Hazel Gloster just failed to hold off the challenge of the so-called Independents in Shaw, losing in the face of an aggressive campaign that later saw her opponents row back on a series of promises

Hazel Gloster just failed to hold off the challenge of the so-called Independents in Shaw, losing in the face of an aggressive campaign that later saw her opponents row back on a series of promises.

Hazel said: “I have put my heart and soul into representing the town where I live. I am incredibly grateful to the 961 voters who supported me this time, and the thousands of people who have supported me over the years, and who I have worked to help. It has been an honour, and I hope one day to represent you again.  “I am so sad to have lost by so few votes, and then to have seen my opponent immediately break the promise that they made to get elected – voting a failing Labour administration back into power.”

The results also meant that across the Oldham East and Saddleworth constituency, the Liberal Democrats came second, just 200 votes behind Labour – a clear indication of their vulnerability for the forthcoming general election. The Conservatives trailed in fifth, behind the ‘Oldham Group’ and other independents.

Dunwood Park disappearing bins: Council finally replaces missing bins

Dunwood Park disappearing bins: Council finally replaces missing bins.

There has been a breakthrough in the ongoing Dunwood Park disappearing bins saga.  Residents were left exasperated after the public bins were taken away from Dunwood Park with no explanation and no replacement, leaving rubbish to pile up where the bins had been. 

After intervention and questions from Shaw’s Liberal Democrat councillor Howard Sykes MBE, the council has now installed bins at the back entrance end of the park. 

Councillor Sykes said, “Common sense has prevailed and that is good news for people who use Dunwood Park and do the right thing by throwing away their rubbish properly.  The question is, why does it take public intervention from councillors to shame Oldham Council into acting on very basic things?”

After Sykes slammed the council’s inaction last week, efforts have been made to restore the missing bins at one end of the park.  A response to Councillor Sykes from Oldham Council officers reads:

“Staff completed installation of remaining bins within Dunwood (Park) on Friday 14/06/24.  One has now been installed at Jubilee end; this was always proposed to be fitted but required work to the gate for vehicle access.

All main entrances are now covered by bins and overall capacity for litter has gone from 720 litres prior to 1200 litres now.”  

Councillor Sykes said, “The lack of communication with residents and the Park Friends group over this and other similar basic issues is nowhere near good enough.  People deserve a response and an explanation when they report a complaint to their council.”

“I have been saying that Oldham Council is failing to get the basics right for some time.  Here we have another example of the council running its reputation into the ground by failing on very simple communication with residents.”

More on Dunwood Park disappearing bins:
Disappearing bins: Oldham Council blasted for neglecting Dunwood Park – Howard Sykes (mycouncillor.org.uk)

Full response to Councillor Sykes from Oldham Council

Good morning

Staff completed installation of remaining bins within Dunwood on Friday 14/06/24. One has now been installed at Jubilee end; this was always proposed to be fitted but required work to the gate for vehicle access.

We have installed an additional bin as per the attached image. This location was intended for the relocation of the Bowling Green bin, however as that area remains a heavily used zone particularly in summer, as such we left it in place and added a 5th new XL bin.

All main entrances are now covered by bins and overall capacity for litter has gone from 720 ltrs prior to 1200 ltrs now.  

Best wishes,

Acting District Coordinator

Don’t lose your vote: Liberal Democrats warn that new Conservative laws may prevent people in Oldham Borough from voting in the General Election  

Don’t lose your vote: Liberal Democrats warn that new Conservative laws may prevent people in Oldham Borough from voting in the General Election  

Oldham Liberal Democrat Leader councillor Howard Sykes MBE has warned that new Conservative laws may prevent people in Oldham from voting in the upcoming General Election. 

Councillor Sykes said, “This is the first General Election since the Conservatives changed the law.  You now need to show a form of photo ID before you will be allowed to vote in the polling station.  Don’t lose out on your right to vote.  If you don’t have a passport or driving license you can apply to the council and they will give you a free form of photo ID to use on the day.”

The Elections Act 2022 means that for the first time, voters are required to provide proof of identification before elections staff will hand over their ballot paper.  The rules have been in place since the 2023 local elections, but this is the first General Election since the law change and many will be voting for the first time under these rules. 

Councillor Sykes said, “The best way to protect your right to vote is to register for a postal vote.  It’s much easier and it means you can get it all sorted before polling day.  It also means if you have family issues, holiday, work or illness you will not lose your right to vote.”

The deadline to register for a postal vote ahead of the General Election is Wednesday 19th June.  You can register to vote by post by visiting www.gov.uk/apply-postal-vote.

More from Oldham Liberal Democrats on voter ID laws
Voter ID – ensure you can vote – Howard Sykes (mycouncillor.org.uk)

Lib Dems set out legal right to timely cancer care 

Lib Dems set out legal right to timely cancer care. 

