Former Post Office building which was occupied by Abacus Baby Ltd

Copy letter about the above is below.  No answer has yet been received and a reminder has already been sent.

Date: 13 February 2017

Customer Services, BT Group plc, BT Centre, 81 Newgate Street,
London EC1A 7AJ

Dear Customer Services,

Re: 19 Rochdale Road, Shaw, OL2 8AD

This property was previously leased to Abacus Baby Ltd who have recently left the premises vacant.  Councillor for Shaw, Howard Sykes has asked me to contact you with regards to the property 19 Rochdale Road, which I believe is leased out by BT.

Councillors for Shaw are concerned about the future of this building and are eager not to have a vacant leasehold in the centre of Shaw.

With this in mind Councillors have asked if you could please advise what your future plans for the building are?

I look forward to hearing from you soon.





Our next task is to remove more birch saplings, from within the heather, in the Brushes Clough Spoil Heap area.  We managed to move around a 100 on the 5th of March but we still have a long way to go.

 We made a wildlife hedge with the trees we took out, which will provide another habitat for birds and small mammals.

A question often asked is……Why do we remove trees from one area, and then plant more trees in different areas on the moor?

A brief answer is that moorland may look natural, but it’s a man-made and managed landscape, which, if not carefully managed would succumb to ecological succession.

What is ecological succession?  In this instance the birch trees will rapidly colonise the spoil heap area with their tiny wind-blown seeds, and eventually convert the area into woodland.

Crompton Moor is made up of many diverse habitats, which provide us with rich diverse wildlife, and to protect it we need to manage it to maintain the balance of each habitat it contains.

This is also an opportunity to have a go with a ‘Tree Popper’; a great tool which lifts the trees out of the ground with little disturbance to the vegetation around it.  This really does make it much easier to remove the trees.  Easy to use and no digging necessary!!

Clothing to suit the weather conditions, and sturdy boots for the uneven ground, are advised.

For further information please contact:

Marian Herod – Secretary – Friends of Crompton Moor

Tel: 07792 156295   Email:

Oldham Liberal Democrats call to abandon plans to build on Green Belt and pull out of the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework (GMSF)

The Leader of the Opposition and Liberal Democrat Group on Oldham Council, Shaw Councillor Howard Sykes MBE, will propose a motion to the next meeting of Oldham Council (Wednesday 22 March) calling on the Council to withdraw from the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework (GMSF) and to instead develop a local plan for housing and commercial development in the Borough.

The motion is similar to those submitted by Liberal Democrat Councillors in Bury and Stockport.

Councillor Sykes explained: “This twenty year plan requires 13,700 new homes to be built and almost 700,000 square metres of land to be made available for new factories and warehouses in the Oldham Borough.  Of the 13,700 new homes, almost a quarter – almost 3,000 – will be located in sites in Shaw and Crompton, this is in addition to other vast tracts of land that are designated for industrial development.”

“We believe this is madness.  To Liberal Democrat Councillors representing Shaw and Crompton, this plan represents a massive and inequitable land grab in our area with the loss of our much-loved Green Belt and OPOL (Other Protected Open Land).  Our constituents are up-in-arms about it, they have marched to save their Green Belt and they rightly expect their elected representatives to stand by them on this vital issue. We will not let them down; the Liberal Democrat Group intends to fight these proposals tooth and nail!”

“I know that Labour colleagues representing Royton and Chadderton are also upset at plans to devastate Green Belt in their areas so we hope that they will support this motion.”

Within the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework it is proposed that new properties will be built at Cowlishaw, in the Beal Valley, at Rushcroft, on the Whitfield Farm site across to Newhey and around Gravel Hole and Low Crompton.

Adjacent sites at Broadbent Moss (Oldham), Hanging Chadder (Oldham) and land East and West of the A627M (Rochdale and Oldham) if developed would also see a significant removal of the Green Belt land in the so called “Northern Gateway”.

Councillor Sykes added: “It is the view of the Liberal Democrat Group that there is no justification for the construction of a large number of properties (or indeed any properties) on Green Belt or OPOL land before new homes are first built on Brownfield sites, on sites where planning permission for housing development has already been granted and upon the many derelict and the unloved sites in our town centres and districts.”

“We also believe that every empty mill and factory should be converted and used for housing and that the large number of empty homes in our Borough should be brought back into use.”

“We are calling on Oldham Council to abandon their involvement with the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework and to instead meet our legal obligations by creating a fifteen year local plan, which apportions housing and commercial development across the Borough rather than in a few areas; meet our local requirements rather than those of others; and which emphasises development on Brownfield sites first.”

The Liberal Democrats have also objected to the GMSF plans as they believe that Shaw and Crompton simply does not have the necessary infrastructure in place to meet the needs of the residents of 3,000 new homes.

