 visitors. Incorporating the Chairman’s Charity Market, this is a key event in the diary and brings communities together to enjoy two days of fun and entertainment.  The Parish Council also arranges one Spring and one Winter Charity Market each year as well as a schools Christmas music festival. Next year (2017) marks the 30th anniversary of the formation of the Parish Council and a special, high profile celebratory event is already in the planning stage.  This is the largest community event in the Parish and special efforts are made to ensure all parts of the community are touched by the event especially the old and young.

Grant funding

Each year, the Council awards minor grants to support local church and voluntary groups and causes within Shaw & Crompton, ranging from Christmas meals for elderly residents to junior sports clubs, all run by volunteers who give something back to our community.  Some of these grants also act as match funding by levering in additional resources especially for our social inclusion projects and those with young people.

Citizens Advice Bureau

Oldham CAB is an established part of the town having delivered advice services from Crompton Library through partnership funding from Shaw & Crompton Parish Council for many years. Last year, the CAB provided advice to approximately 300 (of the more vulnerable) local people on matters relating to welfare benefits, debt, employment and housing issues. The Parish Council continues to fund this valuable service, which means that residents can receive advice locally on a weekly basis, which has resulted in tangible benefits to the most vulnerable people in the local neighbourhood.

In conclusion, the Parish Council seeks to continue the development of a pattern of civic life to benefit the whole community by fostering different types of activity. It does not have the resources to organise and run all varied and inclusive events and projects which make Shaw & Crompton into a thriving and cohesive community but is naturally grateful for the financial support it has received from the Council Tax Support Grant, which if withdrawn or reduced would mean that the Parish Council would have to consider its position in relation to the activities listed above, which we believe engender a sense of identity, aid community cohesion and promote a general feeling of well being resulting in a financial benefit to Oldham Council.

If Oldham Council is minded to remove this Grant, we would request that it is at least implemented in a phased manner so the Parish can plan and cope with the reduction in resources and re-profile its services in a measured and effective way, remaining cost effective and ensuring value for money, which is surely what Oldham Council would wish with the cuts it is suffering from Central Government.

Response to the many queries I have had about trying to recycling plastics

Bales_Crushed_PET_BottlesOldham’s refuse and recycling disposal is managed by Greater Manchester Waste Disposal  Authority (GMWDA). At present GMWDA are only able to recycle certain types of plastics – namely plastic bottles.

Plastics are made from different grades/types of plastics which melt at different temperatures, and therefore, a plastic bottle and a yoghurt pot for example, cannot be recycled together. Technically it is possible to recycle these separately, however, the range of materials that can be recycled is driven by the manufacturers that make the products. Currently these manufactures want high grade bottle type plastic to make their products (as they are easier to reprocess) and there is much less demand for lower grade materials such as plastic Pots, Tubs and Trays (PTT).

Plastic bottles tend to be made from either HDPE or PET polymers which are in high demand for recycling and it is this well-developed market which GMWDA feeds collected plastic bottles into for recycling. Whist bottle PET has a well-established market for recycling unfortunately this is not the case for PET trays. There are a number of reasons for this but principally the plastics reprocessors prefer the bottle PET as this is high quality and will not have been blended with lower quality polymers which is what happens with some trays. The current suppressed oil price is also reducing demand for recycled plastics as plastics produced from raw hydrocarbons are actually cheaper to produce at the moment.

There are local authorities collecting PTT on the back of public demand, however based on current data (from the Waste Recycling Action Programme) around 62% of this plastic collected in the UK (household and commercial) actually ends up being disposed of rather than recycled. This is due the lack of established markets for recycling of PTT. The most likely outcome for these materials is that it will be separated from the plastic bottles and then treated as a residue for energy generation. This is a very disappointing statistic and needs action at a national level. There is a good market for the recycling of poly–propylene (PP) yoghurt pots but not all pots and trays are made of PP, instead cheaper alternate polymers are used that reprocessors do not want. The solution would be for packaging manufacturers to consistently only use PP, however this change requires either legislation or a binding commitment to implement that change, and we therefore need central Government action.

GMWDA is committed to its aim of zero waste and we continue to lobby for consistency in the use of plastic polymers for PTT. We are also continuously monitoring the plastics market and should viable markets develop for PTT in the future then GMWDA would look to increase the range of plastic materials that can be collected from households for recycling.

Please be assured that the plastic you place in your general waste bin in Oldham does not go to waste. Across Greater Manchester we send your residual waste to one of our five Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) facilities which separates and treats residual waste to generate end products and electricity. Below are links to our Recycle for Greater Manchester website which contains further information on recycling and producing green energy.

