Retaining Wall located between Rossendale Close and Parkgate Way, Shaw

Location Map - Back of Rossendale Retaining Wall

The retaining wall mentioned above supports a footway at the back of properties 2-20 Parkgate Way and 1-19 Rossendale Close.  It has been classified as a risk to the public because the parapet is failing.

The footway in the vicinity of the retaining wall, which are shown on the attached map, are due to be closed until the structure has been made safe.  Remedial repairs to the wall will be undertaken within the next 4 to 8 weeks as soon as all options have been assessed and appropriate funding is sourced.

During this time it has been agreed with the Oldham Council Waste Collection teams that your bins will be collected as follows:

  • For residents of Parkgate Way, as part of the works it will be necessary for us to accommodate your refuse and recycling collections, could I therefore ask that you move all your bins and containers to the path at the front of your property. The Waste Collection team have agreed to collect all containers from this location and therefore you will not be required to take them to a collection point.
  • For residents of Rossendale Close, your bins will be collected from the front of your properties as usual.

The retaining wall will continue to be monitored. We are hopeful that any necessary major works (i.e. retaining wall replacement or strengthening) will be undertaken as soon as appropriate funding is made available.

Finally, we apologise in advance for the inconvenience that these works may cause, however the safety of the public is paramount and cannot be compromised.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any further information.

Yours faithfully

Antony Bhunu

Bridges / Structures / Drainage & Flood Management

Asset Management, Highways & Engineering

Direct Line: 0161 770 3851


Rossendale Close Traffic Proposal

Former Shaw Market demolition and anti social behaviour

Market demolish web

Joint statement from Shaw and Crompton Councillors about the anti-social behaviour on the former market site in Shaw Town Centre.

Tuesday evening (2 August), saw a group of young people wreaking havoc on the former market site, where demolition work is being carried out to remove the stalls and create more parking spaces.

This was not the first time it had happened.  On Monday evening (1 August) they had wrecked the site by pulling down the fencing.  So, it was agreed that a security guard would be deployed to the site the following evening, to monitor the situation.

Last night (2 August), he was assaulted by these young people, who were throwing objects at him, one of which was a broom that hit him on the shoulder.  Not only that but they were pulling the fencing down and riding their bikes over them.  Somebody said they looked like a “pack of wolves”.

Councillor Rod Blyth, who was going home at 8:45pm, saw a police officer talking to a group of young people.  However, the youths were not dispersed and were still congregating on Kershaw Street and Westway when the police officer left.

Then about 9:00pm the situation escalated and Councillor Rod Blyth called the police again and called his colleagues, two of whom were available to assist.  Councillors Dave Murphy and Diane Williamson attended at 9:30pm where they were greeted with a group of young people being dragged back to a police car, where one young person had to be put inside the car.

The police who attended the scene tried to explain to the young people that they would be complicit in any crime that was committed, if they did not do one of three things.  Ring the police; tell the others to stop what they were doing; or walk away.  Needless to say the young people did not take on board this message, despite being reminded of a similar situation that had happened in Ashton last week, which had sadly resulted in a death.

The young people said that they were protesting about the demolition of the market, because it was their chill space.  However, because of a history of anti-social behaviour, not just by these young people on the market, the site needs to be cleared so that those living in Shaw Town Centre are not frightened to go out at night.

It took a couple of hours for all of this to calm down, with the Councillors calling First Response (the Council’s Emergency Team) to ask for assistance, but because the security guard was not employed by the council, all they could do was carry out a welfare check.

All six Shaw and Crompton Councillors have requested a co-ordinated approach to this, so that we can stop these young people from acting so atrociously and ensure the safety of the residents and the security guard on site.  This has been happening for years, but each year the young people’s behaviour has become more anti-social.

The police, PCSOs, the Council and the Detached Youth Team will be out over the next two nights patrolling the area and a Dispersal Order has been drawn up which covers the area between Rochdale Road, Crompton Way, Market Street and Greenfield Lane.

We would urge anyone who sees anything happening around the market site, please contact the police by phoning 101.  Any intelligence about any anti-social behaviour would be welcomed.

In addition to this, Councillor Diane Williamson, as Chair of the District Executive, has written to the Leader of the Council asking for reassurances that despite the delay in the demolition, that all works will be completed in time for 22 August, as well as raising concerns about what happened on 2 August.

Local Councillors believe in zero-tolerance when dealing with these issues and a meeting with a number of partners will be taking place on Friday to review the measures that have been put in place.

Royal Mail latest re Beal Lane mail box


Click link to see letter: Beal Lane Mail box Royal Mail letter

My most recent letter to Royal Mail:

Mr Mike Newnham, Chief Customer Officer, Royal Mail Plc, 100 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0HQ

Dear Mr Newnham,

Re: Disappearance of Royal Mail Post Boxes, Milnrow Road, Shaw and Long Rushes; Shaw.

