£500+ tax on caring is unfair and unjust

Crompton Liberal Democrat Councillor Louie Hamblett who is the Shadow Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care expressed alarm at the recent announcement by the government to end free COVID tests.  

Councillor Hamblett said, “Charging people for the tests they need to safely see vulnerable loved ones is a tax on caring, that risks leaving millions of people in lockdown by stealth. Throughout the pandemic, people have been trying hard to do the right thing and keep others safe. The Government should not be making that harder.”

The latest figures show that every week nearly four million people take regular Covid tests, taking two tests a week on average. This includes people who take tests to protect their elderly relatives and friends, or vulnerable workers who work in people-facing industries such as hospitality and are concerned about their health.

Those people now face an average hit of £534 a year, assuming lateral flow tests cost around £5.80 each. This is based on the average costs of a lateral flow test in similar Western countries including Belgium, France, Spain and the US.

Councillor Hamblett also added, “Yet again, hard-working people are being asked to choose between their weekly shop or paying to see loved ones in care homes or hospitals. Surely such a measure should not be passed?”

Planning for houses off Denbigh Drive, Shaw are approved despite pleas from local councillors and residents

Crompton Ward Liberal Democrat Cllr Dave Murphy spoke at last night’s Planning Committee (16/02/22) meeting where the application for Denbigh Drive was heard.

Despite one of the local residents, directly affected, speaking passionately to the Committee, telling them about the impact this development will have on him and his neighbours, the majority of the Committee agreed decision to approve.

“The main aim of the Other Protected Open Land (OPOL) policy is that the designation is to protect it from development – but Oldham’s is out of date – which means that this type of land designation becomes a free-for-all to developers.  Haven Lane was passed last year and the flood gates opened for building on OPOL – this includes Cowlishaw and now Denbigh Drive,” said a disappointed Cllr Murphy

Cllr Dave Murphy added “The Places for Everyone policy has not been accepted, so why are we working with that policy.  It seems that we have just got to accept what Oldham wants and get on with it, rather than listen to residents and make a sensible decision.”

Cllr Diane Williamson, who serves on the Committee, put forward a refusal but this was defeated.  The two Conservative Councillors showed utter contempt for the residents of Denbigh Drive and left before the vote was taken and the meeting was over.

Obviously, the residents of Denbigh Drive are extremely disappointed with the outcome, but Crompton Liberal Democrat councillors will support them, when the development starts.

Cllr Murphy said “The residents living in that area, know what the issues are; we heard them last night – sewerage and access to name but two – but it appears residents voices do not matter.  It’s all about filling the Conservative government building targets – it’s a shame Conservative Cllrs Woodvine and Lancaster did not even stay to vote on this important matter.

Conservatives fail to do Equality Impact Assessment and try to steal Lib Dem clothes

Crompton Liberal Democrat councillor Diane Williamson attended the Policy Overview & Scrutiny Committee meeting on Tuesday 8 February and was absolutely shocked at the so-called Conservative Budget proposals.

Cllr Williamson said, “the Conservatives kept telling the Committee that they did not have enough time to put forward a budget – so instead they stole most of what the Liberal Democrats have put together over the last four to five years and submitted that; rebadged slightly – but still what Lib Dems have suggested years before and most of which they had previously voted against!”

The Conservatives have been on Oldham Council for many years now and have sat in numerous Budget Council meetings, they also have dedicated staff now so there really is no excuse.

The Conservatives failed to put together a budget without any Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) and when questioned as to why this had happened – repeatedly they told the Committee that it was because they did not have enough time.

The assessment is part of putting together a robust report, but the Liberal Democrats put together a fully costed budget amendment in the same amount of time as the Conservative had, with EIAs.  Their budget amendments were also heard at the meeting on Tuesday 8 February.

“Perhaps more time should be spent on thinking about their own budget proposals and use their own initiative rather than taking other people’s ideas.  If this is what it’s like to be a Tory, I am glad I’m not one” added Cllr Diane Williamson.

Business grants and and support 

Two business grants and a business rates relief scheme are still open – please do not miss out.

A wide range of sectors could benefit including manufacturing, office, transport, storage and distribution and many more.

If your business has been impacted by the pandemic and you can demonstrate you have been unable to adapt – for example by submitting bank statements/accounts showing turnover before the pandemic and now – then you could be eligible.

You could receive up to a 100% rebate on your 2021/22 business rates bill. Visit www.oldham.gov.uk/carf to apply. 

The Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grant is for hospitality, leisure and accommodation businesses who pay business rates. Grants of up to £6,000 are available. Apply at www.oldham.gov.uk/omicrongrant 

Omicron Additional Restrictions Grant: new phase opening

On Monday (14 February) the next phase of the Omicron Additional Restrictions Grant will open – giving wedding industry businesses, English language schools, personal care and gyms operating from commercial premises – the opportunity to apply.

Businesses in the initial phase – leisure, accommodation and hospitality businesses that don’t pay business rates or travel and hospitality suppliers – can still apply but will no longer be prioritised.

Find out more and apply at www.oldham.gov.uk/arg

Liberal Democrats demand opportunity to hold those responsible to account on CSE report

Oldham’s people deserve the chance to question those responsible for its policing and care services at a Council meeting covering the independent investigation into CSE, say Oldham’s Liberal Democrats. 

The Council has previously agreed to the Liberal Democrats’ request  for a specific meeting to address the topic when the report is finally released. The Liberal Democrats want this pledge reaffirmed.  They are also calling for GMP chief constable Stephen Watson, Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham, and the senior leadership of the Council, in particular the Cabinet Member for children’s services, to face questioning on any issues that the report brings up.

Councillor Sam Al-Hamdani said: “It is vital for the people of Oldham to have confidence not only in the report, but in obtaining justice for survivors, and ensuring that services have changed, and continue to change for the better.

“That must mean that both councillors and the public having the opportunity to raise questions that need to be answered.

We recognise the importance of members of the public having their chance to speak – for Oldham to come together and build back trust, this cannot be about political point scoring, from inside or outside the Council chamber. Instead, it must be about honest acknowledgement of any issues, and an open and frank assessment of how things need to change.”

The investigation addressed specific reports of CSE, but also had a broader portfolio to pursue where the evidence took them.  Leaked sections of the report have already shown that it has covered serious flaws in procedure from 2006.

Fellow Liberal Democrat Councillor Mark Kenyon said: “We have already seen a series of arrests taking place with regards to grooming which took place in 2012–13, and there may be further criminal investigations which take place alongside this report.

“If GMP are one of the organisations identified in the report, it is vital that they can be held to account. We need to know that not only can they bring offenders to account, but that they will be operating to the highest standards now, and will address any failures that there have been in the past.”

So-called Conservative Government levelling up agenda is all fur coat and no knickers say local Liberal Democrats

The Government abandoned crucial targets, and failed to provide the funding needed to meet these new ones. It is a fig leaf for a Prime Minister who everyone can see for what he is.

If the Government is serious about levelling up, why has it just abandoned plans for local high speed rail?

Why is it loading the bill for social care on to local council tax payers, particularly those like Oldham?

Why did it abandon its target for high-speed broadband to 85% of homes by 2025?

Levelling-up is just the latest Tory buzzword and has no substance whatsoever – I hope people are not conned by it.