FAQs: http://www.recycleforgreatermanchester.com/recycle/faqs

Green Energy: http://www.recycleforgreatermanchester.com/recover/how-we-recover-energy

Linney Lane and Scarr Lane resurfacing

Linney Lane

I wanted to inform you of the latest information I have received from the Council regarding the road surface of Linney Lane and Scarr Lane.

I have earlier reported Scarr Lane will be resurfaced.

A number of you have been in contact with me regarding the pot holes and the general condition of the road surface on Linney Lane over the last couple of years or so.  As some of you will already be aware, my colleagues and I, have been trying to get some action to remedy the poor quality of the road surface.  I have sent numerous communications to the Highways Department along with a significant number of meetings to try and progress this matter.

Whilst it has been a long battle I finally have some good news to share!  I have received this following information from the Highways Department.

We are proposing to resurface the full length of Linney Lane and Scarr Lane. There are no other streets in Shaw and Crompton included on the current programme.  At present Linney Lane and Scarr Lane are still in the planning stages and Unity are still some way off being in a position to deliver the works.  As such I am not in a position to be able to expand any further on the proposed works at this stage.

Unity generally inform Ward Councillors about resurfacing works once they are in a position to deliver the scheme and have obtained all necessary permissions to carry out the works.

Every effort will be made to respond to specific enquiries as in this instance and Unity will be in touch with the full details of the scheme once it is available.

Regards, Daniel Meadowcroft – Highways Asset Client Manager

As I am sure you will agree this is long overdue, the battle now is when the above will happen.  Rest assured, I and my colleagues Rod Blyth and Chris Gloster will continue to chase the Highways Department for a start date and as soon as I have this information I will share it.

The Cleaning and Conservation of Crompton War Memorial


I am pleased we have manged to do something about the fixing of wreaths that has been a problem, see link: Arrangement_For_Fixing_Poppy_Wreaths

Read the full: Heritage Statement


The scope of works for the project will be:

The work to clean and conserve the memorial has now started.

This display describes the works that are to be carried out and specialist processes involved.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused while these essential works are carried out to protect Crompton War Memorial.

The memorial is a Grade II listed monument and was commissioned by the Crompton War Memorial Committee in 1919, the main bronze statue being designed by Richard Reginald Goulden.

The bronze statue sits on a Scottish Granite plinth and depicts a male figure protecting children from two marauding beasts.

1.0  Recording of the Works

The works will be recorded prior, during and following completion of the proposed treatment.

Prior to commencement, a comprehensive photo record of the monument, granite plinth and adjacent stone paving should be undertaken as an existing record.  Any areas of damage will be clearly recorded and noted accordingly.

During the works and at each defined work stage a series of record photographs should be undertaken to record the treatment process and provide an archive record of the tasks undertaken.

Following completion of the works a final “as-constructed” photographic record should be undertaken and documented accordingly.  This will form part of the completed Health & safety file for the project and the Historic Environment Record (HER).

2.0  Site Temporary Works

A full scaffold has been erected around the monument to allow full access around the bronze work and offer protection from the external environment.

The scaffold will be erected independently of the monument and no fixings or attachments will be allowed from the scaffold to the monument structure.  Where necessary, additional kentilage shall be provided to ensure the structure remains independent.

All tube ends shall be capped off and timber sole plates provided under all base plates.  The scaffold structure shall be fully sheeted to provide a watertight enclosure during the execution of the works and additional extract ventilation shall be provided during any chemical stripping or treatment of the bronze work.

The scaffold shall be made secure by additional fencing provided around the base of the structure.  This should be a min of 2.0m high and fixed to the base of the scaffold.  No materials, plant or equipment should be left on the scaffold overnight.

3.0  Bronze Treatment

3.1  Removal of existing coatings

The removal of the existing lacquer coatings should be undertaken to ensure minimal disturbance and colour change to the existing patina of the monument. Whilst it is noted that the original dark patination is no longer present the works to treat the bronze work should ensure the retention of the current monument patina.

Removal of the current lacquer coatings will require trials to be undertaken to determine the most effective and least intrusive cleaning method.

The failing lacquer coating should be removed from the surface of the bronze using the Enviromorse softener manufactured by Chemicals Ltd and as used in the trials process.  The removal process should be carefully undertaken to ensure that the Enviromorse is fully cleaned from the bronze once the lacquer is softened.  Adequate protection should be provided to protect adjacent stonework and areas of bronze where lacquer has been removed.

