Conservative planning bill favours developers over local democracy

Oldham and Saddleworth Liberal Democrats are fearful that the announcement in the Queen’s Speech that the Conservative Government intends to press ahead with its proposals for new planning legislation will favour developers and mean an end to local people and councillors having a say in planning decisions.

Under Conservative plans, central government will designate whole swathes of the country for ‘growth’, meaning that developers will have ‘planning permission in principle’.  Conservative ministers claim it will eliminate ‘red tape’ but the Liberal Democrats fear that it abolishes any meaningful involvement of local councils and residents in planning matters.

Liberal Democrat Group Leader, Councillor Howard Sykes MBE, said: “The Conservatives claim that this legislation will speed up the planning process.  In reality it kills off any opportunity for local people and their elected representatives to have their say in whether a proposed development meets local needs or is compatible with the existing natural and built environment.”

“At present, planning applications are judged against local planning criteria by officers.  Local people and councillors are invited to comment on the plan and officers then make a recommendation to the Planning Committee which has the final say on the most contentious matters.  Committee meetings are open to the public who are invited to elect a spokesperson to address members.”

Councillor Sykes added: “Under this legislation once an area is designated for ‘growth’, developers coming forward with plans for new houses or offices for example will be assumed to have planning permission automatically and there will be minimal involvement from officers, and none from the public or councillors, prior to development taking place.”

“The irony is that the legislation is unnecessary as nine out of 10 housing applications are already passed by councils – the real problem is that housebuilders are not building out on the land upon which they already have planning approval.”

Prompt action on cramped one-room “home” sets standard that must be kept

Prompt enforcement action on the “box home” that had been advertised for rent in Oldham town centre sets a standard for enforcement that must be continued.

The cramped room with a chemical toilet, which was advertised as a home for rent on social media, has been inspected by the Environmental Health team at the Council, and formal notice is being served to prevent it from being rented out.

Local Liberal Democrat Councillor Sam Al-Hamdani followed up the incident with officers. “I was pleased to hear that they were already taking action. It is important that the enforcement teams do their job, and are seen to be doing it.”

The shadow cabinet member for housing had said that the “home” was one of the worst examples he had ever seen of substandard housing. It had barely enough room for a fold out bed and a chemical toilet.

He continued: “There are many good landlords about, but not enough are up to those standards, and this example shows what could have happened. I hope that the teams continue to set this kind of standard in combatting housing that is not fit for human habitation.

“Too many people in Oldham are struggling to make ends meet, and they need to know that their Council and their Councillors are fighting every day to make sure they are not taken advantage of.

A candidate for the Conservatives in the recent local elections has sunk to an all-time low

A candidate for the Conservatives in the recent local elections has sunk to an all-time low, by inferring those councillors who serve as the Mayor of Oldham are “parasites” for “just putting a faux fur coat on and parading around in chains”.

Councillor Diane Williamson, recently re-elected Liberal Democrat councillor for Crompton said, “I am absolutely appalled at these comments that Mr Lewis Quigg made on his Facebook Page, considering the Leader of the Conservative Group on Oldham Council seconded the nomination for the new Mayor of Oldham, Councillor Jenny Harrison on Wednesday 19 May 2021 and that the former Leader of the Conservative Group, Councillor John Hudson OBE, served as Mayor of Oldham for the municipal year 2013-14.” 

Councillor Williamson is well-aware of the honour that serving Oldham Borough as Mayor represents, and the invaluable work that the Mayor carries out as First Citizen and in raising much needed funds for many worthy local charities.  

“I have seen on the Mayor of Oldham’s Facebook Page comments from people/organisations/charities who have been visited by a Mayor which say that a visit from them can make a huge difference to their fundraising, profile and visitors; as well as knowing that the press will turn up and publicise their charity/organisation/business.  Mr Quigg believes this is the Mayor being ‘paraded around like a prize pig in the mayoral car’ in a ‘rotten borough’.

Councillor Williamson also takes exception to Mr Quigg’s assertion that it is “hypocrisy of the highest order when the same councillors complain about hungry children”.   

“I am proud that the Liberal Democrats have repeatedly raised the issue of child poverty in Council, I am only sad that this is continues to be an issue in our borough.  The lion’s share of blame for this shameful situation lies with the Conservative Government, and we will make no apology for continuing our fight to ensure that no child in our borough goes hungry.” 

Posted on Thursday 20 May 2021 

Search Quigg – it is his first post on there

Liberal Democrat Leader calls for urgent government action on moorland fires

The Leader of the Real Opposition and Liberal Democrat Group on Oldham Council, councillor Howard Sykes MBE, has written to the Conservative Government calling for a national ban on the sale of disposable barbecues, which are often the cause of moorland fires, and for greater court punishments for those found guilty of negligently or wilfully set fire to our moors.

Councillor Sykes has written to the Secretary of State for the Environment, George Eustice MP, calling for action.

Councillor Sykes said: “Action is long overdue.  For several years now, people in Oldham, myself included, have been shocked and saddened by the repeated fires that we have witnessed on Crompton, Marsden and Saddleworth Moors.  We love our moors, more so after a year when many of us have had to spend much of our time in lockdown and we yearn for a chance to experience again the beauty of these unique open spaces.

“It is simply unacceptable that idiots and arsonists continue to destroy these tranquil and fragile landscapes and the wildlife that inhabits them. Enough is enough – I want the government to ban the sale of disposable bbqs and increase the fines, community punishments and custodial sentences handed out to offenders. I hope that the Minister will listen and that he will take action.”

Salud! Shaw nightlife to get some Post-Covid Spanish Sparkle

Shaw Liberal Democrat Councillors are wishing tapas bar Bar Vida Viva every success as it prepares to open after Lockdown.

Councillor Howard Sykes MBE said:  “It is great that we will soon finally see the opening of a new tapas and cocktail bar in the old Barclays Bank on Market Street, Shaw.  With Gin Gin on Milnrow Road, Bar Vida Viva represents a new type of night-time offering for Shaw’s residents and visitors to our town, complementing the existing pubs on our high street.”

Vida Viva is hosting a ticket-only gala launch night on Saturday 22 May and then will be opening to the public two weeks later.

In recent years, Shaw town centre has suffered the loss of pubs and restaurants, and local councillors hope this opening represents the start of a post-Covid renaissance for Shaw, which as always, they are keen to support.

 “We would like to see more restaurants and upmarket bars, as well as traditional pubs, in our town centre to cater for all tastes and to make Shaw an attractive destination in the evening for people of all ages to have a good night out.  This has happened elsewhere, and it would be great if it happened here,” added councillor Sykes.

“When we see the reopening of Shaw’s much-loved Playhouse 2 later this year, culture vultures will have the added bonus of being able to see a live band, film, or play before, or after, enjoying tapas and a Sundowner.”