Seconding the motion will be Crompton Councillor Dave Murphy.  Commenting, Councillor Murphy said: “We have primary schools that are already overcrowded and full; a secondary school that is falling apart; a dilapidated Health Centre that is near cardiac arrest; no swimming facilities or dry leisure provision; precious few youth facilities and no municipal tip.”

“Under the proposals, 3,000 homes will be built in Shaw and Crompton for growing families.  These new residents will need more primary and secondary school places; more GPs and dentists; leisure and shopping facilities; and new highways and more buses and trams to get them there.”

“Oldham Council’s decision to close and not replace the Crompton Pool and Gym now looks a little short-sighted given the number of new young residents that will need to learn to swim and the number of adults that will want to keep fit.”

“A local plan would not overload any one part of the Borough with excessive development.  We can instead properly and fairly apportion new developments across the Borough and make our own plans to ensure the infrastructure needs of new residents are met in an effective and timely manner.”

A copy of the motion:

Council 22 March 2017 – Notice of Opposition Business

Motion 1 – Withdrawal from the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework

This Council notes that:

  • all councils are required by government to have a Local Plan which identifies land for housing, offices and industry;
  • the proposed Greater Manchester Spatial Framework (GMSF) is one approach to fulfilling this requirement; however other local authorities have fulfilled this requirement by developing their own Local Plan;
  • the GMSF is a twenty year plan, requiring a third more housing land to be identified than would be required by typical fifteen year Local Plans produced by many other local authorities, and is based upon pre-Brexit growth assumptions over such a long period, which cannot be verified;
  • the GMSF proposals include significant releases of green-belt in the Borough of Oldham, particularly in Shaw, Crompton, Chadderton, Royton and Saddleworth;

Council further notes that:

  • these early proposals were developed without sufficient involvement of residents or ward members;
  • many residents and local politicians, particularly in Shaw, Crompton, Chadderton, Royton and Saddleworth, are strongly opposed to many of these proposals;

Council firmly believes that new housing development should first take place on brownfield or derelict sites, on sites with existing planning permission; and by converting long-term empty mills, shops and offices into homes; and that existing long-term empty homes should also be brought back into use, before any consideration is given to allocating green-belt or other protected open land for housing.

Consequently, Council condemns the current GMSF proposals as they fail to identify such sites that are available for development and are instead predicated upon developing new housing on green-belt land in the Borough of Oldham.

Council therefore resolves to:

  1. Formally withdraw from the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework process and make arrangements to ensure that the GMSF does not apply to the Borough of Oldham;
  1. Pursue Oldham’s own local plan. This should be a fifteen year Local Plan for the Borough which identifies that new housing development should first take place on brownfield or derelict sites, on sites with existing planning permission; and by converting long-term empty mills, shops and offices into homes; and that existing long-term empty homes should also be brought back into use, before any consideration is given to allocating green-belt or other protected open land for housing.
  1. Make arrangements to comply with the duty to cooperate with other planning authorities;
  1. Review existing development plan documents and build in a review process every five years.

Age Friendly Crompton – Grand Voting event 18 March, St Andrew’s Methodist Church

 Saturday 18th March, 12pm – 2pm,  St Andrew’s Methodist Church, Trent Road, Shaw, OL2 7QU.

Ring Nicola on 0161 622 9257 to book your place and arrange transport if you need it.

  • Free light lunch will be provided
  • Join us to listen to some new ideas for projects and activities for people aged 50+ in the Crompton area.
  • Have your say and vote for which ideas receive investments of up to £2,000!
  • Meet new friends and find out more about Ambition for Ageing.

Ambition for Ageing Oldham – Investing in your good ideas

Ambition for Ageing is a programme funded by the Big Lottery which aims to work alongside the local community to help make the Alexandra, Crompton and Failsworth West areas of Oldham more age friendly places to live and work.

We have money for each local area to invest in your good ideas!  You can ask for up to £2,000 to make your idea a reality.  Use this form to tell us more about your idea and how much it will cost.

Who can apply?

Individuals, groups of friends or neighbours, community groups, registered charities, social enterprises or businesses can apply.  If you are from a group we will need to discuss with you how the investment will work, depending on whether you are a formally constituted group.  NB: A constituted group is a group of people who come together with a common aim.  The group is run on a voluntary basis, has a committee, a constitution which sets out its aims and its own bank account.

What kind of ideas can be funded?

We are looking for ideas about how you can:

  • Make your area more ‘age friendly’.
  • Create more social opportunities for people aged 50+.
  • Bring together different generations or communities.
  • Reduce social isolation.
  • Work together to try new ways of doing things.
  • Involve people aged 50+ in your idea.
  • Build on the skills, knowledge, experience and confidence of people aged 50+ in these areas.
  • Make your idea sustainable so it can carry on after the investment has been spent.

What kind of ideas cannot be funded?