The stonework and softened areas of lacquer coating should be removed using the DOFF / Thermatech high temperature steam cleaning system as was trialled on site.

3.2  Patination

The bronze work should be patinated to a mid-brown colour to closer match its original appearance using the Potassium Polysulphide solution and 2 costs of clear microcrystalline wax applied and hand buffed to a polished finish.

3.3  Wax Finish

The finished surface is to be protected by application of a coating of a microcrystalline wax to replicate the original finish of the monument. This is to be applied hot rather than cold, to ensure good penetration into the surface to give maximum protection.  The surface of the bronze should be gently heated to warm the bronze and to ensure any residual moisture has been removed.  The liquid wax is to be applied by brush to the bronze surface and left for 10 – 15 minutes so that the solvents can evaporate off.  The wax coating should then be gently heated in order to allow it to be absorbed fully into the surface and left before buffing to a polished appearance.

All areas of porosity and holes in the cast bronze are to be filled using a tinted wax to prevent future water ingress.

4.0  Granite Plinth Treatment

The granite forming the Memorial and steps is to be cleaned using a DOFF or Thermatech cleaning system.  These systems clean using low pressure, low water steam. Steam cleaners or hot wash systems will not be permitted. Areas of staining on the granite which remaining visible after cleaning shall be treated by poultice to remove staining where possible.

The original ferrous fixings used to fix the planters in position are to be removed from the stonework by locally core cutting around the fixings. Cores should be no more that 2mm greater than the body radius of the fixings.

The granite stones, forming the body of the Memorial, are to be re-pointed using a lime mortar made up to match the existing in consistency and colour. Samples of the original pointing material shall be taken and analysed to determine the original mix proportions which shall be replicated in the re-pointing material.

A number of the granite steps around the base of the Memorial are misaligned or no longer level.  These are to be lifted and re-bedded to the correct line and level on a suitable lime mortar mix

The monument should be repointed using the Mix1 as per the sample area undertaken on site.

5.0  Planters

The three cast planters sitting at the base of the Memorial (two to the rear and one to the front) are to be carefully lifted and transferred to a workshop for treatment.

The existing iron fixings, securing the planters to the granite steps are to be removed and replaced with new formed in 316 grade stainless steel.

The missing planter is to be replaced with a replica based on the originals in a matching material.

The existing planters are to be cleaned to remove old paint layers and corrosion back to a sound metal surface.

The 4 no planters are to be repainted using a suitable Sherwin Williams paint system in a bronze colour to be agreed with the Conservation Officer.

The planters are to be reinstated on site, back to their original locations using the new stainless steel fixings set in an epoxy resin.

6.0  Wreath Fixing System

The existing nylon string that surrounds the base of the monument is ineffective at retaining the wreaths to the base of the monument in windy conditions and shall be removed and disposed.

4 No new stone coloured nylon blocks will be manufactured and loose fitted at each corner of the stonework at the base of the monument.

2 No new 3mm stainless steel wires will be fitted around the base of the Monument over each nylon corner, locating into a slot in each.  The meeting ends are to be connected using a stainless steel Duplex wire grip of the correct size, immediately adjacent to the side of one nylon block.  This should be tight fitting.

Oldham Council celebrates Peace Week 2016

Peace-week-FB-large-2016 (2)Oldham Council will be celebrating action on peace between Wednesday 21 September and Monday 26 September.

Oldham’s Peace Week is a week of celebration, reflection and action on peace, starting on the UN International Day of Peace on Wednesday 21 September.

The week of activities aims to engage the public, schools, the community, faith groups and businesses in helping to make Oldham a more peaceful borough.

In 2015 Oldham Council became the first local authority in the UK to sign the Pledge to Peace; a commitment of intent that saw Oldham put in place projects and actions promoting a culture of peace.

13 local organisations have joined the council in signing the pledge and they have formed the Oldham Pledge to Peace Forum.

The council further showed their commitment to peace in 2016 by appointing the first Mayor of Peace, Councillor Derek Heffernan.

Various activities will take place throughout the week including a Peace Day celebration event at Oldham Gallery/Library on Saturday 24 September from 1 to 4 pm – with the launch of a new peace book section, live music, entertainment, poetry and book readings, and a technology section with Hack Oldham and Roamer the Robot.

The event will be followed by a Peace Picnic in Dunwood Park on Sunday 25 September with arts and crafts, face painting and family entertainment.

A webpage has been set up which includes more information and a full list of events www.oldham.gov.uk/peaceweek

Royal Mail Box Milnrow Road, Dunwood Park Courts

Missing post box Milnrow Rd Dunwood Park Courts Jan 16 web

Pleased this mail box is now back in place.

