Brushes Clough Car Park on Crompton Moor – SUNDAY 11th May 2014 10:30 am

SUNDAY 11th May 2014 10:30 am
Brushes Clough Car Park on Crompton Moor

Nearest post code OL2 8LS
Grid reference: SD 95119 10031

Pingot Quarry, located on Crompton Moor.

We will be continuing with the regeneration of the Pingot quarry area.

There is still some wood chip to move and spread on the paths, and we need to carry on with the building of the ‘dead hedge’ at the base of the quarry.

If you can bring along a spade/rake/fork – it would be much appreciated, but not absolutely necessary. Please wear suitable footwear and clothing to match the weather.

If you enjoy spending time outdoors, and love wildlife, why not come along, and check us out. No prior knowledge necessary, just come along and learn new skills.

For further information Contact:
Marian Herod Tel: 07792156295
Secretary – Friends of Crompton Moor

Rochdale Road resurfacing

The works being carried out are to rectify defective areas within the original resurfacing programme. These are being addressed at no cost to the council tax payer.

The contractor has confirmed the plan is to undertake the lining work next week and the following week. The work of course is weather dependant. There are works to be undertaken across the borough and at present the contractor is developing the schedule of works.

Once this is has been supplied to me I will be in a position to further update people on this matter.

Greenfield Lane – entrance to ASDA

Shaw, Store, Exterior,

Greenfield Lane – entrance to ASDA

Your Lib Dem Team has reported that the road surface on Greenfield Lane between the junction of Eastway and the entrance to Asda car park and that highways carry out improvement works.

The response we have had is: ‘Highways say that Greenfield Lane is part of the Shaw Town Centre monthly inspection and as such, any actionable defects will be picked up’.

We have responded it has been like this for some time now so your monthly inspections clearly are not working or you need trip to the opticians. It is now dangerous and needs rectifying.

We will continue to pursue.

Liberal Democrats get Buzzing in Support of Bee Action Plan


Liberal Democrats get Buzzing in Support of Bee Action Plan


Bees play a crucial role in our farms, gardens and countryside, and they’re essential to our food supply too.

Yet bees are facing an unprecedented crisis in the UK. Intensive farming, increased pesticide use, and continual habitat loss (they’ve lost 97% of their wildflower meadows in the past 60 years) all threaten their survival.

The Coalition Government has launched a consultation on how bees can be protected. Bees Minister Lord de Mauley urgently wants the views of the public on his plans.

Friends of the Earth has called upon the Government to institute a Bee Action Plan, which will include practical measures to support farmers to restore bee habitat to the countryside and cut back on using harmful pesticides.

To quote a leading Bee scientist, Professor Dave Goulson:

“The Bee Action Plan must include concrete action to support farmers to restore bee habitat to the countryside and cut back on using harmful pesticides – not just talk and good intentions. We need thousands of voices calling for a strong Bee Action Plan that will give nature a real boost.”

I have written on behalf of the Oldham Liberal Democrat Group on Oldham Council to the Minister supporting Friends of the Earth in their call for action, and readers can support the cause by signing their online petition at:


The time for action is now before Britain’s bees face terminal decline. Let’s be a nation that saves the bee.

Copy of the Letter to Lord de Mauley and FOE Bees report attached

The Rt. Hon. Lord de Mauley,
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State
for the Natural Environment and Science,
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs,
Nobel House,
17, Smith Square,

Dear Minister,

Your Consultation on Addressing the Decline in Britain’s Bees

Bees play a crucial role in our farms, gardens and countryside, and they’re essential to our food supply too.

Yet bees are facing an unprecedented crisis in the UK. Intensive farming, increased pesticide use, and continual habitat loss (they’ve lost 97% of their wildflower meadows in the past 60 years) all threaten their survival.

Minister, in response to your call for consultation as to how the Government can best protect Britain’s bees, I am writing to you as Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group on Oldham Council to urge you to give serious and active consideration to the proposal by leading environmental charity, Friends of the Earth, to adopt a Bee Action Plan.

Friends of the Earth have helpfully published such a plan which I attach to this letter and I happily endorse it as a document that includes practical measures to support farmers to restore bee habitat to the countryside and cut back on using harmful pesticides.

In due course, I shall look forward to hearing more of the Coalition Government proposals to save the bee and, as a senior elected member in local government, am happy to advocate any part that local Councils can play in assisting their survival and propagation.

Minister, without action Britain’s bees face the prospect of terminal decline. I would urge both you and your ministerial aides to look to publish and implement a Bee Action Plan at the earliest opportunity as the time for action is now.

Yours sincerely

Howard Sykes


Crompton Way Zebra Crossing


Your Lib Dem Team for Shaw is pleased to report that at long last, after years of calls for action from your local councilors, Oldham Council has now promised to improve the Crompton Way Zebra crossing.

This follows the tragic death of Annalise Holt, 12, after a collision with a van on December 17. The investigation by Greater Manchester Police into this incident remains ongoing.

The lighting has already been upgraded with ‘halo’ LED lighting.

“We will continue working with Oldham Council, local residents and crossing campaigners like Danny Sheppard,” said Councillor Howard Sykes.

You can view the four different redesign proposals for the crossing on display boards at Crompton Library on Farrow Street East, and Asda on Greenfield Lane.

They can also be viewed online at

Comments and concerns can be provided on feedback forms at the sites where the boards are displayed.

Residents can also submit their views via email to:

“I would urge everybody to have a look at these proposals and make sure you have your say,” stated Councillor Howard Sykes. “All comments need submitting by the end of April.”

It is expected that the final design will be presented to the Shaw and Crompton District Executive on June 24 for final approval.