Fraser Street / Rochdale Road Road Humps

Since this was installed I have been asking questions about the ‘table element’ at the actual junction.  I like others who have contacted me have been concerned about how ‘sharp’ the ramp element is to the ‘table part’.

I have now, at long last, got some information that will result in the ramp parts being altered.  The reply I have just received is below:

I have now in possession of the definitive survey data for the problematic ramp at the Fraser Street / Rochdale Road junction.  The results and conclusions of the exercise are listed below:

  • From a legal perspective, the as-built dimensions are still within the limits specified in the Road Hump Regulations.
  • The 1 in 11 gradient of the problematic ramp is more in keeping with the geometry you would expect on a residential access road not a main distributor
  • The problematic ramp with be extended to create a gradient of 1 in 15.  This new gradient will then conform to the GMPTE’s “bus friendly” requirements.
  • Arrangements are being made carry out the remedial works as soon as possible in the coming weeks.

Apologies for the conflicting information that has been provided up to this point; action is being taken by the Highway Construction / Site Supervision team to avoid this type of problem being repeated.

Gary Sutcliffe MCIHT, MSoRSA, Principal Engineer | Team Manager Traffic, Highways AIP and Road Safety

Crompton War Memorial and Gardens

Following very strong representations for your Liberal Democrat Councillors we have now been assured the Memorial Gardens grass will be cut as a minimum every two weeks and this should ensure that a higher standard is achieved.

We have also been informed the flagged areas are treated on a regular basis and therefore they should not pose a problem (being slippy).  We are not convinced about this and continue to pursue it.

Also as people may have noticed we have asked that the memorial wreaths from November be removed in line with the clear wishes of the many residents who have contacted us about this matter.

Planning Application 339852/17– ASDA, Shaw – Petrol Station

A number of you have been in touch regarding the above.

This is the latest situation as I understand it.

Dear Councillor Sykes,

 I can confirm that this application will not be on the July agenda.  We have secured an extension of time with the applicant to see if the highway engineers concerns can be addressed. 

 I will endeavour to inform you if and when the application will be on the planning committee agenda.

 Kind regards

 Martyn Leigh, Development Management Team Leader, Oldham Council

At the moment I cannot confirm which Planning Committee this application will be on, however, as soon as I have any further information I shall let people know.

I would urge people who have views on this application to formally do so online at the following address

Alternatively, if you wish to write a letter to put forward your views, please send your letter to the following address:

Planning Department, Civic Centre, PO Box 30, West Street, Oldham, OL1 1UQ.

You can also express your comments over the telephone (not recommended) to the Planning Department or via email at

Former Cricketers PH to provide much needed homes

This has be the site of anti-social behaviour and a blot on the landscape since it closed.

I have written to the previous owners and also the current ones urging them to develop the site for much needed local housing.

I am now very pleased to report it is being demolished which should take about three weeks.

Clements Court Properties are the owners and have moved very quickly with the site and met me at it only the other day.

They are keen to work with local councillors and the community and it is a refreshing change compared to the usual, which is the first you get to know is when they submit a planning application.

They are building 8 much needed 3 bedroom houses and two apartments on the site which are 2 bedroom.