St Paul’s Methodist Church – update 12 March 19

Just a note to confirm that work has started this morning on the initial phase of making St Paul’s safe. As a consequence the site perimeter fence has been extended to allow vehicle access.  This arrangement will be maintained until further notice, it does not restrict pedestrian access.

For more information please visit:
Highways Contact Centre 0161 770 4325
Councillor Chris Gloster E: T: 01706 847709

St Paul’s Methodist Church – traffic diversion route – update 9 March 19


Due to the inconvenience the temporary waiting restrictions are creating for residents who live on the diversion route, a meeting has taken place with the Transport Managers at the Distribution Centres to see if alternative routes can be used through the centre of Shaw, in an evening period, when traffic flows have reduced.

The distribution centres have advised that an instruction has been given to their drivers to use a combination of Eastway, High Street and Westway from 8pm in the evening until 8am,  In view of this the legal order for the waiting restrictions along Beal Lane, Grains Road, Hillside Avenue and Buckstones Road is being amended to reflect the changes so residents can park near to their homes from 8pm – 8am.

Arrangements are being made to have the signs changed, which will hopefully be completed by Monday (11th March).  When the new signs appear , if you need the use of the highway to park you can do so between the hours of 8pm – 8 am.

Due to the use of Westway and Eastway in the evening period it will be necessary to prevent parking from 8pm – 8am along Westway ( High Street to Farrow Street East) and prohibit waiting at any time along the full length of Eastway.

For more information please visit:
Highways Contact Centre 0161 770 4325
Councillor Chris Gloster E: T: 01706 847709

St Paul’s Methodist Church – update 8 March 19


It can be found at:

This will be the primary point of contact for those who wish to have news of progress regarding the building and other matters.

The phone number should the lights at the junction of Buckstones Road/Milnrow fail to work correctly is:  Amberon on 0845 371 5050.


Just a quick note to thank you all for your support in making alternative arrangements for the diversion routes which we have had to put in place following the partial collapse of the chapel in Shaw.

As the vehicles are redirected through residential areas, with schools also along the routes, could you please reinforce the need to all your drivers to  reduce their speeds. We have had a number of reports from concerned residents which whilst they understand the need for the diversions are concerned at the speeds at which the vehicles are passing through which in turn necessitates the use of brakes.

Your help on this issue is again appreciated.

For more information please visit:
Highways Contact Centre 0161 770 4325
Councillor Chris Gloster E: T: 01706 847709

St Paul’s Methodist Church – update

COPY OF TEXT OF LETTER ISSUED TO PEOPLE ON DIVERSION ROUTE ON FRIDAY 1ST MARCH.  More copies will be distributed on a wider basis from Monday.

Any new information or updates I will share as soon as I can.

Following the partial collapse of the roof, the church is now set to begin dismantling the front elevation in order to make it safe and enable essential repairs.

Over the next few weeks, scaffolding will be put in place so that the necessary works can be undertaken.

So that work can take place safely, the road closure on Rochdale Road from Crompton Way to Collinge Street will remain in place.

Once work has started we will have a better understanding of how long the road closures and diversions will be in place and we will keep you updated via the council’s website and social media.

Please be assured that the closures will be reopened at the earliest opportunity.

The diversion is along Eastway, Beal Lane, Grains Road, Hillside Avenue and Buckstones Road.

Shaw Market will take place on Thursdays and all businesses are open as usual.

For more information please visit


Highways Contact Centre 0161 770 4325

Councillor Chris Gloster  T: 01706 847709

We thank you all for your patience during this period of disruption.

St Paul’s Building collapse – update supplied 25 Feb 19

Information supplied by Oldham Council in response to the questions local councillors and the public have asked.

The building is owned by the Methodist Church, who are responsible for the work and have taken the lead in repairing / making the building safe.

Officers from Building Control and Planning met with the Church and their Conservation Officer this morning (25th Feb 2019), and agreed in broad terms the extent of the emergency works.  This is currently being finalised by the engineers and architects.  Emergency works would be completed within two weeks.

The full programme of work is likely to require positive dismantling (“brick by brick”) of the front elevation in order to protect the heritage of the building and enable repairs.  The works will require an engineered scaffolding design to ensure health and safety on site, and are likely to involve use of a cherry picker and high reach appliance/crane.  Closure will need to be maintained for this work to take place.  It is likely that the left hand pavement on Chapel Street, will need to remain closed to allow the structural scaffold to be maintained.

The total duration of the works, and the period for which road closure will need to be in place are dependent on the detailed engineering decisions.  We will provide a further update on this once the plan is clarified.

Rochdale Road hasn’t been opened up on the south side for vehicles exiting Rochdale Road via, Crompton Way due to complexities in how the traffic light system operates.

In terms of the market there seems to be no traffic reason why Shaw market on Thursdays should not proceed as planned.

Any questions or issues can be directed through the District Team, who will co-ordinate the responses from different services (e-mail:

Building collapse St Paul’s Church, Rochdale Road, Shaw. Road now closed in this location and diversions are in force


At approx. 12.10 am on Thursday 21st February 2019, Building Control were notified by First Response of a partial collapse of the roof at Saint Paul’s Methodist Church on Rochdale Road Shaw. The building was formally the home of two nursery school but is currently unoccupied.

Initial response was from the local Fire Authority with Building Control attendance at site at 12.30am. Following a preliminary assessment of the building. Building Control made the immediate area safe. This required a road closure on the Chapel Street elevation and isolation with barriers, with information fed back thorough first response.

The during the early part of Thursday morning the Church was notified of the incident with Building Control requesting the attendance of their appointed Structural Engineers.

Following a more detailed inspection of the building by Building Control, and the Churches appointed Structural Engineers. The Council’s highways department were contacted to introduce local traffic management plan to allow a programme of work to be instigated to ensure the buildings safety. The current protection measures are those considered necessary by the Churches Structural Engineer to ensure public safety.

The traffic management plan is likely to be in place for the next few weeks while the works are underway. Whilst there is a restriction on local traffic in the area we are hopeful that day to day impact on local businesses and residents will be kept to a minimum.

Rochdale Road, Shaw has been closed between Crompton Way and St Mary’s Gate due to the collapse at St Paul’s Church; the closure is required for a two week period to allow the building to made safe but every effort will be made to re-open the road at the earliest opportunity.

General traffic will be diverted along Eastway, High Street and Crompton Way but the distribution centre traffic is being diverted along Beal Lane, Grains Road, Hillside Avenue and Buckstones Road; we have used this route previously when Beal Lane has been closed at the level crossing.  To ensure this route is available for use we are making arrangements for ‘no parking’ cones to be introduced along the diversion route together with temporary lights at the junction of Buckstones Road and Milnrow Road to enable the HGV’s to make the required turning manoeuvres.

I have attached a sketch of the proposed diversion routes.

See link: Rochdale Rd Closure Shaw

The blue route is for general traffic and the yellow one is the route that we have instructed the Distribution Centres HGV’s to take.

Me and my councillor colleagues Chris Gloster and Hazel Gloster have already asked the following questions:

  1. What is plan to make safe?
  2. Does this involve demolishing all or part of building?
  3. Who’s taking responsibility for the work.
  4. When is it likely to start?
  5. When is it likely to finish?
  6. Who is single point of contact to address issues/complaints to/from Councillors and public(building)?
  7. Who is single point of contact to address issues/complaints to/from Councillors and public (roads and diversions)?

As we get more information we will share with residents and businesses.  We all need to be thankful nobody was hurt in this collapse.