Weight Limit Chamber Road and or Church Road

Weight limitI was asked to find out about this by a number of local residents on Church and Chamber Road – below is the response from the Highways Department.

Can I be clear it does not imply I support (or oppose) this proposal, but as with any residents request I will always do my best to get an answer to the questions they raise.

Dear Cllr Sykes

I refer to your e-mail requesting consideration be given to the introduction of a weight restriction along Chamber Road and or Church Road, Shaw.

I have interrogated a recent traffic survey undertaken along Church Road which has revealed a total of 123 HGV type vehicles used Church Road over a 7 day period (an average of 17 per day).  What is not understood from the survey is how many of these vehicles were using the route as a short cut to and from Rochdale Road and how many were gaining legitimate access to properties.   I would suggest the number recorded is not excessive when considering the number of residential properties in the area which require deliveries from HGV’s.

Environmental weight restrictions have to have an exemption clause for access so that properties in the restricted area can be serviced; because of this exemption, enforcement can be difficult as the Police have to follow vehicles through the restricted area to observe that they have driven straight through without stopping at a property; in some instances they then have to take the vehicle to a weigh bridge to verify its weight.  In view of the enforcement difficulties the Police would need to support the introduction of a scheme for it to be progressed.

Currently, the introduction of a weight restriction also requires the provision of illuminated signs, which are costly.  Each side road approach to the restricted area would have to be signed as well as the junction of Church Road and Chamber Road.  An initial look at the area suggests a minimum of 7 signs would be required for an order introduced along the full length of Church Road and Chamber Road and a minimum of 3 signs would be required for a restriction along Church Road only.  All signs would require an electrical connection.

Indicative costs for the provision and accrual of the signs and processing the traffic order is £30,000 and £14,000 respectively.  Unfortunately, the traffic order budget is limited and cannot fund expensive schemes of this nature; if a scheme was to be progressed a funding bid would have to be put forward for the scheme to be considered as part of the LTP allocation or the District Executive could consider funding the scheme.  Alternatively, the matter could be reconsidered again next year, when the Department for Transport issue the new Traffic Sign Regulations and General Directions.  This document details the illumination requirements for signs and it is understood the new regulations are relaxing the illumination requirements for some signs.  If the weight restriction signing falls within this category a scheme along Church Road / Chamber Road would be less costly.

The effect on displaced traffic movements should also be taken into consideration should a weight restriction be introduced along Church Road / Chamber Road.  If vehicles use this route to access properties within the Netherhouse Estate or the Moor Street / Princess Road area, they will have to use an alternative access which could increase HGV activity on other streets.  If a weight restriction is introduced along Church Road only, then I would suggest the drivers accustomed to using the route as access to and from Rochdale Road would almost certainly use the Netherhouse Estate as an alternative route.

I hope the above is sufficient for you to consider the matter further, but please contact me should you require any additional information.


Sarah Robinson

Traffic Engineer, Traffic and Network Management | Unity Partnership

Henshaw House, Cheapside, Oldham OL1 1NY

T  0161 770 4377 | F  0161 770 3411

E sarah.robinson@unitypartnership.com | W  www.unitypartnership.com

Half term holiday activities for young people in Shaw and Crompton 2016


For young people aged 8 – 18 years.  Just turn up and take part.

Click on these links for details: 

Holiday Activities for young people in Shaw 2016

Detailed programme half term activities for young people in Shaw 2016

Need more info:

Lynda Winrow: 07930 925 233  Lynda.winrow@oldham.gov.uk

Funded by YOUR Shaw and Crompton Lib Dem Councillors

Youth Anti-Social Behaviour in Shaw

antisocial-behaviourAs many people will be aware there has been a noticeable increase in youth anti-social behaviour in both Shaw and incidents have now escalated to racial abuse and physical assaults.

In response to the incidents reported and increased community concerns, Greater Manchester Police has developed a dedicated Patrol Plan covering Shaw and Crompton over the weekend and this will be supported by Council Services including Licensing, Detached Youth Team and First Response.

Services will also be gathering evidence to help identify the offenders, some of which are local to the area.  However, it has been identified that young people are also travelling from Middleton and Rochdale.  The identities of some local young people are known and evidence is being gathered to support enforcement action against them.

Partnership activities to be undertaken in Shaw over the weekend included:

  • A dedicated police patrol plan with additional police resources.  Officers will be wearing body cameras in order to gather evidence to support any future prosecutions.
  • Police will be undertaking planned visits to the home addresses of individuals identified.
  • First Response will provide additional patrols in the Shaw/Royton areas
  • Licensing & Trading Standards Officers will support the Police with visits to licensed premises and off-licenses.
  • Detached Youth Team will be present in both Shaw and Royton and additional youth provision is being explored.

In addition to the above, a meeting will be arranged next week with Representatives of local taxi companies to discuss their concerns.

It is believed that further incidents are taking place, but that these are not being reported to the Police.  Please can I ask that if you are made aware of any community concerns or incidents which have the potential to increase community tensions, that these are forwarded to the Police and/or community relations email at the earliest opportunity. (community.relations@oldham.gov.uk).