Half term holiday activities for young people in Shaw and Crompton 2016


For young people aged 8 – 18 years.  Just turn up and take part.

Click on these links for details: 

Holiday Activities for young people in Shaw 2016

Detailed programme half term activities for young people in Shaw 2016

Need more info:

Lynda Winrow: 07930 925 233  Lynda.winrow@oldham.gov.uk

Funded by YOUR Shaw and Crompton Lib Dem Councillors

Youth Anti-Social Behaviour in Shaw

antisocial-behaviourAs many people will be aware there has been a noticeable increase in youth anti-social behaviour in both Shaw and incidents have now escalated to racial abuse and physical assaults.

In response to the incidents reported and increased community concerns, Greater Manchester Police has developed a dedicated Patrol Plan covering Shaw and Crompton over the weekend and this will be supported by Council Services including Licensing, Detached Youth Team and First Response.

Services will also be gathering evidence to help identify the offenders, some of which are local to the area.  However, it has been identified that young people are also travelling from Middleton and Rochdale.  The identities of some local young people are known and evidence is being gathered to support enforcement action against them.

Partnership activities to be undertaken in Shaw over the weekend included:

  • A dedicated police patrol plan with additional police resources.  Officers will be wearing body cameras in order to gather evidence to support any future prosecutions.
  • Police will be undertaking planned visits to the home addresses of individuals identified.
  • First Response will provide additional patrols in the Shaw/Royton areas
  • Licensing & Trading Standards Officers will support the Police with visits to licensed premises and off-licenses.
  • Detached Youth Team will be present in both Shaw and Royton and additional youth provision is being explored.

In addition to the above, a meeting will be arranged next week with Representatives of local taxi companies to discuss their concerns.

It is believed that further incidents are taking place, but that these are not being reported to the Police.  Please can I ask that if you are made aware of any community concerns or incidents which have the potential to increase community tensions, that these are forwarded to the Police and/or community relations email at the earliest opportunity. (community.relations@oldham.gov.uk).

National Voter Registration Drive (NVRD)


This annual campaign is designed to inspire our young people to make sure they are on the electoral register.

The vast majority of local people, more than 85 per cent, are already registered but that means a minority still aren’t.

It is now up to you as an individual to register your details and check they are correct. 

If you don’t think you’re registered or want to check your details are correct then get in touch now.

You can register online via www.gov.uk/register-to-vote  – it’s quick and easy and all you’ll need is your National Insurance number and date of birth to confirm your identity.

Alternatively you can contact the elections office on 0161 770 4718. They will check if you are on the register and, if not, will sign you up over the phone in a couple of minutes. Again all you will need is your NI number.

This isn’t just about voting. Everyone has to provide the information as a legal obligation and many people don’t realise that it could impact on your day-to-day life.

If people you don’t sign up it could make it harder for your address to be verified by companies when you are trying to get a mobile phone contract, for example or a loan or mortgage. That is because credit reference agencies use the register to confirm where you live.

If you know you’re not registered and want to apply, you can do so at www.gov.uk/register-to-vote

For more information about the NVRD campaign log onto http://bitetheballot.co.uk/nvrd/

Shaw and Crompton Children’s Centre – The Children’s Society


Dear Councillor,

I hope you are well and enjoying the start of 2016.  I wanted to make you aware of a forthcoming change to the services provided by The Children’s Society in your ward.

At The Children’s Society we are committed to making the greatest possible impact on the lives of the most disadvantaged children, teenagers and their families through all of our services and campaigning – in Oldham and nationally.  Following a national review of our strategy we have decided to focus our work upon supporting disadvantaged 10-18-year-olds.  We are looking to build upon our track record of working with those with the most complex needs who are all too often let down or abandoned – including the most disadvantaged older children and young people suffering from poverty and neglect.

Our contract with Oldham Council to run six children’s centres – including Shaw and Crompton Children’s Centre – ends on March 31 2016.  Following the review of our strategy we have decided not to re-tender for this contract.  It was a difficult decision to make, especially given the hard work and commitment of staff and volunteers at our Oldham children’s centres in supporting local children and families.  However, we are confident we will be handing the centres over in good shape when our contract ends.

The new provider of our children’s centres has been chosen by Oldham Council.  From April 1, 2016, Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust will run the Oldham children’s centres.  Children and families will still be able to access the Oldham Children’s Centres and we are fully committed to ensuring a smooth handover and supporting the new providers as the services transfer to them.

The Children’s Society remains committed to changing the lives of children and teenagers in Oldham, including through our advocacy work with children in care, as well as our Resolve counselling service and our family support service.  We are continuing to work closely alongside key partners including Oldham Council.


Yours sincerely, Rob Jackson, Area Director, North of England