Carriageway Improvement Works on Greenfield Lane, Shaw – starts 6 July


Dear Sir / Madam

As part of Oldham Council’s £10 million Capital Investment Programme, J. Hopkins (Contractors) Ltd will shortly be carrying out carriageway improvement works on Greenfield Lane, Shaw.

The improvement works on Greenfield Lane will consist of carriageway resurfacing. We anticipate that the carriageway resurfacing works will start on site week commencing 6th July 2015 and are anticipated to take 4 nights to complete.

Due to the nature of the carriageway improvement works, it is necessary to carry out the works at night. It is inevitable that local residents and businesses will experience varying levels of disruption, however Oldham Council will endeavour to keep this disruption to a minimum.

  1. Hopkins (Contractors) Ltd will endeavour to maintain access to your premises throughout the works, however there may be occasions when access may be restricted.

During the carriageway resurfacing works it will be necessary to close Greenfield Lane to allow for resurfacing works to be carried out safely.

Should you have any queries or require further information please telephone Highway Enquiries on 0161 770 4325.  or email:

The council is constantly striving to improve its services to its customers and I am sure you will welcome the improvements these works will bring to the area over the coming weeks.

Yours sincerely

Richard Edwards

Unity Partnership

See Map of who should have got this letter directly: Greenfield Lane Consulation Area

Proposed A62/M60 Hollinwood Junction Scheme

road-safety-cones-250x250Oldham Council are proposing to start highways works in the vicinity of the Hollinwood M60 Junction 22.  The majority of the works will be on the A62 Manchester Road.

The Council has been allocated funding from Transport for Greater Manchester to improve the cycling facilities as part of the Cycle City Ambition Grant (CCAG).  The scheme will improve links to the Hollinwood Metrolink Station specifically and include the upgrade of all crossing facilities for both pedestrians and cyclists at the junction.

The works will include:

· Improved traffic islands to accommodate for cyclists and pedestrians
· Widened segregated cycle lanes
· Improved footway areas around the crossing points
· Warning tactile paving
· The existing traffic signals will be upgraded to the latest LED type lamps, which will reduce the likelihood of maintenance and therefore future disruption.

They have also co-ordinated this work with planned works by Highways England to reduce multiple disruption to the network later on in the year.

As you can appreciate, this is a major route in and out of Oldham, and unfortunately it is inevitable that there will be some disruption while the works are being carried out.

The construction programme is planned so that the majority of the works are during the school summer holidays when traffic is quieter on the road network.  During the works there will be temporary traffic management in place, though no diversion routes will be necessary as we aim to have temporary lane closures rotated around the works, with all existing traffic movements ultimately remaining available throughout the period we are there.

They are hoping to start work around the 29 June and be complete by the end of September. Whilst the schools are still open (namely the first two weeks) they will avoid peak periods, and as the school holidays start we will extend our hours of working to minimise the time we are on site.

Shaw and Crompton Family Fun weekend this weekend 27 and 28 June

Screenshot 2015-06-26 11.37.35

Fun and events for all ages and the whole family.

See poster below: 2015-Poster Shaw and Crompton Family Fun Weekend 27 and 28 June

Please note Market Street will be closed during the day over the weekend and some additional parking restrictions will be in place to accommodate the Fair and other activities.

The Car Rally is on Sunday on Market Street and the drive round Shaw and Crompton takes place between 12noon and 1.00pm.

This event is marshalled and some minor disruption to traffic can be expected for short period at various junctions on the route.

If you see the ‘convoy’ give them a wave or a toot on your horn, which I am sure they will appreciate.




Crompton War Memorial, High Street, Shaw – improvement consultation


New Picture 2Posters and a tick box questionnaire are available in Crompton Library, Farrow Street for your views.

See attached report below: War Memorial Document

Also see below for a copy (apols for the quality) of the original Unveiling and Dedication Service for the War memorial held on Sunday April 29 1923.

Crompton War Memorial Unveiling and Dedication Sunday 29 April 1923

Local Shaw Lib Dem Councillor Howard Sykes welcomes plans to re-surface Greenfield Lane, Shaw

roadrepairsLib Dem Cllr Howard Sykes is pleased to report that Greenfield Lane, Shaw will shortly be re-surfaced.

“This well used road has been patched up on a number of occasions over the last couple of years,” stated Cllr Sykes. “Hopefully when re-surfaced it will last many years and be of benefit for the thousands of people who use Greenfield Lane to visit ASDA and the other residents and business that use this road on a daily basis.”

There will be some delays during the works which will commence on Monday 6th July. In order to minimise this disruption it is planned the works take place over four nights (6-9 July).

Anti-social behavour High Crompton Park and near by streets

untitledInfo from the Police regarding the above.

Dear Councillor We understand the concerns of the local residents regards this increase in Anti Social behaviour within Crompton Park and surrounding streets.  There is a patrol plan in place and we are working closely with our partner agencies in order to tackle these issues.  Several youths have been identified and we are currently working with our partner agencies in order to kerb their behaviour.

In the last 7 days there has been a decrease in the number of reported incidents.  We urge anybody witnessing any anti social behaviour to report it either via 101 number or contact the Oldham Borough office on 0161 856 8825.

PC 12491 Fitzgerald Higher Crompton Neighbourhood Officer

Visibility George St and Buckstones Road

ROA0042There is a proposal to extend the yellow lines on Buckstones Road to improve visibility for vehicles turning onto Buckstones Road from George Street. If you frequently encounter poor visibility of oncoming traffic down Buckstones Road due to parked cars at the junction of George Street, you can support (or object to) the proposal by emailing Cllr Howard Sykes at who is trying to get the lines extended to improve safety.  Please make sure you give your name and address in your email, thanks.