Sykes says of Oldham Education Commission report: Why the delay, publish now!


The Leader of the Opposition and of the Liberal Democrat Group on Oldham Council, Councillor Howard Sykes MBE, has written to the Chief Executive, Dr Wilkins, asking for the findings of the much-awaited Oldham Education Commission to be published before Christmas.

Cllr Sykes said: “After months of deliberations, an interim report was promised in January, it failed to materialise; then in the summer, a report was promised, it failed to materialise; now there have been yet further months of delay in its publication, and it has still to materialise.  This is beginning to look like Oldham’s Chilcot Report.”

“I understand that the publication of the report had to be placed on hold during the recent by-election, but we now have the result so there is no reason for a further delay until the new-year.”

“I know parents, teaching professionals, governors and elected members will be as keen as I am to see the findings – and more importantly we need to start to act upon them as soon as possible to improve the education made available to the children and young people of this borough; because the state of Oldham’s education has already been damned even before the publication.”

Cllr Sykes has been very concerned to see a steady decline in educational performance at many of Oldham’s schools since the change in Administration in 2011. He added: “This year we have had two damning Ofsted reports.  The first found that Oldham has the third highest number of infant pupils taught in classes of more than 30 and that our average junior class at almost 29 pupils is the seventh highest in the country.

“This was bad enough but in the last week, Sir Michael Wilshaw, Head of Ofsted, has cited Oldham as one of the sixteen education authorities with the lowest percentage of pupils able to study at ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ schools.  Only a third of our pupils are able to do so.”

“The reality is that under Labour this authority is failing to offer thousands of our children the education they deserve.  It is just not good enough.  If there was a school report on this Administration’s performance it would say ‘must do much better’.”

Cllr Sykes set out the Liberal Democrat vision for education in the borough:

“The Liberal Democrats firmly believe that all of our borough’s children and young people deserve an excellent education to enable them to reach their fullest potential in academia, in employment and as active citizens.  A good schooling opens doors for individuals so they can access further and higher education, become productive and well remunerated in the workplace, self-expressive and active citizens, and serve as positive parents and role models for their own children.”

“We hope that the Oldham Education Commission will also share this vision and identify the means to achieve it.  Let us hope that the report is soon published so that politicians from all parties can renew their efforts to do all in their power to assist in changing the current state of affairs.  The Liberal Democrats stand ready to do so”.

Copy of email to Dr Wilkins, Chief Executive of Oldham Council

Dear Dr Wilkins,

I am writing to you because I am concerned that Oldham Council wishes to hold over the publication of the much-awaited Oldham Education Commission report until the New Year, whenever that may be.

After months of deliberations, an interim report was promised in January, it failed to materialise; then in the summer, a report was promised, it failed to materialise; now there have been yet further months of delay in its publication, and it has still to materialise. This is beginning to look like Oldham’s Chilcot Report.

I understand that the publication of the report had to be placed on hold during the recent by-election, but we now have the result I can see no reason for a further delay until the New Year.  Delaying these weeks and months can only have an adverse impact upon our children, many of whom are just not getting anything like the standard and quality of education they deserve and to be blunt should expect nothing less.

I know parents, teaching professionals, governors and elected members will be as keen as I am to see the findings – and more importantly we need to start to act upon them as soon as possible to improve the education made available to the children and young people of this borough; because the state of Oldham’s education has already been heavily condemned by Ofsted in two reports in recent months.

It is simply not acceptable that almost two thirds of Oldham’s pupils are unable to study at a ‘good’ or ‘excellent’ school – we should and we must do better by the young people of this borough.

I look forward to receiving your reply and hopefully and early publication of this report.

Yours sincerely.

Councillor Howard Sykes MBE

Oldham Festival of Light – free event book now

Festival of Light 2015

You are cordially invited to join us at the “FESTIVAL OF LIGHT 2015” which is being organised to celebrate the Festivals of Christmas, Diwali, Chanukah, and Eid-Ul-Adha.

The aim is to bring people of various faiths and none, together in the annual event, now in its 12th year. We hope this will lead to improve our understanding of people from different faiths and cultures as well as sharing in each others festivals.

This year’s line up of entertainment includes, Christmas carols, Brass Band, Indian Dance and Nasheed. The Festival of Light will end with a simple shared Buffet meal.

Date: Monday 14th of December 2015

Time: 6.30pm for 7.00 prompt start

Venue: Queen Elizabeth Hall, Rochdale Road, Oldham, OL1 1NL.

Demand for the free places is always very high and we have had to refuse people. To avoid disappointment can you please book your FREE place/s early.

Kindly email your request or simply call on the telephone number below to book your FREE place.   Please indicate the number of tickets required along with your dietary requirements.  

Oldham Interfaith Forum

Tel 0161 624 6733


Oldham Council 4 November 2015 – leaders questions from Councillor Howard Sykes

questions-to-ask-your-LASIK-doctorQ1 – Talk Talk Cyber Attack

The Leader will be aware of the cyber-attack conducted on 21st October against one of Britain’s biggest internet service providers, Talk Talk.

