Liberal Democrat Welcome for Commons Report on Puppy Farming


Oldham Liberal Democrats have welcomed the recent publication of a report by Parliament’s Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee calling on the Government to bring forward legislation to outlaw puppy farming and to improve animal welfare.

At the full meeting of Oldham Council on 9 November, a Liberal Democrat motion was passed by councillors calling for similar action from government and committing the Council to work with animal welfare agencies and the public to look out for the well-being of puppies and dogs and to end puppy farming in the borough.

Commenting on the findings of the report, Liberal Democrat Councillor Julia Turner, who proposed the motion, said: “It is great to hear that the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee are echoing many of the demands of the Oldham Council Liberal Democrat Group.”

“Like the committee, we want to see the government bring forward the necessary secondary legislation to outlaw puppy farming; introduce greater regulation to ensure that breeders are registered and regulated; and provide more resources for local councils to enforce the law.”

“We would also welcome stronger sentences for people who engage in the abhorrent practice of raising pups that are isolated from their mothers, and then neglected or starved, before selling them for hundreds of pounds to unsuspecting buyers.”

Liberal Democrat Group Leader, Councillor Howard Sykes MBE, seconded the motion, added: “This is a real problem – only one in ten puppies is bred by a licensed breeder. Often illegally bred animals die or become sick shortly after being purchased because they are not vaccinated. And a buyer left with a dead animal or a sizable medical bill has little legal comeback – British customers have more rights when they purchase a refrigerator than they do a puppy.”

“A recent operation in Greater Manchester by the RSPCA, Operation Pagan, found ‘animal suffering on an almost industrial scale’, and Oldham residents from Chadderton, Failsworth and Shaw have been convicted of related offences so in the run-up to Christmas I would ask everyone to remain vigilant to the actions of puppy farmers”.

Marks and Spencer withdrawal a disappointment, says Liberal Democrat Leader

imagesThe Leader of the Liberal Democrat Opposition Group on Oldham Council, Councillor Howard Sykes MBE, has expressed his bitter disappointment on hearing today’s news that Marks and Spencer has pulled out of Oldham’s Princes Gate Development.

Commenting he said: “Following on from the euphoria generated by the recent opening of our new town hall cinema complex this news is of course disappointing but it is also unsurprising given the recent poor financial results and store closures announced by Marks and Spencer.”

“We must all hope that at some point in the future Marks and Spencer will be able to take up retail space in our town, but for now the Council’s focus must be on securing a new prime tenant for the Prince’s Gate site, and soon, if this is to remain a ‘game changing’ development for our Borough.”

“If this is not done quickly the Council will have just created an empty development site that will be an eyesore on one of the main gateways into Oldham’s Town Centre.”

Shaw and Crompton Christmas Lights Switch On Friday 25th November 2016 from 5:00pm

HDS Santa Jean and Laural Bank Team Dec 11 web

START by joining in the festive spirit on MARKET STREET, Shops are open, visit the Christmas stalls, pet the Donkeys, spot the Mascot, enjoy the Scottish Pipers, be entertained ON STAGE by Pamper your Princess (Frozen characters, Spiderman).


THEN FOLLOW the signs to ‘Santa’s Grotto’, where you will find Refreshments, St. Joseph’s School Choir performing carols, Face Painters, Reiki sessions and see ‘SANTA’ and his friends.

Programme of activities


What’s On Where
5:00pm to 5:30pm Carols with Oldham Scottish Pipers Market Street

5:00pm to 6:00pm


Treats for little ones with Bedtime Stories told by Rogan Mills (free) milk and biscuits


Crompton Library Farrow Street


5:30pm to 6:45pm


Music and entertainment on stage with



Stage area-near

Tesco Market Street


6:00pm to 7:00pm


Complimentary Mulled Wine, Mince Pies,

Tea and Coffee


Playhouse 2

Newtown Street




CHRISTMAS LIGHTS SWITCH ON by the children’s Favourite Character


Stage area- near Tesco Market Street


6:30pm to 8:00pm


Entertainment with Carols from St Joseph’s School Choir, Face Painters (free), Reiki sessions and Refreshments for all (free)


Shaw LLC (Community Centre) High Street


6:00pm to 8:00pm


Come along children to see ‘Santa’ and friends in his Grotto. Present for every child (free)


Shaw LLC (Community Centre) High Street

More: christmas-flyer-amended-2-docx-poster

ITQ 1 Level 1 IT User Skills Computer Course, Shaw – starts 10th Jan 17,Tue 12.30–3.00pm

notebook, and two persons on white background

notebook, and two persons on white background

Do you have good basic IT knowledge?

Would you like to do 3 IT Level 1 units from the following:-

  • Word Processing
  • Spreadsheets
  • Presentations
  • Internet & Email
  • Database
  • Desktop Publishing
  • Using Collaborative Technologies
  • IT Security

Starts 10th January 2017 for 24 weeks

Tuesday 12.30–3.00pm

At Shaw Lifelong Learning Centre

Contact 0161 770 5544 for details on how to receive, information advice and guidance about the course.  A Skills Check will be required.