Food and garden waste collections Shaw 7 April 17

Please be aware that we have not completed or food and garden collections in your ward this evening.

We have crews back in tomorrow morning to complete collections (from 7:30am).

Should you be contacted by any residents please advise them to leave their bins out as we will collect at some point on Saturday.


Mark Husdan

Operations & Development Manager, Waste Management Service, Oldham Council, Moorhey Street Depot, Oldham OL4 1JF

T: 0161 770 2144


101 – police non-emergency number

Mr Tony Lloyd, Greater Manchester Police and Crime Commissioner, GMP Openshaw Complex, Lawton Street, Openshaw, Manchester M11 2NS

Dear Mr Lloyd,

RE: 101 – The Police non-emergency number

I am writing to you on behalf of many residents of Shaw and Crompton within the borough of Oldham with regards to the 101 non-emergency number which the public are urged to contact in non-emergency situations.

I have received many complaints from residents from both Crompton and Shaw Wards with regards to the length of time being kept on hold when calling the 101 number and that often no one is sent to investigate the issues that residents have brought to the Police’s attention.

Could I please ask you to look into improving this service so that residents are able to use the service in the way in which it is meant to be used and let me know how this is going to be undertaken, so that I can inform local residents?

Finally, I want to thank you for being proactive with this issue.

Yours sincerely


Liberal Democrat for Crompton Ward, Chair of Shaw and Crompton District Executive

Shaw branch of the Royal Bank of Scotland

Customer Relations Manager, The Royal Bank of Scotland, Freepost, PO Box 594, Chatham ME4 9DP

Dear Sir or Madam,

Re: Reduction in opening hours at Shaw branch

Further to our letter of 19th March, we do not appear to have received a response and so we write to you again on behalf of the residents of Shaw in Oldham, to voice our concerns around the proposed reduction in opening hours of the Shaw branch of RBS.

RBS have recently stated in an interview with Oldham Evening Chronicle that you “have to continually adapt to meet our customer needs”.

The proposal to close the branch on Thursdays, Shaw’s Market day, does not seem to be in keeping with that commitment.

We would like to request that the opening hours are reviewed and that the bank is kept open on Thursdays.

Keeping the bank open on a Thursday is very important to local businesses, residents and visitors to the area and closing on such a key day will inevitably cause problems for many.

We, as the Elected Members for Shaw, strongly urge you to reconsider this proposal.

If you could please provide a response to this letter which you are happy for us to share with the concerned residents of Shaw, we would be grateful.

Yours sincerely

Councillors Chris Gloster, Rod Blyth and Howard Sykes

Members for Shaw Ward

Fun, Friendship & Flowers! – Friday 31st March 2017 1pm – 3pm

Details: Flower arranging workshop Sweetbriar House 31-03-17

Fun, Friendship & Flowers!
Friday 31st March 2017
1pm – 3pm
Sweetbriar House
Glebe Street
Shaw OL2 7SF

Tea, coffee & biscuits

Come and join us for a free fun afternoon and make your own Easter display.

Ring Karen on 01706 397 940 to book your place.

You will need to bring a pair of scissors and any Easter bits and pieces (ribbon, chicks, etc.) you have lying around!

My two allowed questions at tonight’s council meeting – Illegal Dumping in Maple Mill and the Future of the University Technical College Building

Q1 Leaders Question – Illegal Dumping in Maple Mill

Mr Mayor, my first question tonight to the Leader relates to the recent fire at the Maple Mill in Hathershaw.

My understanding is that the firefighters on attending the fire, found that the building was a huge repository for the illegal dumping of waste and that the combustible nature of these materials contributed to the longevity and severity of the blaze?

Not only did this situation further jeopardise the lives of firefighters and other emergency service workers, as well as some of our own officers and staff from First Choice Homes Oldham, all courageously attending the incident, but there was the potential of toxic air pollution impacting on the lives and health of residents in the surrounding area.

My understanding is that the dumping of rubbish in Maple Mill was not a one-off and that there are reports of similar activity at many of the redundant industrial premises and old mills in our Borough.

Can the Leader please tell me what she knows about the extent of this problem and what is being done by our officers and those of other public agencies to stop it?

And would she like to tell Council how members of the public – as our eyes and ears in our communities – can help this effort?

And can she also give me any estimate as to the potential cost to this local authority, or to the emergency services, from clear-up operations and attending to further incidents of this nature involving this blight?

I would have thought the bill could run into hundreds of thousands of pounds if this illegal practice is a wide spread as I believe it could be.

Q2 Leaders Question – Future of the University Technical College Building

My next question, Mr Mayor, concerns the future of the Greater Manchester University Technical College building, which is on Middleton Road next to Oldham College.

Members will be aware of the recent fiasco that was the wholesale academic under-performance at this expensive white elephant.

Millions spent on a purpose built building and equipment and nothing to show for it, as not one of the initial cohort of forty six students achieved a Grade C in both English and Mathematics and the College is now scheduled for closure.

This is such a waste – such a waste of public money and such a waste of the promise and potential that these young students had – but with the College’s closure there must also be an opportunity.

For Oldham College sits right next door to this soon abandoned building and Oldham College is crying out for more new quality buildings in which to deliver tuition.

So can I tonight through you, Mr Mayor, make a plea to the Leader and to the Cabinet Member for Education that they make urgent representations to the key decision-makers in the Department for Education asking them to transfer this publically-funded asset to Oldham College?

This must be common-sense?  For at least then we will see something come out from this mess that will be of long-term benefit for the students of this Borough and a small vindication of the spending over £9 million pounds.