As a consequence of this attack, a significant amount of individual customer data was stolen, including bank account numbers, sort codes, credit and debit card details, dates of birth and the names, email addresses and phone numbers of customers.

To their credit, according to a spokesperson from the Metropolitan Police Cyber Crime Unit: “TalkTalk have done everything right in bringing this matter to our attention as soon as possible,” and they are co-operating fully with an ongoing criminal investigation, which has now led to an arrest.

Nonetheless this news will still be very worrying for our residents who pay their bills with the Council electronically on-line or who choose to pay via a debit or credit card.

What information can the Leader provide us about the impact, if any, of the Talk Talk attack on the Council’s operations and its customers – the residents of this borough – and what reassurance can he provide them that the Council has the most rigorous safeguards in place to keep the personal and payment details of our residents safe from prying eyes?

Q2 – Conservative threat to Generation Oldham

My second question concerns a clear and present danger to a plan that has enjoyed cross-party support in this Chamber – namely the proposal to generate our own green energy through the Generation Oldham project.

The Leader may be aware that the new Tory Government has recently proposed changes that will make it difficult if not impossible to continue to develop community owned renewable energy schemes.

When the Liberal Democrats controlled the Department of Energy and Climate Change whilst in coalition, a favourable regime was put in place to provide a generous subsidy by the payment of a Feed in Tariff (or FIT) to community energy projects.

As a result over 5,500 community energy projects were established over the lifetime of the Coalition Government – making a major contribution to our country’s energy needs without creating a carbon footprint.

The new Government intends to unravel this regime by cutting the FIT by up to 90% in January 2016. Under their proposals FIT payments to roof mounted solar schemes will be reduced from 12.47p for every kilowatt hour of electricity they produce to 1.63p.

I have recently responded – as I am sure many others have – to the Government consultation on this matter opposing the changes but I have no doubt they will still go ahead.

Given that this Council’s Generation Oldham proposals are based on the generation by roof mounted solar panels of 1 megawatt of electricity, can the Leader please tell me whether these proposals would make this scheme unviable and whether any solar panels can be installed before January to enable us to claim the existing subsidy and salvage what we can from this Conservative inspired train wreck?

Last night’s meeting of Oldham Council – tribute to Michael Meacher MP RIP – by Councillor Howard Sykes Lib Dem and opposition Leader


Mr Mayor, Michael Meacher served the people of Oldham faithfully as Member of Parliament for 45 years, since being first elected in June 1970.

Elected when he only 30, Michael served as a junior minister in industry, health and social security under Labour Prime Ministers Harold Wilson and James Callaghan, and later, after the return of a Labour Government, as environment minister under Tony Blair.

Michael was never afraid to speak out – sometimes as a minority voice in his party – about issues that he felt passionately about – the environment, housing, and nuclear weapons.

These were issues on which he had my complete support and admiration.

Always a man of great principle, Michael to his great credit was prepared to sacrifice his ministerial position in protest over the conduct of the Iraq War.  And we now know that he was right on this also.

One political issue for which Michael was particularly admired was his commitment to safeguarding our environment.

I have it on good authority from a personal friend who was working for a Non-Governmental Organisation that he regarded Michael as the best Environment Minister their organisation had ever had dealings with – now that is praise indeed!

Although he spoke out on national issues, Michael was never afraid to speak out for the people of Oldham on the issues that mattered to them, and in a period of increasing austerity and a north-south divide there was never more need for a dedicated advocate for this town in Westminster.

On a personal level, I enjoyed working with him when I was Leader of the Council. I always found Michael approachable and willing to work across party boundaries on issues of importance that affected the borough of Oldham and its people. I also enjoyed Michael’s company (and that of his partner) at the many social functions at which we met.

So it was a real privilege to be able to speak in support of the proposal that the Council award Michael the title of Honorary Freeman of the Borough of Oldham for his outstanding service and dedication in 2013.

Mr Mayor, with Michael’s passing I regret to say that Oldham has lost a great friend and a great advocate, and for whoever is about to follow him into Westminster, Michael’s will be very big shoes to fill.

Tribute to veteran Oldham Labour MP Michael Meacher (RIP)


Michael Meacher served the people of Oldham faithfully as Member of Parliament for more than 45 years.

Although passionate about many political causes, I always found Michael approachable and willing to work across party boundaries on issues of importance that affected the Borough of Oldham and its people.

One political issue on which Michael campaigned for which he had my complete support and admiration was his commitment to safeguarding our environment.

Consequently I was proud to be able to speak in support of the proposal that Oldham Council award him the title of Honorary Freeman of the Borough of Oldham for his outstanding service and dedication in April 2013.

And with his passing I regret that Oldham has lost both a long-serving MP but a man who thought first and foremost of the town and the people who elected him.


Computer generated image - Search For Solution

Computer generated image – Search For Solution

Tuesday 20 October 2015 Community Forum at 6.00pm followed by District Executive meeting to start 7.00pm

Shaw Lifelong Learning Centre, High Street, Shaw OL2 8TB


Come along and talk to the Councillors and Officers Who work in and for your local area (Police, Highways, Environmental Services, Housing Providers, Youth Service and more)