Lib Dems set out legal right to timely cancer care as figures show 1,354 patients under the Northern Care Alliance (covering Oldham, Rochdale and Bury) waiting more than two months to start treatment

The Liberal Democrats have called for a new legal right for cancer patients to start treatment within 62 days of an urgent referral, as part of a plan to boost survival rates and improve treatment for those affected by the disease.

The latest NHS figures show that, in the last year, over 100,000 cancer patients in England were left waiting more than 62 days to start treatment after an urgent referral. This includes 1,354 cancer patients under the Northern Care Alliance (Oldham, Rochdale and Bury.

This means only 62% of patients in the area were treated within two months, below the government target of 85%.

Launching the Liberal Democrat election manifesto this week, Liberal Democrat Leader Ed Davey has set out proposals to invest an extra £8.4 billion a year in the NHS and social care.

The Liberal Democrat plan to boost cancer survival rates includes increasing the number of radiotherapy machines across the country, cutting the time for groundbreaking new medicines to reach patients, a new cancer research law, and improved support for cancer patients and their families. 

The policy builds on existing proposals from the party on health, including introducing a right to see a GP within a week and expanding NHS dentistry so people aren’t forced to pay for private dental treatment.

Liberal Democrat spokesperson for Oldham East and Saddleworth, Sam Al-Hamdani, said: “Everyone knows someone whose life has been turned upside down by cancer. 

“Far too many people are waiting far too long for a diagnosis, or to start treatment after being diagnosed. We must do right by them and get them the care they need when they need it.

“The Liberal Democrats would give cancer patients a new, legal right to treatment within two months of an urgent referral, to make sure they get the timely care they deserve. This forms part of our ambitious plan to end unacceptable cancer delays and boost survival rates.”

Disappearing bins: Oldham Council blasted for neglecting Dunwood Park

Disappearing bins: Oldham Council blasted for neglecting Dunwood Park

Liberal Democrat councillors and residents have been left appalled after Oldham Council removed a number of public bins from Dunwood Park in Shaw, without providing replacements or offering an explanation some weeks ago. 

Shaw representative and Oldham Liberal Democrat Leader, councillor Howard Sykes MBE said, “The Council have left the place looking like a tip.  Rubbish is piling up and people who use the park are rightly furious.”

“We had two perfectly good bins in the park.  Where have they gone?  And when are we getting them back?  These are very simple questions, but Oldham Council have just been silent.  I have contacted a number of different Council Officers about this, but it is a wall of silence.  People in Shaw are getting a disgraceful service from Oldham Council at the moment.”

After receiving complaints from local residents last month, councillor Sykes took the issue up with Council Officers, but has been left appalled by the lack of interest or response.

“This is not good enough and people who use Dunwood Park deserve better,” stated councillor Sykes.

More from Oldham Liberal Democrats on waste management in Oldham
Dunwood Park missing/removed bins – Howard Sykes (mycouncillor.org.uk)

Lack of replacement bins leads to dirty streets
Lack of replacement bins leads to dirty streets – Howard Sykes (mycouncillor.org.uk)

Liberal Democrats demand protected status for rivers in Oldham as sewage dumped more than 1,500 times last year  

Liberal Democrats demand protected status for rivers in Oldham as sewage dumped more than 1,500 times last year  

The Liberal Democrats have called for a new protected status for local rivers and marine protected areas, after shocking figures reveal that United Utilities dumped sewage 1,574 times in across Oldham in 2023 according to Environment Agency data.

Councillor Howard Sykes MBE, the Leader of Oldham Liberal Democrats, has welcomed the party’s General Election pledge to introduce ‘Blue Flag’ protected status for rivers and waterways in England.  He called for new punishment taxes on the “profits of polluting water firms”.

Councillor Sykes said, “The Conservative government has allowed water firms to get away with destroying our environment.  Across Oldham, sewage was dumped into waterways more than 1,500 times last year.  That’s more than four times a day.” 

“This is disgusting vandalism of our natural environment, and we have to put a stop to it.”

The Liberal Democrats have supported new taxes on the profits of water companies who dump sewage since 2022 and have now launched their new ‘Blue Flag’ status policy ahead of the General Election on July 4th.

The introduction of Blue Flag status would set legally binding targets to prevent sewage dumping in those sites, giving special protected status for swimmers and wildlife.

Councillor Sykes said, “We need to flush the Conservatives out of government.  They have voted time and again to block new taxes on polluting water companies.  The next government must get serious about cracking down on this destruction of English rivers.”

Liberal Democrat analysis of Environment Agency data of sewage discharges in bathing water sites can be found here. Figures for Oldham are taken by combining the Oldham West and Royton and Oldham East and Saddleworth constituencies.

More for councillor Sykes on rivers and sewage dumping
Sewage dumping hits unprecedented levels – Howard Sykes (mycouncillor.org.uk)