Cannabis use – information and advice


Our local Shaw, Crompton and Royton Health & Well-being sub group have been looking into cannabis use and what is being done.  See info below and also the attached leaflet via the links.

Click on link for more info: Psychoactive Substances Act.1.3

Don’t forget, for friendly, confidential advice and information, you can call: FRANK on 0800 77 66 00 24 hours a day.  Calls are free from landlines and some mobiles.  There’s also a textphone for the hard of hearing on 0800 917 8765.  Or go to

Oldham Theatre Workshop: Oldham Theatre Work Shop has won a bid that was commissioned by the youth council. OASIS will be working closely to give specialist advice and input in the writing & developing of the piece. The long term plan is to take the production around secondary schools, colleges and the YJS team to raise awareness of the dangers of legal highs. They are hoping to have it ready for June but will be rolling out to schools in September.
Offer of  Drug and Alcohol training for Young people: Sessions will be tailored depending on the groups needs/issues, which would be identified by training request form. Training request form has been forwarded onto appropriate agencies/colleagues and contacts who work directly with Young People in the Crompton/ Shaw area. Brook/OASIS have:

·       Contacted all 3 schools, and have arranged to deliver an assembly to the whole of Year 10 at Oldham Academy North this Thursday. There in the process of arranging further assemblies for other year groups.

·       Booked in at Crompton House on 3rd May to deliver an assembly to the 6th form and will arrange additional sessions on sexual health and will try to arrange sessions on drugs/alcohol as requested.

·       Contacted Royton and Crompton to arrange sessions and they are awaiting a response.

Crucial Crew: Summary received that Crucial Crew will be delivered to Primary School children from all over Oldham. Involves workshops on a variety of topics on the theme of staying safe. OASIS staff deliver the risks of alcohol/drugs/smoking. The last one completed was last summer based at Mahdlo and saw over 2000 young people.

Although  OASIS don’t proactively target primary schools to deliver sessions, the vast majority of work is focused on secondary school age but they are willing to deliver sessions in primary schools when requested, they have delivered in a handful this academic year. Information of training shared with partners:

OASIS (Oldham Alcohol Substance Intervention Service) can deliver sessions on substance misuse, drugs, alcohol, smoking or legal highs to young people under the age of 19 in a variety of settings including:

•             As part of a PSHE programme

•             Tutorials

•             Targeted groups

•             Assemblies

•             Accredited 4 or 6 week programmes

•             Youth groups

•             Training providers

•             Colleges/6th forms

They can also deliver training for professionals.

Cannabis Information: The FRANK website is a good resource for any professional/ young   person to access if they have questions or concerns about any type of drug.  The information leaflets above are specific to Cannabis.
Legal High Professional Information Network (PIN): A Professionals Information Network (PIN) has been developed and over 60 people have signed up to it across the Partnership The PIN allows members to share information, experience and knowledge on New Psychoactive Substances (Legal Highs) and other drugs. Any professional/ councillor is welcome to join the PIN and view information. Anyone interested just needs to send me their e-mail address, so they can be invited to link into the site. The site is moderated by our Consultant on legal highs: Michael Linnell.
The Psychoactive Substances Act: The Psychoactive Substances Act will come into force on the 6th April 2016. The Act will make it an offence to produce, supply or offer to supply any psychoactive substance if the substance is likely to be used for its psychoactive effects and regardless of its potential for harm. The only exemption from the Act are those substances already controlled by the Misuse of Drugs Act, nicotine, alcohol, caffeine and medicinal products. The attached brief summarises the Act (please be aware that its rumoured that it could be delayed to at least May and possibly as late as October). 
Legal Highs Training for Local Groups & Voluntary Organisations: OASIS & One Recovery will delivering small pieces of training (briefing sessions) to frontline staff from youth & voluntary groups in local communities on Legal Highs. This will be a very short session to ‘upskill’ these groups in recognising legal high use and their effects on young people/ adults who are more likely experimenting or using them recreationally. It’s hoped that we will be able to advertise the sessions on the VAO website.

Oldham Council needs National Living Wage Accreditation, say Lib Dems

national-living-wageThe Leader of the Opposition and of the Liberal Democrat Group on Oldham Council, Councillor Howard Sykes MBE is proposing a motion to next Wednesday’s Council meeting (23 March) that Oldham Council should seek accreditation as a National Living Wage employer.

Councillor Sykes said: “I am proud as a Councillor when, in December 2013, Oldham Council adopted a resolution proposed by the Liberal Democrats to become a National Living Wage employer.”

“In April 2015, the National Living Wage was introduced for all Council staff, and five hundred and forty of our lowest paid staff received a pay rise as a result.”

“The Council should be proud of this achievement and we should say so publicly. One way of doing this is by applying for accreditation with the National Living Wage Foundation.”

