Balls to tennis players says Oldham Council as Dunwood Park Tennis Courts remain unfinished until spring    

Balls to tennis players says Oldham Council as Dunwood Park Tennis Courts remain unfinished until spring    

Oldham Liberal Democrat Leader and Shaw representative Howard Sykes MBE has blasted Oldham Council as tennis court saga at Dunwood Park in Shaw rumbles on. 

The parks’ tennis courts were earmarked for a revamp costing thousands of pounds this summer.  But punters were left exasperated as the courts were left unusable throughout the summer with no nets.  After councillor Sykes raised the issue with council staff, assurances were given that the work would be completed, but the Dunwood courts remain virtually untouched since August.    

Councillor Sykes said, “The work on the courts was supposed to be finished in time for the summer months when the park is busiest.  But here we are in October with no nets on the courts and no new paint job.  All the other tennis courts across Oldham Borough have been completed but no joy in Shaw.  I’ve now been told that it’s been ’too wet, damp and shaded to attempt’ the work.”

As much as £19,000 was earmarked for the courts to be revamped, but the Council have failed to prioritise Shaw, even falsely claiming that the work had been completed.  The work will now have to be done in spring 2025.

“Earlier in the year a team turned up, jet washed the courts, left them unpainted and without nets and marked the job as complete.  The problem here is that the council never bothers to inspect the work of its contractors.  This is not good enough.  And the people who suffer are the users.  This investment was supposed to encourage people to play tennis in Shaw when in fact it has done just to opposite.”  

23 July 24 Oldham Council media release that says works complete and courts are open

Summer sport: Oldham park tennis courts reopen after renovation | Oldham Council
Councillor Sykes slams tennis courts shambles (Aug 2024) 
Sykes slams Shaw tennis court shambles as Dunwood Park users left with no nets through Wimbledon fortnight and into August     – Howard Sykes (

Oldham Liberal Democrats back new RSPCA ‘Kind Sparks’ campaign to protect animals from harmful fireworks

Oldham Liberal Democrats back new RSPCA ‘Kind Sparks’ campaign to protect animals from harmful fireworks

Oldham Liberal Democrats are supporting the RSPCA’s new ‘Kind Sparks’ campaign aimed at protecting animals from the effects of harmful fireworks.  According to RSPCA data, thousands of cats and dogs could be impacted by private firework displays across Oldham over the next few months.  The animal welfare charity has stated that the loudest fireworks “cause immediate damage and pain” to animals. 

Liberal Democrat Group Leader councillor Howard Sykes said, “The loudest fireworks now produce sounds that are as loud as a gun shot.  Think about the damage that can do to cats and dogs, with hearing far more sensitive than our own.”

The RSPCA have produced a new ‘Kind Sparks’ guide to raise awareness about the effects of nuisance fireworks and to let people know how making a small change – like choosing to go to a public display instead of holding a private one – can make a big difference.

The guide also includes an interactive map which shows how many cats and dogs are estimated to live in your area.

Councillor Sykes, who represents Shaw, said, “A private display in you back garden in Shaw could impact over 10,000 pets.  The RSPCA are doing fantastic work to bring attention to this issue.”

“We all want to enjoy bonfire night and New Year’s Eve.  Whatever we’re celebrating it’s easy to make considerate choices.  Low-noise fireworks are available.”

“I would like to see the government reduce the maximum permitted noise level for fireworks from 120 decibels to 90 decibels.  It’s common sense and many other countries have already made that change.”   

More on the RSPCA ‘Kind Sparks’ campaign can be found here

More from Oldham Liberal Democrats on firework displays
Animal friendly fireworks: Oldham Liberal Democrats call on council bosses to “lead by example”   – Howard Sykes

Bee Network bus services – Feedback opportunity

Bee Network bus services – Feedback opportunity.

Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) welcomes feedback on Bee Network bus services to support ongoing improvements in service provision, reliability, and punctuality.

Residents can access information by contacting TfGM via the Bee Network website under Help and Contact Us, which provides resources, service updates, and FAQs. Find out more here

Residents and constituents can contact for general inquiries or to report issues, with responses managed by the Customer Contact team.

Additionally, passengers can use the Bee Network App’s ‘Rate Your Journey’ feature for real-time feedback, allowing TfGM to monitor and enhance the overall travel experience.

Shaw Cricket Club Bonfire Night and Firework Extravaganza 2024

Shaw Cricket Club Bonfire Night and Firework Extravaganza 2024

Shaw Cricket Club promises a ‘night to remember’ at their annual bonfire event.

With a bar, food and fairground rides open from 4pm, the fire lighting at 6pm and fireworks from 7.30pm.

The organisers have asked attendees to consider using public transport to attend as there will be no parking at the club. 

Saturday, November 2 – Shaw Cricket Club, Mark Lane, OL2 8QG.

Tickets are £5 for adults, £3 for kids or £15 for family (two adults, two kids).

Those with accessibility needs should email:

UPDATE -River Beal bridge and walkway off Linney Lane leading to George’s Playing Fields, Shaw

UPDATE – River Beal bridge and walkway off Linney Lane leading to George’s Playing Fields, Shaw.

Pleased to report much needed repairs to the River Beal Bridge/ Ramp repair leading from Linney Lane to George’s Play Fields will now be undertaken.

Repair works are now starting on 22 October and will take approximately 2 days. Whilst works are being carried out, the footpath will be closed to the public for the duration until it is safe for reopening.

BEAL LANE SHAW – closed – Manhole works 9pm to 11pm on Wednesday 23 October

BEAL LANE SHAW – closed – Manhole works 9pm to 11pm on Wednesday 23 October.

Oldham Council has given notice that no person shall cause any vehicle to proceed in that part of Beal Lane from its junction with Market Street for a distance of 25 metres in a south easterly direction. 

The restrictions are required to facilitate manhole works and will be in force between 9pm and 11pm on Wednesday 23rd October 2024 or until the works are completed whichever is the lesser period.  

The alternative route for those affected by the restriction is Milnrow Road, Buckstones Road, Hillside Avenue and Grains Road.