Oldham Council Liberal Democrat Opposition Leadership Team for 2016/17 announced

Team-1000x500Councillor Howard Sykes MBE, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Opposition, on Oldham Council today announced his Leadership team for 2016/17.

Councillor Sykes said: “Following on from the unopposed appointment of myself as Leader and John McCann as Deputy Leader at our first Group meeting following the election, I am proud to now announce details of my full team for 2016/17.”

“The next twelve months will be challenging for Oldham as we face continued financial cuts from central government whilst adjusting to play our part in the Combined Authority that will manage devolved powers and a devolved budget for Greater Manchester.”

“I am confident that the Liberal Democrat Opposition team can collectively offer many new positive suggestions to the Administration to support the continued delivery of our core services, to reduce waste and bureaucracy, to give a voice to those marginalised in our communities and speak up for our districts, and to ensure that Oldham Borough’s needs are recognised within a devolved Greater Manchester”.

Details of positions are below.

The Lib Dem Group:Leader – Cllr Howard Sykes; Deputy Leader – Cllr John McCann; Group Chair – Cllr Chris Gloster; Group Vice-Chair – Cllr Rod Blyth; Political Secretary – Cllr Garth Harkness; Treasurer – Cllr Derek Heffernan; Group Secretary – Cllr Diane Williamson.

Shadow Cabinet (Shadow Executive Members): 

Economy and Skills Cluster
Howard Sykes Economy and Enterprise (Opposition Leader)
Julia Turner Education and Early Years
Garth Harkness Employment and Skills
Health and Wellbeing Cluster
Rod Blyth Social Care and Safeguarding
Chris Gloster Health and Wellbeing
Neighbourhoods and Cooperatives Cluster
Diane Williamson Neighbourhoods and Cooperatives
Dave Murphy Environmental Services
Corporate Support
John McCann Finance and HR

 GM Fire and Rescue Authority: Cllr Derek Heffernan

Transport for Greater Manchester: Cllr Howard Sykes

 Audit Committee: Spokesperson – Cllr Garth Harkness

 Overview and Scrutiny Board: Spokesperson – Cllr Diane Williamson

Performance and Value for Money Committee: Spokesperson – Cllr Rod Blyth  

Planning Committee:Spokesperson – Cllr Rod Blyth

Licensing Committee:Spokesperson – Cllr Chris Gloster

Standards Committee:Spokesperson – Cllr Diane Williamson

Health and Well-being Board:Spokesperson – Cllr Rod Blyth

Petitions and Traffic Regulation orders:Spokesperson – Cllr Chris Gloster

District Executive: Shaw and Crompton – Chair Cllr Diane Williamson

Missed bins , Shaw and Crompton 13 May


I have been informed we have the following collections outstanding from the Crompton/Shaw area:

  • Comingled – 1 hour Kendall Drive area
  • Comingled – 1 hour Jordan Ave area
  • Comingled – 1 hour Salt St area
  • Food & Garden – 3 hours around High Street, Beal Lane, Milnrow Road area
  • Food & Garden – 1 hour around Netherhouse Road area

There are two crews out on Saturday from 8am so will hopefully it will be be cleared for lunch time.


round-go-sign-clipart-830x641Emergency work to re-set a number of manhole covers and frames in the vicinity of 37 Oldham Road due to customer complaints regarding noise issues.

The work will be under two way manually controlled signals and is expected to take approximately three days from Saturday 7 May to Monday 9 May.

12 May UPDATE: 

The contractor has run a blank on trying to source a lid for one of the chambers that is an odd ball size, this one in particular is probably the main reason for the noise as it was sat on a poor state concrete biscuit base that had all broken up and had no reinforcement bars in it to give it the strength required causing insufficient support to the lid itself .  We have now resorted to getting  a specialist team in to build a concrete plinth with a lid inserted in situ on site.

More details click on the link: oldham rd plan

Crompton Hall, (on Buckstones Road, Shaw) – Saturday the 14th of May 2016


Friends of Crompton Moor will be doing some work in Crompton Hall, (on Buckstones Road/Shaw), this coming Saturday the 14th of May 2016.

This work will involve doing some woodland management tasks to help improve and maintain this popular green space area.

They will be meeting near the main gates on the Buckstones Road side at 10:30am.   The finish is ‘open ended’; in other words ‘stay as long as you wish’.

Sturdy shoes or boots are advised, along with working gloves, and if anyone has a spade or secateurs please bring them along, but don’t worry if you don’t possess any of these items as we do have some you can borrow.  (not the shoes or boots!)

If you have a couple of hours, one hour, or only half an hour, please come along and join us, and should you need any further information please do not hesitate to give us a call on 07792 156295.

Secretary – Friends of Crompton Moor.  07792 156295.  www.cromptonmoor.co.uk

Oldham Cheapside Bus Station closure


Oldham’s bus passengers are advised that the temporary closure of the Cheapside bus station has been extended to allow contractors to carry out additional essential carriageway repair works.

The station will now remained closed until Monday 23 May after excavations identified the need for further works to the carriageways.

The following bus services will continue to use bus stops around the town centre on West Street, Lord Street, King Street and St. Mary’s Way:

  • 58, 59, 81, 81A, 83, 159, 180, 184, 343, 350, 402, 406, 407, 408, 409, 412 and 415.

The work is the first phase of essential maintenance work at Oldham town centre’s bus facilities.

When Oldham Cheapside Bus Station reopens, carriageway resurfacing will continue at the West Street bus stands for a further two weeks.

A full list of temporary service departure points in Oldham town centre is available at www.tfgm.com.

For information on public transport across Greater Manchester visit www.tfgm.com or call 0161 244 1000 (7am-8pm, Monday to Friday, and 8am-8pm at weekends and bank holidays).