There are some things that Ambition for Ageing money can’t be spent on:

  • Day to day running costs and current or regular activities that are unrelated to Ambition for Ageing.
  • Any costs that someone else is paying for. You cannot fund things that are being paid for elsewhere – for example, if you have been gifted free use of a meeting room, this cannot be charged to the project.
  • Funds to build up a reserve or surplus.
  • General appeals or endowments.
  • Any money spent on the project before it is agreed (unless you have specifically agreed this with us and we have confirmed this in writing).
  • Building or refurbishment work, unless we have agreed that this is absolutely necessary to the delivery of your project.
  • Buying land or buildings.
  • Activities that are statutory obligations.
  • Loans or interest repayments.
  • Religious or political activities.
  • Travel outside the UK.

You can ask for investment to go towards a range of costs including running activities, paying for equipment or training, promoting your idea or improving the environment you live or work in.

We accept and approve ideas throughout the year.  Please get in touch to find out when our Age Friendly Project Group will next meet to make decisions.  This group is made up of local people aged 50+ working alongside staff from important local services.

If you are successful you will be required to keep records to show how you have spent your investment and provide information to the Ambition for Ageing Oldham Team about how people have benefited from your idea.  We will let you know more about this when we make arrangements with you for the investment.

To see a map of the areas we are working in you can look on our website:

How to apply

  1. Complete this application form which will be taken to our Age Friendly Project Group for a decision.
  2. We will contact you to clarify details and to offer development support if necessary.

Please return your completed application form to:

Nicola Shore, Age UK Oldham, 10 Church Lane, Oldham, OL1 3AN

Or by email to

If you are new to filling in forms like this and need some help with, please let us know by ringing 0161 622 9257.

Shaw Royal Bank of Scotland opening hours – letter from local councillors

10 March 2017

Customer Relations Manager, The Royal Bank of Scotland, Freepost, PO Box 594, Chatham, ME4 9DP


Dear Sir or Madam,

Re: Reduction in opening hours at Shaw branch

We are writing to you on behalf of the residents of Shaw in Oldham, to voice our concerns around the proposed reduction in opening hours of the Shaw branch of RBS.

RBS have recently stated in an interview with Oldham Evening Chronicle that you “have to continually adapt to meet our customer needs”.

The proposal to close the branch on Thursdays, Shaw’s Market day, does not seem to be in keeping with that commitment.

We would like to request that the opening hours are reviewed and that the bank is kept open on Thursdays.

Keeping the bank open on a Thursday is very important to local businesses, residents and visitors to the area and closing on such a key day will inevitably cause problems for many.

We, as the Elected Members for Shaw, strongly urge you to reconsider this proposal.

If you could please provide a response to this letter which you are happy for us to share with the concerned residents of Shaw, we would be grateful.

Yours sincerely

Councillors Chris Gloster, Rod Blyth and Howard Sykes
Members for Shaw Ward

Councillor Sykes calls for Council Tax Exemption for Young Care Leavers

The Leader of the Opposition and Liberal Democrat Group on Oldham Council, Councillor Howard Sykes MBE, has called for an exemption on council tax payments for care leavers under 25.

Councillor Sykes has requested the exemption in a letter to the Deputy Leader of the Council, Councillor Abdul Jabbar, and the Borough Treasurer, Anne Ryans.

Councillor Sykes said: “There are approximately 170 care-leavers in Oldham.  As a local authority we have a duty of care to care-leavers and as Councillors we have a responsibility to these vulnerable young people as ‘corporate parents’.  The Oldham Liberal Democrats are keen to ensure that all care-leavers are given the best start into adulthood that is possible.  In my view this should include protection from the damage of council tax debt.”

When care leavers move into independent accommodation they begin to manage their own budget fully for the first time.  In 2016, the Children’s Society’s ‘Wolf at the Door’ report found that care leavers can find this extremely challenging; they are suddenly living independently, managing a household whilst continuing education or seeking employment, as well as managing their personal finances, and paying bills. Often with no family to support them and insufficient financial education, care-leavers fall into debt and financial difficulty.  The report also found that council tax debt is an especial challenge for young care leavers.

Councillor Sykes explained: “What can start out for many of these young people as a situation in which they are falling slightly behind on their payments can very quickly and frighteningly escalate to a court summons and enforcement action being taken, all incurring significant additional costs that have to be met by the care-leaver.”

The Children’s Society is asking local authorities to adopt a policy of exempting care-leavers from council tax until they are 25 years of age. There are a number of Labour- and Conservative-led councils which have already adopted this low-cost policy, including Islington, Hammersmith & Fulham, Cheshire East, North Somerset and Birmingham.

In his letter, Councillor Sykes has stated his strong support for Oldham Council introducing a similar policy as a priority.   Councillor Sykes is very pleased to report Councillor Jabbar has already indicated he will be looking into this.