EU Legal Action over UK air pollution “no surprise” says Councillor Sykes

“News that the EU Commission intends to take legal action against the UK over poor air quality does not surprise me”, said Cllr Howard Sykes, Leader of the Opposition and the Liberal Democrat Group on Oldham Council.

At February’s Council Meeting, Cllr Sykes asked the Leader of the Council, Councillor Jim McMahon, to endorse a proposal that they send a joint letter to the Environment. Secretary Owen Paterson MP, calling on the Government to abandon any plans to remove the legal obligation of local authorities to monitor air quality.

The Committee on Medical Effects of Air Pollutants estimates that up to 29.000 deaths in the UK per year are attributable to poor air quality and that the World Health Organisation has recently classified outdoor air pollution as carcinogenic to humans.

The EU says that levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) are “excessive” in many British cities. This gas, which in the main is produced by diesel cars and trucks, can inflame the lining of the lungs and lead to major respiratory illnesses and premature deaths. It is of particular concern to people living in big cities near roadways and those suffering with asthma.

Cllr Sykes added: “Certainly in Shaw, Liberal Democrat ward members, being conscious of the ongoing impact of diesel fumes from the many HGVs that pass through our town en-route to and from local distribution centres, have campaigned long and hard for the installation of a station to monitor air quality. This campaign was recently rewarded when such a station was installed on Crompton Way.

Regrettably the UK has failed to comply with the European Union’s air pollution directive, which came into force in 2008. Britain was supposed to meet EU limits by 2010, but the government admits that Greater Manchester won’t achieve this standard until 2020.

The UK has been at risk of legal action from Europe ever since a Supreme Court ruling last year that the government was in breach of its obligations to reduce air pollution.
The legal process could ultimately end in the European Court of Justice where the UK would face huge fines if found in breach of the directive.

So the Government now needs to take drastic action to cut levels – especially as half of new cars that are sold are diesel-engined”.

One other option is to cut speed limits. At February’s Council, the Liberal Democrats proposed a motion to reduce the default speed limit on minor residential roads to 20 mph. This has been referred by Council for consideration by the Overview and Scrutiny Board.

The proposer of the motion, Deputy Leader of the Opposition Cllr John McCann added: “As well as reducing deaths and injuries, there is evidence from Germany that a reduction in speed limits can reduce NO2 by 10-15% on heavily polluted roads, so this is all the more reason for doing this”.


Lib Dem Motion to Council 5th February 2014

This Council notes that:

• speed limits on Britain’s residential roads are 60% higher than in Europe

• more than half of all road accident casualties occur on roads with 30mph limits

• reducing speed limits on residential roads has been found to reduce both the incidence of accidents and the numbers of fatalities and serious injuries that result

• new Department for Transport guidelines make it easier for local authorities to adopt a 20 mph default speed limit on residential roads

This Council therefore resolves to:

• Join the 20 other local authorities with over 11 million residents – including five Greater Manchester authorities – in seeking to implement a borough – wide 20 mph speed limit on residential roads (other than major roads) combined with a public information campaign

• Ask the Overview and Scrutiny Board to produce a report on the feasibility and timescale of introducing such a scheme, in consultation with the 20’s Plenty Campaign, for consideration by full Council at the earliest possible opportunity

Question from the Leader of the Opposition to the Council Leader, Council 5th February 2014

Monitoring Air Quality:

As one of the foremost cotton towns, with a continued legacy amongst our citizens of poor respiratory and cardio-vascular health, we must all recognise the importance of clean air to the well-being of the residents and wildlife of this borough.

Certainly in Shaw and Crompton, ward members, being conscious of the ongoing impact of diesel fumes from the many HGVs that pass through our ward, en-route to and from local distribution centres, have campaigned long and hard for the installation of a station to monitor air quality. This campaign was recently rewarded when such a station was installed on Crompton Way.

Councillors may be unaware that the Committee on Medical Effects of Air Pollutants estimates that up to 29.000 deaths in the UK per year are attributable to poor air quality and that the World Health Organisation has recently classified outdoor air pollution as carcinogenic to humans.

I was therefore recently concerned to hear of a suggestion by the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs that the legal obligation be removed from local authorities to monitor air quality.

I am sure that the Leader will want to join me in seeking to maintain our Council’s commitment to carrying out these checks, and to continue to participate in the work of the Greater Manchester Air Quality Network, so can I invite him to join me (and the other group leader on Oldham Council) in sending a joint letter to the Minister expressing our concern over this issue?



Tuesday 18th March 2014 6.00pm
Crompton Library, Farrow Street East, Shaw, OL2 8QY
Community Forum meeting which will start at the
rise of the District Exec (approx 6.15pm)


Come along and talk to the Councillors and Officers Who work in and for your local area
(Police, Highways, Environmental Services, Housing Providers, Youth Service and more)

Working together we can address:
• Local Issues
• What you like about your area
• What is good about your area
• Matters we can assist you with

Snaring on council land

Support British Wildlife – End Snaring

A number of people have contacted me about the above and specifically Oldham Council’s policy on its land.

I have continued to pursue Council Officers since this was raised regarding this very important issue.

I was amazed to find the council had no formal policy regarding the use of snares. In November I was advised that a report was being prepared so a policy on this matter could be agreed.

I am pleased to now confirm that on the 24 January that a report on this matter was formally approved implementing a ban all types of snaring on Council owned land.



I have recently learnt that there are currently proposals, out for consultation, about Shawside Park (Off Cowlishaw Lane/rear of Royton and Crompton School) possibly being used for housing development in the future.

These proposals if confirmed by the Planning Inspectorate could mean that Shawside Park will be lost and houses could be built in its place.

