Put Shaw and Crompton First

When considering how to use your vote on 3rd May, consider that you are voting for a representative who will champion your interests as a Shaw resident and the interests of other citizens of Shaw.

The Conservatives and Labour both pay lipservice to the notion of faithfully representing Shaw and the interests of the people of Shaw, but let’s have a look at the evidence. Take Shaw Baths for example.

The current plans to close the pool were put forward by a Labour administration, as were the plans to close the pool some 10 years ago. In fact, this is the third time Labour have tried to close our swimming pool. And the Conservatives have supported Labour in attempting to do so in the Council Chamber in Oldham.

There are other examples of the interests of Shaw being ignored. The recent closure of Beal Hey Tip by Labour and the absence of any support from either the Conservatives or Labour in relation to a new Health Centre for Shaw and Crompton.

Howard Sykes and your Liberal Democrat Focus Team have always worked hard to represent your interests and the interests of Shaw. Howard and the Team actively seek out your views on Shaw and the area all year, every year, and fight to get you the improvements you want. Howard, being a lifelong local resident, understands the issues and challenges facing local people.

So use your vote for yourself and for Shaw.

Beal Hey Tip Legacy

Howard and the Shaw Focus Team Protest at Closure of Beal Hey Tip

Only a few months after Labour closed our local tip at Beal Hey, Chandos Street, everybody can see how much more litter and fly tipping we now have in Shaw.

“Your Shaw Focus Team and I now spend vast amounts of time trying to get the Council to move fly tipped materials and to try to make an impact on the massive increase in litter we now have in the area,” said Howard Sykes.

“This is just what we said would happen when we fought Labour’s tip closure plans. We will continue to press for improvements and to try to keep Shaw clean. How can Labour say they care for Shaw and do this? Words fail me,” continued an exasperated Howard.

Beal Lane Metrolink Station

Howard at the Site of the New Tram Stop in Shaw

“The completion of last weekend’s roadworks on Beal Lane brings nearer the completion of Shaw and Crompton’s new Metrolink station,” reports Howard Sykes.

“People will now have noticed that the actual stop is on the other side of Beal Lane from where the rail stop used to be. This was a battle we won many years ago when the plans were being finalised and is key to keeping the traffic moving on Beal Lane,” continued Howard.

As well as Shaw residents benefitting from a more frequent service, every other tram will terminate at the new Shaw stop, now requiring no road closure. Additionally, those trams passing through to and from Rochdale will require the road to be closed for much less time than was the case with the former railway barriers.

“This is another example of our long term planning and persistence to improve things for Shaw and its community,” said Howard. “Talk and promises are cheap. Your Shaw Focus Team and I have a record of action.”

Celebrate St George’s Day at Royton and Crompton School

St George’s Day Poster

As a member of the Shaw, Crompton and Royton District Partnership, Councillor Howard Sykes welcomed the celebrations being organised funded by the District Partnership. The fun starts at 12 noon on Saturday 21st April and everybody is very welcome. For more details about the attractions and contact details about the event please click on the link above.

Battle won for public open space at Refuge Street

Refuge St Main Proposals Click on this link to view the proposals

Your Shaw Focus Team Howard Sykes, Rod Blyth and Mark Alcock Inspect the Plans for the Refuge Street Open Space

After years of inaction and after much presing of the local issue local Lib Dem councillor Howard Sykes is very pleased to report that the much needed public open space at the end of Refuge Street will at long last be made accessible for local residents.

“There are still a few things to be finalised but after more than 10 years of continued effort we are now getting somewhere,” said Howard. He added, “This outcome is in no small part down to the persistence of your Shaw Focus Team.”

Got a view? Leave a comment.

Beal Lane Roadworks Good News

The Beal Lane Roadworks may be finished in time for re-opening the road on Easter Sunday.

Howard Sykes said, “Following discussions with the project team, it appears the operational team doing the works may be able to finish a little earlier than planned over the Easter holiday.”

Howard continued, “My understanding is that this change means there may be some overnight restriction to Beal Lane later in April but that trade off seems acceptable in order to minimise disruption to local residents and road users.”

Don’t Lose Your Right to Vote

The local elections are just around the corner and Oldham Council is urging residents to ensure they are registered to exercise their democratic voice by taking part in the vote, which takes place on Thursday 3rd May.

The deadline for registering to vote is Wednesday 18th April. Residents can ensure they are registered by contacting Oldham Council’s election office on 0161 770 4718 or by email at “election@oldham.gov.uk” by this date. The process is simple – following contact by residents the elections office staff will send out a form by post which must be completed and returned.

Residents who may be planning to be away on 3rd May can apply for a postal or proxy vote. This can be done by visiting www.aboutmyvote.co.uk or contacting Oldham Council’s election office as described above. The deadline for applications for postal votes is Wednesday 18th April, and the deadline for proxy vote application is Wednesday 25th April. Should residents have a postal vote it cannot be changed to a proxy vote after 18th April.


If you are interested in the result of the local election on 3rd May, Oldham Council’s Elections Office have 100 tickets for residents to view the verification and count process from the public gallery. The verification and count will be held at the Queen Elizabeth Hall on 3rd May at 10pm. Residents can request tickets by writing to Elections Office, Room 222, Civic Centre, West Street, Oldham, OL1 1UL, stating their name and address. Alternatively, requests can be emailed to “election@oldham.gov.uk”.

Please note that tickets will be distributed on a first come, first served basis.

Beal Lane Metrolink Roadworks 6th April

The next phase of the Metrolink extension works will mean disruption to traffic in Shaw for four days from 6th April.

Howard Sykes said, “Your Shaw Focus Team and I have worked hard with the people managing this project to try to keep the disruption amd inconvenience to local residents to a minimum.”

The works will mean complete closure of Beal Lane from Britannia Avenue to Jubilee Street and will result in diversions via Hillside Avenue, Buckstones Road, Milnrow Road and Crompton Way. Please click on the link below to access a map showing the works and diversion route.

Beal Lane closure and diversion March 2012

As a result there will be additional no parking/waiting restrictions in some of these areas.

Please click on the link below to access a map showing the additional waiting restrictions on the diversion route.

Beal Lane waiting restrictions March 2012

Shaw Town Centre Amended Car Parking Scheme

A mixture of short (3hrs) and long stay parking is the outcome of the review of the scheme for Shaw Town Centre.

The long stay car parks are:
Kershaw Street, Baths/Community Centre and Milne Street.

The short stay car parks are:
Market Ground, West Way On Street and the two small car parks at the end of Beal Lane/Eastway.

Howard Sykes said, “This is good news for shoppers and traders alike. The final scheme has taken on board people’s comments and increased the amount of long term parking from that originally proposed.”

Please click on the link below to have a look at a map detailing the locations of the parking.
shaw centre parking a3 revised 2012 March 2012

Jubilee Bridge Coping Stones Recycling

A further outcome of the negotiations by Howard about the remedial works to Jubilee Bridge, Transport for Greater Manchester have agreed to use the original coping stone masonry in a local project.

Howard said, “I would welcome any comments or suggestions about how these stones could be used to decorative effect in the Dunwood Park neighbourhood so preserving and enhancing the heritage of the area.”

Click on comment to share your idea.