Thank you for your recent correspondence regarding the Post Box on Beal Lane, Shaw.

Whilst I have received previous replies regarding the Milnrow Road and Long Rushes Post Boxes, I am yet to receive a date of when they will be replaced.

I would welcome some further information about this matter.

Hopefully you will be in a position to replace the Post Box as soon as possible to alleviate the inconvenience and distress it is causing for my constituents.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely – Howard Sykes

Summer Holiday Activities in Shaw and Crompton


Full Circle is providing these school holiday activities after being commissioned to do so by your local Shaw and Crompton Liberal Democrat Councillors.

Monday 1st August

1pm – 3pm – Georges Street Playing Fields

Friday 5th August

11am – 1pm – High Crompton Park

Monday 8th August    

1pm – 3pm – Georges Street Playing Fields

Friday 12th August          

11am – 1pm – High Crompton Park

Monday 15th August  

1pm – 3pm – Georges Street Playing Fields

Friday 19th August          

11am – 1pm – High Crompton Park

Monday 22nd August

1pm – 3pm – Georges Street Playing Fields

Friday 26th August

11am – 1pm – High Crompton Park

Friday 2nd  September

11am – 1pm – High Crompton Park

Saturday 3rd September

Kite Festival – High Crompton Park

The team members all wear red ‘Full Circle’ branded clothing when they are working.

Royton and Crompton School Bid to be brought to Cabinet


Shaw Liberal Democrat Councillor Howard Sykes MBE has welcomed news that plans for the construction of a new Royton and Crompton School are about to be taken forward to Cabinet.

Councillor Sykes and his Liberal Democrat colleagues in Shaw and Crompton have wanted to see a new school on the site for many years.

In February 2015, Councillor Sykes specifically asked the then Council Leader Jim McMahon to prioritise a bid for funding for the new school.

In full Council, Councillor Sykes said at that time: “Royton and Crompton School is in a parlous state.  It is a school that requires serious investment to meet the educational needs of pupils and staff in the twenty first century.

And I make a public pledge as I have done privately to help in any way I can to get the school Royton and Crompton deserves.

So can the Leader tonight tell me where we are in looking to secure capital investment from Government to make the school ‘fit for purpose’ .”

The Council’s Cabinet will receive a report in September recommending a bid be made for funding a new school as part of the Education Funding Agency’s Priority Schools Building Programme.

Councillor Sykes said: “It is a shame that eighteen months will have had to pass before a report on this matter will be brought to Cabinet, but it does at least represent progress, albeit slow progress. I now hope that a funding bid can be made in the very near future and that we will not have to wait another eighteen months to hear the news that funding will be made available to build the new school that the children of Royton and Crompton so richly deserve”.

Oldham Borough should become a Alexandra Rose Voucher Pioneer, says Councillor Sykes


The Leader of the Liberal Democrat Opposition Group on Oldham Council, Councillor Howard Sykes MBE, has welcomed news that Oldham Council intends to put its hat in the ring to become a pioneer to promote healthy eating to pregnant women who are under eighteen or on a low income.

In June, Councillor Sykes wrote to Labour Cabinet Members asking them to consider putting Oldham Council forward as a partner of the Alexandra Rose Charity ( and develop a new pilot project for the borough.

The charity has already run three successful projects in London, where women in recipient of Healthy Start vouchers, which are redeemed for fruit, vegetables and milk, receive additional vouchers from Alexandra Rose.

Commenting Councillor Sykes said: “We have to recognise that many mothers start out on a very-low income. Healthy Start provides them with an additional income in the form of vouchers, but this is a healthy income as it can only be spent on good things that will help them maintain their health.

“A partnership with the Alexandra Rose Charity would be exciting as Oldham Council would be amongst the first, if not itself the first, local authorities outside of London that would be able to provide an additional ‘top up’ to low-income and young mothers – and not only mothers because young children living in these families also benefit.

“Like the idea of establishing a Community Shop in our borough, this too represents another practical suggestion from the Liberal Democrats to help women in our borough struggling to make ends meet and faced with food poverty.

“The other benefit of the Alex Rose scheme is that these vouchers have to be spent in local markets or otherwise with local food suppliers helping to boost the fortunes of our local market traders and shop keepers rather than the profits of large supermarket chains.

“The deadline for submitting our expression of interest is 27 July and I am confident that our officers will meet it.  I look forward to the second round when we can expect to meet representatives from the Alexandra Rose charity visiting our borough to discuss taking my proposal forward.”