Councillor Sykes is supported by his Liberal Democrat colleague Councillor Diane Williamson, who is seconding the motion.

Councillor Williamson added: “The Liberal Democrats believe that we should as a Council apply for formal accreditation. 1,800 other employers across the UK, including some local authorities, have already done this.  This would allow the Council to publicly display the Living Wage Employer Mark.  Not only would this be an example that other forward-thinking employers could follow in our Borough, but it would be an outward sign that Oldham Council pays a decent wage to its employees for a decent day work and would be a useful tool when recruiting staff.”

 The motion is below: 

Council 23rd March 2016 – Notice of Opposition Business –

Motion – Becoming an Accredited Living Wage Employer

Council notes that the Living Wage Foundation:

  • Exists to recognise and celebrate the leadership shown by living wage employers in raising the living standards of workers.
  • Establishes two Living Wage rates every year for employees outside and inside London.
  • Has over 1,800 employers accredited with them, with over 1,000 having registered as payers of the National Living Wage in the past year.
  • Permits accredited employers to proudly display the Living Wage Employer Mark.

Council further notes that:

  • Oldham Council first resolved to become a National Living Wage employer as a result of a motion brought to full Council in December 2013
  • The National Living Wage was introduced as the minimum pay scale for all staff in April 2015.
  • As a result five hundred and forty staff had a pay increase.
  • In his annual statement to September Council the Leader of the Council rightly highlighted the fact that this was a commendable achievement.

However despite this achievement, Oldham Council is not currently Living Wage accredited and therefore has not yet received the Living Wage Employer Mark.

Council therefore resolves to ask the Chief Executive to:

  • Seek accreditation with the Living Wage Foundation and
  • Ensure that the Living Wage Employer Mark is proudly displayed on appropriate pages within the Council’s website and in appropriate printed materials.

Changes to 408 Bus provider – service has been protected


Shaw Lib Dem Councillor Howard Sykes MBE and member of Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) has sought to re-assure local residents who use the 408 bus that this vitally important route and service will continue, following the withdrawal of daytime journeys provided by First Manchester.

“Some citizens appear to have been told the day time service would be stopping,” claimed Councillor Sykes.  “A significant number have been in touch with me about this.  They have clearly been given the wrong information.”

“With effect from Monday 4 April 2016 there will be some changes to the Monday to Saturday daytime timetable on service 408,” stated Councillor Sykes.  “Following the withdrawal of daytime journeys provided by First Manchester replacement journeys will be introduced, funded by TfGM and operated by Rosso.”

“These journeys will maintain an hourly daytime link between Buckstones, Shaw, Royton and Oldham.  First Manchester will continue to provide weekday peak journeys between Stalybridge, Oldham and Buckstones and the evening and Sunday service will continue unchanged.”

“The weekday journeys will follow the same route and timetable as the current service with the exception of the 14:22 weekday departure from Oldham which will no longer operate.  An alternative journey departs Oldham at 13:52.  On Saturdays, Rosso will follow the same route and timetable as the existing service.

“Hopefully updated timetable leaflets will be available shortly and local people can continue to use this essential bus service,” said Councillor Sykes.

Spring into Shaw and Crompton community marketplace

advice-post-it-anthony-design17 March 2016 4.00pm – 6.30pm Shaw Lifelong Learning Centre High Street, OL2 8RQ

Do you want to find out about local services? Would you like to speak to someone face to face? Why not come along and ask us anything?

Claim your free raffle ticket for a chance to win a prize. Watch our expert circus performers. You can even have a go yourself.

Funded by your Shaw and Crompton Lib Dem ward councillors

Attendees at Spring into Shaw and Crompton
Oldham Council Warm Homes
First Choice Homes
Making Space
Lifelong Learning
Housing & Care 21
Get Oldham Working
Smoking Cessation
Friends of Jubilee Colliery
Friends of Dunwood Park
Right opportunities
Friends of Crompton Moor
Promobility and Dial a Ride

Ward councillors will be attending on the day – why not pop in and have a chat?

Shaw and Crompton Metrolink park and ride trial extended


Metrolink passengers are set to benefit from several more months of free weekend parking after it was decided to extend an overnight trial.

This has been welcomed by local Shaw Lib Dem Councillor Howard Sykes.

Launched in December 2015, the trial offers free overnight weekend parking at selected Metrolink stops, meaning anyone travelling to work or enjoying a Friday or Saturday night out can leave their cars and catch the tram – providing they collect it by 12pm the following day.

The trial, which was due to conclude on 5 March 2016, has been extended until 30 July 2016, to allow for a full evaluation report to be completed.

Local stops in the trial include: Hollinwood (190), Oldham Mumps (270), Rochdale Rail Station (217), Derker (251) and Shaw and Crompton (90) stops.