Not aware of any other missing ones in Shaw and Crompton – if you know different please let me know.

My latest letter from Royal mail is below which is a joke – read it if you want a laugh – it makes no sense and just shows they do not care or have not got a clue about what is happening on the ground.

Link to letter: Royal Mail Letter

Oldham Council 7 September 2016 – leaders questions from Councillor Howard Sykes

questions-to-ask-your-LASIK-doctorCouncil 7 September – Leaders Question 1


Mr Mayor, my first question to the Leader tonight relates to the very disturbing findings of the report published last month by the Quality Care Commission (QCC) about our local Pennine Acute Hospitals Trust.

The Commission found the Trust to be providing ‘inadequate’ services overall, with several departments requiring ‘improvement’.

At the Royal Oldham Hospital, inspectors were concerned about ‘suitable and appropriate medical staffing’, especially in critical care, maternity, gynaecology and children and young people’s services.

In young people’s services it was found that there were no consultants in place after 5pm.  As though our children only get sick nine to five!

And in the high dependency unit, many standards for critical care were ‘not being met’ and that it was only during the inspection that ‘adequate’ staffing levels were provided, when for three years management knew of the shortfall.

Whilst none of us want to have to receive high dependency care, if we do, we surely have the right to expect to be treated to the highest standard in a unit with sufficient staff?

All of these deficiencies should be of great concern to us as the patients being most let down are amongst the most vulnerable patients in our hospital.

And can we be clear ‘let down’ means pain and death that could be avoided!

So where does the fault lie?

Not apparently with the staff described as ‘caring’ who continue to do their best with inadequate resources and numbers; instead it lies with the Trust Board and senior management whose conduct is described as ‘inadequate’.

I have been told that aside from health professionals, there are no Oldham residents directly involved in the Improvement Board and Plan put in place to attempt to address these serious concerns; can the Leader confirm if this is true?

If this is true why is there no Oldham citizen directly involved in making sure our Hospital and Pennine Trust improves?

This cannot, and should not, just be left to the so called health professionals; a number of which have close working and contractual arrangements with Pennine Acute Trust!

Does she agree with me this is a highly unsatisfactory state of affairs and a scandal that there is no one from our Borough representing our citizens?

Can the Leader also tell me what we are doing as an authority to put pressure on the Trust Board to address these shocking deficiencies in performance before the Trust goes into terminal decline?

Anything I am my colleagues can do to support her and her colleagues in this matter we will.

Council 7 September – Leaders Question 2

Pokémon Go

Mr Mayor, my second question tonight concerns one of the biggest social crazes to hit the UK in many a year and it is a craze that has been taken up across the whole nation by Britons of all ages but particularly the young and the young at heart – namely the phenomena called Pokémon Go.

According to Wikipedia Pokémon Go is “a free-to-play, location-based augmented reality game developed by Niantic for iOS and Android devices.”

What that means in plain English is that if you have the correct software on your portable electronic device that you can play ‘hunt the monster’ whilst visiting the park or crossing the street.

For those unfamiliar with the game, in essence you are able to track and catch virtual Pokémon creatures in real-world settings.

So what has this got to do with Oldham Council I hear you ask?

Well some novel ideas have been recently published about engaging Pokémon Go players with public services and in particular public health activities.

Our libraries are, whether they know it or not, virtual gyms, the only location where Pokémon players can go to ‘strengthen’ their monsters and meet with others playing the game.

Some libraries are taking advantage of this to let players know that they are welcome in to play and welcome to stay afterwards.

Some are even issuing badges to players who prove they have won a battle at the gym.

Other suggestions include:

Designating historical landmarks and public facilities as Pokestops, where special items are dropped and in-app lures can be set off, with Lure Parties to cash in on the fun;

Hosting meet-ups, and monster rather than art trails; Community get-togethers to search for Pokémon at the weekend and fund-raising events in partnership with charities.

Weight-loss and health campaigners can utilise one of the game’s key benefit – you have to walk to find the monsters and you are largely outdoors when you do so.

There is already some clear evidence of previous couch potatoes, or those holed up in their bedrooms playing Call of Duty on Xbox or Play Station are now walking and/or running around outside as they hunt on Pokémon Go.

Given the potential, I would like to ask the Leader what this Council is doing to harness this idea and whether we can work with our Youth Council to develop innovative ways in which we can use the power of this technology to connect our youngest residents with our public services?

And even more importantly use it to get people more active and therefore healthy and help tackle the ticking time bomb we have locally with obesity and in particular with obesity in young people.