Email (06/12/12) that eventually got the response letter below.
What we fail to understand is why this has still to happen?
Can it do so please or do we have to wait until more months pass by?
Why the delay and feet dragging – if you are going to ignore the views of more than two and half thousand citizens, that is your choice but at least have the guts to follow the Councils petitioners protocol and have a meeting as the rules say you should and do that in a timely manner.
It will be approaching six months since the petition was submitted next week.
Both Cllr Williamson and myself hope this matter will now be progressed as it should have been in the first place.
We await your response with interest as do thousands of Shaw and Crompton’s citizens and users of Shaw Baths.
People Communities and Society
Level 4, Civic Centre
West Street, Oldham
Tel: 0161 770 3184
Fax: 0161 770 1111
Dear Councillors Williamson and Sykes,
Re: Shaw/Crompton petition
I write to you following our meeting 14th November 2012 in relation to the progress of your petition through the petitions protocol.
We received your petition on 6th July 2012 and entered it in to the petition register where it was acknowledged by both constitutional services 7th July 2012 and the lead officer 11th July 2012, advising it would be reported to cabinet on September 2012.
We consider the meeting we had was an informal petitioners meeting and the action you requested was that we write to you with a response to the requests to reconsider the proposal to close Crompton Pool and replace it with a new pool in Royton Town Centre, and for the council look again at suitable sites within Shaw and Crompton and use one of those for the replacement pool.
A decision was made not to continue to operate the current Crompton Pool facility, due to the condition, age and running costs of the building. Cabinet considered the future of leisure provision in Royton, Shaw and Crompton at its January 3rd and January 30th 2012 meetings and agreed that a single, new build leisure facility will be re-provided within the leisure contract for the Royton, Shaw and Crompton District Partnership area. Cabinet received details of the robust site appraisal exercise undertaken and agreed that Royton Town Centre was its preferred location for a replacement facility.
Having reviewed the cabinet decisions we will not be reconsidering the outcome.
If you are not satisfied with this decision you can request a formal petitioners panel meeting, to be heard by Elected Members, by contacting Constitutional Services on 0161 770 5151, or via Email on
Copy of text of email 3rd December 2012
Dear Ms Kufeldt & constitution services (and Cllr McDonald),
Further to our recent meeting (14th November) and receipt of your letter dated 19th November (copy attached) which was actually emailed on Friday 23rd November at 4.58pm.
We do want a formal petitioners panel meeting or rather we want a petitioners meeting under the Council’s agreed protocols and have since we submitted the petition (in the summer and it was formally registered at the July Full Council meeting 11th July 12) on behalf of the residents of Shaw and Crompton (and users of the pool).
What we fail to understand is why this has still to happen?
Can it do so please or do we have to wait until more months pass by?
Why the delay and feet dragging – if you are going to ignore the views of more than two and half thousand citizens, that is your choice but at least have the guts to follow the Councils petitioners protocol and have a meeting as the rules say you should and do that in a timely manner.
It will be approaching six months since the petition was submitted next week.
Both Cllr Williamson and myself hope this matter will now be progressed as it should have been in the first place.
We await your response with interest as do thousands of Shaw and Crompton’s citizens and users of Shaw Baths.