Responding to this consultation is about making it impossible/harder for the land to be used for future development and ensuring we keep Shawside Park as a piece of green space for local residents, their children and its recreational use.

If you do want to keep Shawside Park from being used for housing then I urge you to send your objections to the address below BEFORE 21 February 2014.

Below is a suggestion that may give you some ideas about what grounds to object on. Please feel free to expand/use your own words on this. You can of course add your own objections to it as well.

Some 20 years ago local residents ignored a similar consultation process about various pieces of land in Shaw and Crompton. I am afraid to say that a couple of important green spaces from then have now been built upon as a result.

Please do not let the same happen to Shawside Park – I have played in their as a child I want others to have the same opportunity.

Strategic Planning and Information
Oldham Council
Room 310
Civic Centre

OR: Email:

Dear Sir/Madam

Local Plan 2016 – 2026 Site Allocation Plan Ref No: 1551

I wish to lodge an objection to the use of Shawside Park, Cowlishaw Lane for residential, employment or mixed use.

I would like to see Shawside Park protected as Open Space.

I am concerned about the lack of recreational facilities in Shaw and Crompton and Shawside Park is the nearest park to Shaw Town Centre.

Yours faithfully

REMEMBER: Please include your name and address, including postcode and email if you have one.

The 7th National Apprenticeships’ Week – 3-7 March 2014

Councillor J McMahon
Office of the Leader of the Council,
Room 347, Level 3,
Civic Centre, West Street,

11 February 2014

Dear Cllr McMahon,

Re: The 7th National Apprenticeships’ Week – 3-7 March 2014

As you will be aware,, the National Apprenticeships’ Week, promoted by the National Apprenticeship Service, will soon be upon us.

The week is an opportunity to promote the value of apprenticeships to employers and to prospective applicants.

In the latest reported figures, over half a million employees were in apprenticeships, almost 50% more than when this Government came into office, in large measure because of significant public investment made through the Youth Contract.

Although, traditionally apprenticeships were seen as the preserve of young employees and historically male and, largely confined to the “metal bashing industries”, apprenticeships are now proving ever more popular with women and older workers as a vocational route.

So the success of apprenticeships is something we should all celebrate – indeed Get Oldham Working will in large part be judged by its success in getting our young people into apprenticeships.

I would therefore like to ask you if you can outline what this Council intends to do to promote apprenticeships in this borough during the National Apprenticeships Week?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

Howard Sykes

Temporary Road works Shaw W/C 17 Feb 2014

Listed below are four approved temporary road works for the Shaw area to be carried out during school half term week commencing Monday 17 February

1a. Monday 17 February (one day)
Repair required to manhole cover and frame in Milnrow Road outside the Jubilee Inn Public House to be carried out under temporary traffic signals.

1b. Monday 17 February (one day)
Repair required to manhole cover and frame at the junction of Milnrow Road / Buckstones Road to be carried out under temporary traffic signals.

Both 1a and 1b are to be carried out on the same day but not at the same time, they will run consecutively. The contractor has been instructed to work off-peak only (9.30am – 3.30pm) and to have an operative on hand to manually operate the temporary traffic signals as and when required to manage queue lengths.

2. Wednesday 19 February (one day)
Replace telegraph pole in the verge adjacent to the footpath leading from Oldham Road to St. Mark’s Close, at the rear of 1 Otmoor Way. In order to site a vehicle as close as possible to the work it will be necessary to use stop/go boards to manage the traffic. The contractor has been instructed to work off-peak only (9.30am – 3.30pm)

3. Friday 21 February (one day)
Repair required to manhole cover and frame in Milnrow Road outside the Jubilee Inn Public House to be carried out under temporary traffic signals. This is a different cover and frame to item 1a above and is for a different utility company so it cannot be done at the same time. The contractor has been instructed to work off-peak only (9.30am – 3.30pm) and to have an operative on hand to manually operate the temporary traffic signals as and when required to manage queue lengths.

Whitfield Farm fined £18,000 for burning waste

“Many residents who have reported the burning of waste and have contacted myself and other local Lib Dem Councillors about this matter will be pleased to learn of the above,” stated Shaw Lib Dem Councillor Howard Sykes.

“These matters do take time and the wheels of the legal system are not quick.”

“However it is worth reporting such incidents on all occasions (do not assume others have or will) as it all helps build up evidence for prosecutions such as this,” he added.

“Details how to report such environmental concerns are listed below.”

Two companies which continued to burn rubbish on farm land despite a series of warnings have been fined £18,000 following a successful prosecution by Oldham Council.

Environmental health officers were called to Whitfield Dairy Farm, Mossgate Road, Shaw following complaints regarding deliberately started fires.

Officers spoke to company representatives and advised them that the smoke produced was causing a nuisance to residents in the Shaw and Milnrow areas.

Despite these warnings the companies continued to burn all types of household waste and tyres.

On August 17, 2012 the local authority issued a Nuisance Abatement Notice under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 instructing the representatives not to burn waste.

However, the firm continued to break the terms of the notice. Council officers witnessed full household clearances being burnt including tyres, a toilet, wiring, wood and plastic, on two different sites on the farm.

The council started legal proceedings and on January 28 the case was heard at Oldham Magistrates’ Court.

The bench did not believe that the waste was burnt without the owner’s knowledge. They also found that the owner of the land failed to take all reasonable precautions to prevent the burning of waste which caused severe smoke nuisance in the surrounding area.

The two companies that own the land where the fires took place – Whitfield Dairy Farm Ltd and WDF Estates Ltd – were found guilty of breaching the abatement notice on six occasions and were fined £18,000 with costs of £2,900 awarded to the council.

If you have information about anyone polluting the environment ring 0161 770 4502 or email